Toxic effects of alcohol (adults and children). Poisoning with alcohol surrogates Toxic effects of alcohol ICD 10 code

In addition, all drinks, including those made at home, may contain other alcohols: methanol, isobutanol, isobutylcarbinol, etc. All of them are the main components of fusel oil. Excessive concentrations of this byproduct of alcoholic fermentation can cause severe poisoning.


At a blood alcohol concentration of 0.4%, coma occurs. Concentrations greater than 0.6% may cause cardiac arrest.

Ethanol poisoning is characterized by respiratory failure due to aspiration of mucus and retraction of the tongue. The development of acute renal failure is also possible.

If, after taking ethyl alcohol, there is no loss of consciousness, then doctors regard this as alcohol intoxication, which does not require emergency assistance. A person comes out of this state on his own. Commonly available headache medications are used to relieve mild hangover symptoms.


Methyl or wood alcohol is inferior to ethanol in its narcotic effect. In terms of toxicity, it is significantly superior to ethyl alcohol, since it decomposes into formaldehyde and formic acid. The central nervous system is severely affected by these toxic substances. Blood pressure increases when taking methanol, and then drops sharply.

Intoxication is fully manifested when taking no more than 300 ml of methyl alcohol. A person's reflexes decrease, breathing becomes impaired, vomiting occurs, and involuntary urination occurs. Vision problems begin, which can lead to blindness.

Death from methanol poisoning occurs from respiratory failure.


Isopropyl (propyl) alcohol can enter the body through inhalation, oral administration, and through the skin.

The release of propanol and acetone (a metabolite of propyl alcohol) with exhaled air begins 15 minutes after administration. The process of releasing the body from these substances also occurs in the urine. The release of acetone may continue for several days.

Propyl alcohol provokes headache, dizziness, photophobia, and palpitations. Possible deterioration of vision and hearing. In case of severe poisoning, coma occurs, and subsequently death caused by respiratory arrest.

Fusel oils

Fusel oil is a mixture of higher monohydric aliphatic alcohols, ethers and other compounds. It is present in almost all alcoholic beverages, but only certain monohydric alcohols have toxicological significance: isoamyl, isopropyl and isobutyl.

The danger of surrogates

Alcohol substitutes based on components from the group of monohydric and polyhydric alcohols and organic solvents have a narcotic effect on the central nervous system. They are similar in action to ethanol, but more toxic.

Surrogates are used in everyday life and in production for technical purposes. They are not originally intended for oral administration.

Moonshine, a product of artisanal distillation of mash, is also considered a surrogate.

With a high concentration of monohydric alcohols, it is characterized by rapid impairment of consciousness, deep damage to the central nervous system and severe post-intoxication syndrome.

Frequent use of surrogates provokes the development of psychoorganic syndrome. It is characterized by memory deterioration and a drop in the level of thinking.

INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL ON THE BODY | Why 90% of People Are Already Alcoholics

Alcohol independence. Special report by Catherine Sanders - Russia 24

Alcohol surrogate against excise tax: who will win?

Which drinks are more harmful?

In order to determine which type of alcohol will cause the most harm, you need to know the dose of ethanol you plan to take, the degree of purification of the drink, as well as possible additives that add color or aroma.

To obtain a sufficiently high degree of intoxication, it is recommended to opt for concentrated drinks: vodka or cognac. If you want to drink a little, then it is better to give preference to low-proof alcohol - beer or wine.

If you want to drink a little, then it is better to give preference to low-proof alcohol - beer or wine.

It is undesirable to consume liqueurs, since the cheapest alcohol is often used in their production.

For whom is it more dangerous?

Despite the fact that beer is a low-alcohol drink, doctors do not recommend drinking it every day. It can harm both men and women with a large amount of phytoestrogens - female hormones of plant origin.

Alcoholic cocktails are also dangerous, especially for women and teenagers. In addition to alcohol, these drinks contain fruit juices, dyes, sugar, essential oils and spices. This combination of components causes damage to the liver and pancreas.

It is unacceptable to drink alcohol during pregnancy and breastfeeding. With perinatal alcohol intake, a phenomenon such as dysmorphia - fetal alcohol syndrome - may occur. These are congenital anomalies and chromosomal disorders.

