Terra socionics description of types. Socionic types: types, features, methods of determination

Characteristic features of the appearance and behavior of representatives 16 socionic psychotypes, isolated on the basis of observations of people with precisely defined types.

These descriptions were compiled on the basis of observations of thousands of people, their main task is to show general trends in appearance and actions characteristic of one or another.

A more complete description of the external signs of socionic types and illustrations for them can be found in the corresponding section of our forum.

Intuitions - logics

Don Quixote, ILE

1. Look "to the point"
2. The most insightful type
3. Elongated nose (Pinocchio effect)
4. Unstable, weak, uncertain emotions
5. Active melancholic
6. Slouching posture
7. High rise
8. Does not wear a mustache and beard
9. Conservative clothing style
10. Movement jerky, angular, unsteady gait
11. Likes to twirl something in his hands
12. Likes to look at people, not paying attention to their reaction.

« Typical Don "- our group" VKontakte »

1. Protruding nose
2. "Ascetic" face
3. Asthenic constitution
4. Pronounced cheekbones
5. "Look into the distance"
6. Does not control sudden changes in emotions
7. "Weak", pitiful involuntary face
8. "Polite cracker" - restrained and emphatically polite
9. The most "correct" type
10. Expressed melancholic
11. Quiet voice
12. Restrained uncertain movements and gestures
13. Posture straight, often stoop
14. Protrusion of the abdomen
15. Does not wear a mustache and beard
16. Clothing style is discreet
17. Thin-rimmed glasses

« Typical Robespierre" - our group "VKontakte »

« Typical Robe "- our group" VKontakte »

1. "American" smile, demonstrative cheerfulness
2. "Flowing" emotions, movements and gaze
3. Playfulness and impulsiveness
4. The most playful and sporty type
5. The space around the mouth stands out
6. massive wide chin
7. Protruding nose
8. "Hussar" mustache "brush"
9. Large lips and teeth
10. Active melancholic with a bias in the sanguine
11. Demonstrative muscularity
12. Women seem masculine
13. Demonstrative irony and sexuality
14. "Bounces" when walking
15. Craving for sportswear
16. Disharmonious combinations in clothes and jewelry

« Typical Jack "- our group" VKontakte »

1. Irony, pessimism and grouchiness
2. Demonstrative softness, compliance, delicacy in communication
3. "Sweet" definitions
4. Blurred look
5. Smooth profile
6. Stooping, manner of pulling the head into the shoulders
7. Almost all men have a beard
8. Protruding bridge between the nostrils (for intuitive)
9. Smile "one lower lip", only the corners of the mouth move
10. Slowness in movements and gestures
11. Emphasized unemotionality or mask of cheerfulness
12. "Squeezing out" emotions from oneself - deliberate, made emotions
13. Sluggish manner of speaking - "robot voice"
14. Expressed melancholic
15. There are no muscular
16. Unremarkable style of clothing for men
17. Thick horn-rimmed glasses for men
18. Flaunts his mind and encyclopedic knowledge (men)
19. "Glamour" - an artificially created surface gloss in women's clothes and appearance
20. Women's ostentatious exaggerated sexualization of their appearance: choosing clothes that reveal the body, are tight-fitting, or emphasize the physique and certain parts of the body
21. Deliberate accuracy and beauty when pronouncing words in women
22. "Sour" smile
23. "Speaking with one mouth", without turning on the voice at full power
24. Provocative manner of communication and “demonstration of oneself” (women)

« Typical Balzac "- our group" VKontakte »

« Typical Balka "- our group" VKontakte »

Sensors - logics

1. Slanted, swollen upper eyelids
2. Protruding cheekbones
3. "Prickly" incredulous look
4. Frozen "sleeping" facial expression
5. Weak control of emotions
6. Inexpressive facial expressions
7. Restrained manner of communication
8. Women seem masculine
9. "Crying rage" - anger with hysterics
10. Quiet but harsh voice
11. Speaks words clearly
12. Clear, jerky gestures
13. Expressed phlegmatic
14. Straight posture
15. Lush, neat mustache
16. Strict clothing style, craving for military paraphernalia
17. Behavior "according to the routine"
18. The most strict type