If the pregnancy is at the planning stage, then the man should also give up alcohol 4 months before conception. Otherwise, intrauterine malformations may occur.

When a nursing woman drinks alcohol, the child may experience heart rhythm disturbances, severe intestinal colic, and delayed mental and physical development.

Women who drink often experience gynecological diseases, including menstrual irregularities.

Against the background of alcohol abuse, both women and men develop chronic skin diseases: eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis. Weakening of the immune system caused by alcohol leads to rosacea and herpes.

Alcoholic cocktails are also dangerous, especially for women and teenagers. In addition to alcohol, these drinks contain fruit juices, dyes, sugar, essential oils and spices.

Acute alcohol poisoning(ethanol) is usually associated with the consumption of ethyl alcohol or drinks containing more than 12% ethyl alcohol. The lethal concentration of ethanol in the blood is 5-8 g/l, the lethal single dose is 4-12 g/kg (300-500 ml of 96% ethanol); however, this rate varies between patients and often depends on acquired tolerance to alcohol. Acute alcohol poisoning is most widespread in countries of northern and middle latitudes.

Code according to the international classification of diseases ICD-10:

  • T51.0

Frequency. 25% of all acute poisonings. More than 60% of all fatal poisonings are caused by alcohol. The predominant gender is male.
Risk factors. Alcoholism (about 90% of those hospitalized with acute alcohol poisoning are alcoholic). Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach (food masses in the stomach slow down the absorption of alcohol). Alcoholic drinks with a strength of up to 30% are absorbed faster.


Pathogenesis. Ethanol easily penetrates tissue membranes and is quickly absorbed in the stomach (20%) and small intestine (80%); on average, after 1.5 hours its concentration in the blood reaches its maximum level. Ethanol has a psychotropic (narcotic) effect, accompanied by suppression of excitation processes in the central nervous system, which is caused by changes in the metabolism of neurons, dysfunction of neurotransmitter systems, and a decrease in oxygen utilization. Development of metabolic acidosis (accumulation of acidic products of its biotransformation).

Symptoms (signs)

Clinical picture
. General signs.. Emotional lability.. Impaired coordination of movements.. Redness of the face.. Nausea and vomiting.. Respiratory depression.. Impaired consciousness.
. Alcoholic coma develops when the concentration of ethanol in the blood is 0.3-0.7 mg%. The symptoms of alcoholic coma (especially deep) are nonspecific and are a variant of drug coma.. Superficial coma: lack of speech contact, loss of consciousness, decreased corneal and pupillary reflexes, sharp suppression of pain sensitivity. Neurological symptoms - decreased or increased muscle tone and tendon reflexes (trismus of the masticatory muscles, meningeal symptoms, myofibrillations usually occur in the chest and neck); pathological eye symptoms (floating movements of the eyeballs, anisocoria) are inconsistent, the pupils are usually constricted (miosis), and dilate as breathing disorders increase. Usually there are 2 periods of superficial alcoholic coma... 1st period: an injection or pressure in the pain points of the trigeminal nerve, inhalation of ammonia vapors are accompanied by dilation of the pupils, a facial reaction, protective movements of the hands... 2nd period: in response to such irritations only a weak hypertonicity of the arms and legs, myofibrillation; the pupillary reaction is inconsistent.. Deep coma: complete loss of pain sensitivity, absence or sharp decrease in corneal, pupillary, tendon reflexes, muscle atony, decrease in body temperature.
. External respiration disorders are the main cause of death in the prehospital stage in the absence of medical care. Obstructive and aspiration disorders (retraction of the tongue, hypersalivation and bronchorrhea, aspiration of vomit), stridor, tachypnea, acrocyanosis, swelling of the neck veins, possible coarse rales in the lungs, dilation pupils.. Central respiratory failure occurs only in deep alcoholic coma.
. Disturbances in the functions of the cardiovascular system.. Tachycardia is the most constant clinical symptom.. During deep coma, blood pressure decreases sharply.. Hypercoagulation with acidosis and general hypothermia lead to microcirculation disorders.


Research methods. EEG. ECG (decreased S-T segment, negative T wave, extrasystole; with alcoholic cardiomyopathy, persistent rhythm and conduction disturbances are possible). Microdiffusion test and gas-liquid chromatography are tests for the presence of ethanol in the blood.
Differential diagnosis. TBI. Acute cerebrovascular accident. Poisoning with false alcohol substitutes (chlorinated hydrocarbons, methanol, ethylene glycol). Poisoning with sleeping pills, drugs and tranquilizers. Hypoglycemic coma.


Lead tactics(see also Poisoning, general provisions). Hospitalization for severe alcohol intoxication (coma, respiratory and circulatory disorders) to a poison control center. Ensuring adequate ventilation of the lungs.. Toilet of the oral cavity, fixation of the tongue with a tongue holder.. In case of superficial coma, an air duct is inserted; in case of deep coma, intubation is indicated, followed by suction of mucus and vomit from the upper respiratory tract.. In case of respiratory failure of the central type - mechanical ventilation after tracheal intubation . Gastric lavage through a tube is carried out after ensuring adequate ventilation of the lungs. Intensive supportive care; measures aimed at preventing hypoglycemia and ketoacidosis. Forced diuresis. Hemodialysis (according to indications). In case of severe obstruction-aspiration syndrome - emergency bronchoscopy; to resolve atelectasis - postural drainage. Treatment of complications. The absence of positive dynamics in the patient’s condition within 3 hours during therapy indicates unrecognized complications (TBI, pulmonary atelectasis, etc.) or an erroneous diagnosis.

Drug therapy. Atropine 1-2 ml 0.1% solution s.c. to reduce hypersalivation and bronchorrhea. Antishock therapy (for severe hemodynamic disorders) .. Plasma substitutes (polyglucin, hemodez, reopoliglucin) IV drip.. 5% glucose solution, 0.9% sodium chloride solution IV drip.. Analeptics (introduction of bemegride or large doses of analeptics are contraindicated due to the risk of developing convulsive syndrome and obstructive forms of breathing disorders).. Prednisolone 60-100 mg IV drip for persistent arterial hypotension. To correct metabolic acidosis - 600-1000 ml of 4% sodium bicarbonate solution intravenously. To accelerate the oxidation of alcohol and normalize metabolic processes - glucose (40-60 ml of 40% solution with insulin) IV; thiamine, pyridoxine, nicotinic and ascorbic acids. If complications develop, antibiotics are prescribed.

Complications. Periods of psychomotor agitation with short episodes of auditory and visual hallucinations (when recovering from an alcoholic coma). Convulsive syndrome (more often in persons suffering from alcoholic encephalopathy). Alcohol delirium. Alcoholic amaurosis. Inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system (tracheobronchitis and pneumonia). Aspiration of stomach contents often leads to the development of pulmonary atelectasis or Mendelssohn's syndrome. Myorenal syndrome (rare).
Course and prognosis depend on the timeliness of care provided (98-99% of deaths occur in the prehospital stage).
Prevention - promotion of a healthy lifestyle, treatment of alcoholism.
Synonym. Alcohol intoxication

ICD-10. T51.0 Toxic effects of ethanol

Application. Myorenal syndrome - general microcirculation disorders in alcoholic coma are aggravated by local disorders: compression of the great vessels in the uncomfortable position of the patient’s body in a coma (limbs tucked under themselves), positional pressure from the weight of one’s own body on individual muscle groups. This leads to ischemic coagulative tissue necrosis. Clinically: when consciousness returns, patients complain of pain, limitation of movements, increasing swelling of the affected limbs (the swelling is dense, usually circular, sometimes spreading to the buttock or chest); usually one side of the body is affected; neuritis with a decrease in all types of sensitivity; urine is dirty brown and contains a large amount of myoglobin (1-2 days); toxic nephropathy; with delayed or inadequate treatment - development of acute renal failure.

Today, among all cases of intoxication with subsequent severe or even fatal outcome, poisoning with alcohol surrogates accounts for 50%. At the same time, an unenviable fate befalls not only avid alcoholics, but also quite decent people who drink in moderation. The reason for such cases is the unscrupulous production of alcoholic beverages with a gross violation of their production technology or deviations from the recipe.

Important: acute poisoning with alcohol and its substitutes in 98% of cases leads to the death of the patient even before hospitalization. In other cases, the rescued person remains disabled.

Surrogate alcohol: definition

In response to the question “what is surrogate alcohol,” it is worth conveying to the reader the information that surrogate alcoholic beverages are considered to be those that were produced in an artisanal way in violation of the recipe or those that have expired their shelf life/sales. Such alcohol is so toxic to the human body that in ICD 10 (the international classification of diseases) such conditions have their own code. In particular, it is poisoning of this type that is indicated by coding in the range T51.1-T52.9. Moreover, according to ICD-10, each component, which is the main active ingredient in a surrogate drink, is classified with certain codes.

All low-quality (surrogate) alcoholic drinks can be divided into two main groups:

  • Alcohol containing ethyl alcohol and its derivatives. These include drinks based on butyl alcohol (lethality within an hour when taking 30 ml), sulfite and hydrolytic alcohol, technical alcohol or denatured alcohol. Also included in this category are all lotions/colognes/varnishes and stains. In the latter case (when using stain), the patient’s skin and mucous membranes become blue.
  • False surrogate. This is the most dangerous category of low-quality alcoholic beverages for human life. To reduce the cost of alcohol production, methyl alcohol or ethylene glycol is used here instead of ethanol. Both lead to paralysis or death of a person.

Clinical picture of poisoning with alcohol surrogates

It is worth understanding that in case of poisoning with alcohol surrogates, the symptoms may have a different picture depending on the original alcohol included in the drink. Therefore, let's look at everything in detail.

Symptoms of poisoning from ethylene glycol drinks

The consumption of such alcohol affects the human kidneys and liver. If medical care is not provided in a timely manner, failure of these organs occurs. In particularly serious cases, the patient’s central nervous system suffers. But it is worth knowing that ethylene glycol poisoning can divide symptoms into periods:

  • Early period. It is characterized by standard signs of human intoxication, but at the same time lasts 12 hours while maintaining the image of an intoxicated person. The patient's state of health remains normal.
  • Damage to the central nervous system. After a marked period of 12 hours, the poisoned person shows signs of damage to the central nervous system. Blueness of the skin and mucous membranes is noted. Nausea and gag reflexes occur. Diarrhea is present. Against this background, the patient experiences an increase in body temperature and a significant dilation of the pupils. Problems with the respiratory center begin (shortness of breath, cardiac dysfunction). In the worst case, the patient loses consciousness followed by convulsions.
  • Damage to the liver and kidneys. This period takes 2-5 weeks from taking the first dose of the surrogate drink. All the symptoms of renal and liver failure become evident. There is a lack or decrease in diuresis, yellowing of the skin, and severe itching.

Symptoms of methyl alcohol poisoning

These methanol-containing drinks affect the body, affecting the kidneys and central nervous system. In particular, the psyche and vision suffer. The lethal dose of methanol for a healthy person is only 50-70 ml. It is worth knowing that alcohol substitutes with methyl alcohol are very quickly absorbed into the blood from the stomach and small intestine.

Signs of methanol poisoning are:

  • Dyspeptic disorders (nausea, gag reflex, diarrhea);
  • Visual disturbances (black flickering goosebumps before the eyes, periodic blindness or double vision);
  • Lack of response to light stimuli and dilated pupils;
  • Cramping abdominal pain, body and muscle aches that appear 1-2 days after taking a dose of methanol;
  • Temperature rises to 38 degrees;
  • Drop in blood pressure;
  • Dryness and itching of the skin;
  • Malfunction of the heart muscle;
  • Periodic attacks of excitement, followed by attacks of apathy.

If the patient is not helped in time, then as symptoms increase, the patient may fall into a coma with subsequent paralysis of the arms and legs.

Important: in case of poisoning with ethylene glycol or methyl alcohol, the prognosis for a person is less favorable than in case of poisoning with surrogates from the first group above.

Clinical picture of poisoning with surrogates from the first group (ethyl alcohol)

In this case, the primary signs of alcohol poisoning will be the standard symptoms of intoxication. Then, in the future, the patient will develop the following symptoms:

  • Strong excitement, both motor and emotional;
  • Hyperemia of the facial skin;
  • Increased sweating and salivation;
  • Falling into euphoria.

Later, a number of such signs develop:

  • Increased urination;
  • Pallor of the skin;
  • Dry mouth;
  • Pupil dilation;
  • Decreased coordination of movements;
  • Incoherent consciousness.

First aid for poisoning with surrogates

It is worth knowing that if you suspect poisoning with surrogates or obvious poisoning with surrogate alcohol, you should immediately call an ambulance. Even if outwardly the person is in a more or less normal state and conscious. The toxic effects of surrogates are fleeting and the picture can change literally within a few tens of minutes (depending on the dose taken). While the person is conscious, a number of measures should be taken to prevent severe alcohol poisoning. Namely, first aid looks like this:

  • Clear the stomach of toxins by inducing vomiting. Drink water or manganese pink solution and vomit until the vomit takes the form of clean water.
  • Provoke loosening of stool. To do this, drink a saline solution. For 1 liter of water, a teaspoon of salt.

If the patient has lost consciousness, then the following must be done before the doctors arrive:

  • Free the chest and throat from constricting clothing.
  • Provide a flow of fresh air into the room.
  • Place the patient on his side to avoid choking on vomit.
  • Clean the mouth from vomit, if any.
  • Perform artificial respiration when it stops.
  • Try to revive the patient using ammonia or rubbing the ears.

Important: if the patient is conscious and there is a suspicion of methanol poisoning, then it is worth knowing that ethanol in this case is an excellent antidote. That is, someone who has been poisoned with methyl alcohol should be given a glass of good vodka. It neutralizes methyl toxins. The same should be done for yourself if you are poisoned.

Treatment of poisoning in a hospital and the consequences of poisoning

The effectiveness of treatment and the overall prognosis for the victim will depend entirely on the dose of surrogate taken and on the timeliness of medical care. In addition, an important factor is the initial physical condition of the patient. Thus, chronic alcoholics are more difficult to tolerate the toxic effects of surrogates. However, the consequences for both can be the same - from loss of vision and paralysis to death due to kidney or liver failure.

In general, in a hospital a number of specific measures are applied to the victim. Emergency care for poisoning looks like this:

  • Tube gastric lavage. Indicated if the victim is conscious.
  • Taking sorbents to bind and remove toxins.
  • Administration of intravenous antidotes. In most cases, ethanol is used. In the case of ethylene glycol poisoning, calcium gluconate is used as an antidote.
  • Increasing diuresis for rapid elimination of toxins through the kidneys (indicated only if the kidneys are functioning normally).
  • Introduction of vitamins B and C into the body. Having been poisoned, a person loses all electrolytes, minerals and vitamins, which requires restoring their balance.

Important: in case of methyl alcohol poisoning, the patient undergoes spinal cord puncture, which is a method of reducing cranial pressure.

Advice: in order to preserve life and health, stop drinking surrogate alcoholic beverages. Remember, health is not worth drinking a glass of alcohol, and poisoning with surrogates entails disaster.

Alcohol substitutes

Poisoning with alcohol surrogates should not be considered the prerogative of bitter drunkards. The quality of alcohol produced by modern industry leaves much to be desired, and this often applies to not-so-cheap fruit and berry wines. But our goal is not to expose unscrupulous manufacturers, but to tell how poisoning with alcohol surrogates occurs, and how to properly provide assistance to the victim of it. This problem is serious and not uncommon; even in ICD -10 a special section is allocated for it, the code of which is T51. The presence in ICD-10 of a section on the toxic effects of alcohol and its surrogates once again confirms the widespread nature and seriousness of the pathology. Treatment of the disease is not always successful, so prevention of such pathologies should begin long before a person first becomes acquainted with any alcoholic beverages.
First, let's deal directly with surrogates of alcoholic beverages and find out what they are.

Definition and classification

Surrogate alcoholic products are considered to be those drinks that are not originally intended for drinking. Conventionally, they can be divided into 2 groups.

First group

Second group

Pharmacy alcohol tinctures

Ethanol-free liquids. Often they also contain alcohol, only methyl alcohol, which is very dangerous for humans. This includes dichlorvos, gasoline, technical alcohols. By the way, a pure home-made product, namely moonshine, also contains methyl alcohol. Even with high-quality, according to the manufacturer, cleaning.
The list of the most common surrogates that cause poisoning includes 10 representatives:

  • medicinal tinctures;
  • hydrolysis alcohol;
  • sulphite alcohol;
  • denatured alcohol;
  • lotions;
  • colognes;
  • varnish;
  • nigrosin;
  • methyl alcohol;
  • ethylene glycol.

Poisoning with any of the 10 listed substances causes severe poisoning, often resulting in death. It cannot be said that all 10 representatives provoke poisoning with the same clinical manifestations. The main symptoms may be similar, but some of the 10 substances on the list cause poisoning with characteristic symptoms.

Medicinal tinctures

The symptoms of this poisoning are similar to those of regular alcohol poisoning. The patient is excited, he experiences an emotional upsurge, and relaxes. The skin turns red and coordination is impaired. There is increased sweating and talkativeness, hypersalivation. A little later, symptoms of typical intoxication develop - with a lack of a critical attitude towards one’s behavior, slurred speech, pallor and dilated pupils.
Symptoms of poisoning with tinctures containing more severe cardiac glycosides will be manifested by arrhythmias (mainly bradycardia), changes in blood composition. Treatment for these complications can last a lifetime.

Hydrolysis and sulfite alcohols

Denatured alcohols

Such alcohols are obtained from wood. They are much more toxic than alcohol. Symptoms of poisoning will be similar to alcohol intoxication, but can develop 10 times faster.

Denatured alcohol

A very toxic product containing ethanol and methyl alcohol. Symptoms resemble severe alcohol intoxication at the beginning, but may end in an agonal state or mental agitation close to delirium tremens. If the signs of methylated spirits poisoning are not recognized quickly and emergency assistance is not provided in a timely manner, the person may die.

Colognes, lotions

Symptoms of poisoning from perfume products are the same as signs of intoxication with denatured alcohol.

Polish, nigrosin

As the notorious Veniamin Erofeev wrote, in Russia even a child knows how to clean polish. However, this sad joke does not cover what problems threaten a person who drinks technical liquid as an alcoholic beverage. Even successful treatment of a pathology that saves the patient’s life can result in profound disability.

Severe central nervous system depression, methemoglobinemia, and convulsions are typical symptoms after taking the polish orally. If aniline dyes are present in the liquid, then the signs of poisoning are complemented by the coloring of the skin an intense blue color that does not go away for several months.

Methyl alcohol

Methyl alcohol interferes with horseradish

Emergency care for this pathology is of particular importance. In its absence, the patient’s mild intoxication is replaced by severe damage to the visual apparatus, even to the point of blindness. Along the way, vomiting, muscle pain, and cramps develop. If it is not possible to differentiate the cause, incorrectly provided care can result in a coma of the patient, and later in death.

Ethylene glycol

Signs of poisoning with this liquid are very toxic. Ethylene glycol has a destructive effect on hepatocytes, leading to liver and kidney failure. If emergency care is not timely, cerebral edema and acidosis develop, which cause the death of the patient.
Treatment of acute liver or kidney failure is rarely successful. If pathologies develop, the patient dies.

How to help

Help with poisoning by surrogates

Emergency care for poisoning with surrogates should be carried out by doctors. Therefore, always call an ambulance before helping a sick person at home. If the patient has lost consciousness, help consists of urgently transporting the person to the hospital. If there is no breathing or cardiac activity, cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques are performed.

If the person is conscious, provide the following assistance:

  1. Make the person drink activated carbon or another sorbent.
  2. Give a saline laxative at the same time.
  3. Prepare an enveloping drink - rice water or jelly, and give it to the patient.

Care and treatment of a patient in a hospital setting will begin with gastric lavage. This manipulation will be performed using a probe, followed by detoxification therapy, forced diuresis, and hemodialysis.

The antidote to alcohol surrogates is ethanol. Therefore, until treatment has begun, and you know for sure that the person has been poisoned by a surrogate, give him a little pure alcohol to drink. Perhaps the toxic effect of the surrogate with an admixture of methyl alcohol is leveled out.

Such manipulation will not replace treatment, however, it can facilitate the further development of the poisoning clinic.

Alcohol and surrogate poisoning are a real problem in modern society. Prevention of drunkenness should be carried out constantly, and not only in the company of adults. Healthy habits are formed through upbringing, so they need to be instilled from early childhood. Then there will be no need to treat surrogate poisonings.

Your mark:

Alcohol intoxication is poisoning of the body by ethanol breakdown products. First of all, the central nervous system suffers from this. The patient experiences mental disorders, slowed reflexes, and deterioration in the functions of the musculoskeletal system.

The degree of damage to the body by alcohol depends on the individual physiological and psychological characteristics of a person, the dose of alcohol consumed and the metabolic rate. The diagnosis of alcohol intoxication according to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) has its own internal coding, which reflects the stage of poisoning and depends on the concentration of alcohol in the blood.

  • Code Y91.0 - mild stage (0.5-1.5‰). Main signs: impaired attention, mild headache, nausea, increased heart rate, facial flushing, poor coordination and excessive salivation.
  • Code Y91.1 - middle stage (1.5-2.5‰). Thinking slows down, it is difficult for the patient to move and speak clearly, hand tremors, vomiting are observed, aggressiveness, anxiety and feelings of guilt increase.
  • Code Y91.2 - severe stage (2.5-4‰). The central nervous system is almost completely affected, as a result the person feels absolutely no pain, loses consciousness and may even die from hypoxia. If the patient has chronic alcohol intoxication, then at this stage he speaks quite coherently and can move without assistance. Alcohol breaks down in his blood 2 times faster than in an ordinary person.

If there are disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system due to insomnia, overwork, or psychogenic behavior, pathological intoxication may suddenly occur, which quickly passes and ends in deep sleep. It is expressed in inappropriate behavior with normal coordination of movements, and manifests itself in an epileptoid and paranoid form.

In the first case, the drinker is poorly oriented in time and space, attacks those around him, and after an attack of transistor psychosis he absolutely does not remember what stupid things he did.

A paranoid attack is characterized by frightening visual or auditory hallucinations, of which the most vivid fragments remain in the drinker’s memory.

First aid for alcohol poisoning

Loss of consciousness as a result of alcohol abuse is one of the main symptoms of severe alcohol intoxication. Ignoring a person who has not calculated his strength with the hope that he will sleep through until the morning can have catastrophic consequences, even death. Therefore, you need to urgently call a doctor, and before his arrival, try to provide first aid aimed at relieving alcohol intoxication:

  1. Place the patient on his side. The gag reflex is one of the body’s natural ways of self-cleansing. If the patient sits or lies on his back, the fluid may enter the lungs and he will suffocate.
  2. Induce vomiting. If a person is conscious, but there is no vomiting, then it is stimulated by pressing on the base of the tongue with a spoon or finger.
  3. Provide oxygen access. In case of alcohol intoxication at home, after the urge to vomit has passed, the patient can be taken outside or a window can be opened to improve access to fresh air.
  4. Don't take medications. Before the doctors arrive, do not take tablets to treat food poisoning.
  5. Drink plenty of fluids. Poisoning dehydrates the body, so after alcohol you need to drink as much water or strong tea as possible.

After emergency care, the patient’s condition may improve significantly, but qualified medical care is still necessary to completely remove alcohol from the body.

Benefits of Infusion Therapy

Chronic alcohol intoxication and toxic damage received by the patient once are very different. Therefore, medications used to eliminate alcohol intoxication are classified depending on their spectrum of action and method of administration.

A drip for alcohol intoxication (sometimes the medical term “infusion therapy” is used) is the most effective method of treatment. Its main advantages over tablets and powders:

  • The medicine in the dropper is injected directly into the blood, and when taking tablets, only a small part of the active components enters the blood, the rest settles in the tissues.
  • Being unconscious, a person is basically unable to swallow a pill.
  • Severe vomiting and nausea prevent the tablet from even reaching the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The liquid structure allows you to combine various medications, adjusting their ratio and quantity.
  • You can add medications to the dropper that restore acid-base and salt balances, improve metabolism in the body, contain vitamins, and hepatoprotectors.

Features of the action of medications

Only a medical professional can correctly select the composition for an IV drip for alcohol intoxication, so you should not mix the various ingredients yourself. Unqualified assistance can only worsen the patient's condition.

Drugs to relieve alcohol intoxication are selected depending on the stage of intoxication, physiological and psychological characteristics of the patient. They affect the body differently, so depending on the spectrum of action, droppers are placed for different purposes.

Blood thinning

As a result of alcohol poisoning, hypovolemia progresses in the body, in other words, the blood becomes dehydrated and thickens, and liquid is needed to break down alcohol. Therefore, the first and main composition for droppers is alternating saline solution (NaCl) and glucose solution (5-10%). They reduce the amount of alcohol in the blood and restore fluid levels in the circulatory system. Regidron powder for alcohol intoxication is used to eliminate a hangover in the mild and medium stages of poisoning. The sachet contains dextrose, sodium and potassium chloride, easily dissolves in water and quickly restores water balance.

Restoring salt balance

The lack of mineral salts, which occurs as a result of alcohol intoxication, negatively affects the functioning of the heart and circulatory system. To balance minerals, instillation of the preparations Disol and Acesol with a polyionic solution of crystalloids is used. Afterwards, you can drip the patient with a 10% glucose solution with magnesium chloride or Panagin.

Normalization of acid-base levels

Under the influence of alcohol, the work of enzymes slows down and metabolic acidosis occurs. It is characterized by muscle weakness, shortness of breath and loss of consciousness as a result of excess glycerol, lactic and pyruvic acid in the body. Soda is dripped during alcohol intoxication to normalize Ph levels.


Popular detoxifying drugs Reamberin and Mefusol contain tricarboxylic acids. Furmaric and succinic acids improve the body's utilization of oxygen and eliminate the symptoms of acidosis.

Reamberin stimulates metabolic processes and promotes the breakdown of alcohol. The optimal infusion rate with Reamberin is 60-90 drops per minute, but not more than 800 ml per day. When treating seriously ill patients, Reamberin is combined with blood substitutes. Unithiol and sodium thiosulfate can also be used as a solution. Drugs to remove toxins, such as Reamberin, are contraindicated for traumatic brain injuries and disorders of the brain.

Of the powder preparations, the most convenient is the intoxication sorbent - Polysorb. It dissolves quickly in water and has clear instructions indicating the amount of medication, which varies depending on the patient's weight. Polysorb is also used before a feast to prevent alcohol poisoning.

Adding vitamins

To stabilize the body’s functioning, solutions are enriched with vitamins B1, B6, E and C. They help convert pyruvic acid into lactic acid, relieve hangover symptoms, and treatment is much faster.

Liver protection

The main burden in any poisoning falls on the liver. To prevent damage to enzymes in solutions, Essentiale is used. It contains phospholipids that neutralize toxic substances.

Resumption of breathing

Severe alcohol intoxication makes breathing difficult until it stops completely, due to a disruption in the functioning of brain receptors. To prevent this situation, Verapamil, Corinfar and other calcium antagonists are administered.

Normalization of glucose levels

Hypoglycemia inhibits the functioning of brain cells. Therefore, treatment involves the presence of a small amount of insulin in the solution to utilize glucose.

Ancient folk recipes for hangovers

Alcohol poisoning is a fairly common and ancient disease. Therefore, there are many folk recipes, potions and even conspiracies that will help relieve alcohol intoxication. However, not all of them are quite effective, and sometimes even dangerous.

Let's look at a few of the most popular recipes:

  • Water with honey. A drink made from 150 g of honey and an arbitrary amount of boiled water contains fructose, which reduces the symptoms of hangover and poisoning during alcohol intoxication and promotes the elimination of toxins.
  • Herbal teas. Linden flowers, parsley root, mint leaves and thyme, and saffron powder are suitable for brewing.
  • Egg white. To relieve alcohol intoxication at home, beat 2 fresh egg whites and drink in one gulp.
  • Ammonia. Dissolve 8-10 drops in half a glass of water and drink a sip every 15 minutes.
  • Citrus. Fresh orange or lemon juice saturates the body with vitamin C and stabilizes blood sugar levels.
  • Brine. The old recipe has not lost its relevance. Brine, especially from sauerkraut, is rich in vitamins and salts, is easily absorbed into the blood and helps cure a hangover.

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