« Typical Maxim "- our group" VKontakte »

1. Overhanging bridge of the nose
2. The manner of rounding the eyes in surprise
3. Active facial expressions
4. Aggressive expression of emotions
5. Direct rude manner of communication
6. Grasping gestures
7. Active phlegmatic
8. Broad or "patty" beard
9. Dense constitution, pronounced fullness
10. Men often cut their hair bald.
11. Women seem masculine.
12. Simple clothing style
13. Craving for military, rocker, biker and pirate paraphernalia
14. Manner of "simplifying" difficult issues, solving problems by force
15. The most powerful type

« Typical Zhukov "- our group" VKontakte »

1. Chopped profile
2. Massive chin - "brick", "shovel",
3. Women seem masculine
4. "Col ate" - proud fixed posture
5. "Chest with a wheel" - a developed chest
6. British stiffness
7. Complete, tense movements
8. Thick constitution
9. Athletic warehouse of the figure - clothes fit perfectly
10. Expressed muscularity
11. A tenacious gaze that captures objects and details
12. Tight lips
13. Large protruding nose with a hump, tip down
14. Sharp cut of the wings of the nose "angle"
15. Does not wear a mustache and beard
16. Active phlegmatic
17. Enduring emotions
18. Slowness, slowness, balance
19. Repressed inner nervousness
20. Demonstrative courtesy and gallantry with ladies
21. Dislikes familiarity
22. The most stable type
23. Lays down words like bricks
24. Well-groomed appearance
25. Always dresses with taste
26. Filigree adjusts things according to the figure
27. Stylish clothes, original shoes and hats
28. Careful handling of clothing
29. Harmonious stylish jewelry

« Typical Stirlitz "- our group" VKontakte »

1. Head tilted to the side
2. "Iceberg" - cold restrained emotions
3. Hardly gives in to external emotional influence
4. Ironic restrained "cat" grin
5. Cold "lazy" "creeping" look
6. Looks staring at point-blank range
7. The most silent and lazy type
8. Expressed phlegmatic
9. Quiet voice, lazily speaks through force
10. The nose doesn't stand out.
11. Sedentary pursed lips
12. Does not wear a mustache and beard
13. Straight posture, slight stoop
14. Neat stylish hairstyle
15. Distance in communication
16. Silent bystander
17. Perfect economy movements
18. Neat, well-fitting clothes
19. Sports-cowboy clothing style
20. Pleasant to the touch, functional things

« Typical Gabin "- our group" VKontakte »

Intuitives - Ethics

1. "Bird" nose, hanging tip
2. Nervous mobile capricious lips
3. The most emotionally changeable type
4. Unpredictable changes in emotions
5. Can speak in different voices
6. Constantly plays a role
7. Dramatization
8. Impulsive, nervous movements
9. Expressed choleric
10. Dry, thin constitution
11. Straight fixed posture
12. There are no snub-nosed
13. Does not wear a mustache and beard
14. Hairstyle does not match the style of clothing
15. Disharmony in clothes, cosmetics and jewelry
16. Outrageous appearance
17. One long narrow thing - a scarf, a scarf, a ribbon, a bandage

« Typical Hamlet "- our group" VKontakte »

1. Elevation and enlightenment in emotions and look
2. Mood - "enchanted daydreaming"
3. Inexpressive facial features, smoothed profile
4. There are no protruding parts of the face
5. Blurred look
6. Air "floating" facial expressions
7. Restrained choleric
8. Mustache and beard does not wear
9. The most poetic type

« Typical Yesenin "- our group" VKontakte »

1. Impassioned face
2. "The focus of universal sadness"
3. Self-deep ascetic
4. Anxious-sympathetic smile
5. Emotions are not expressed
6. Weak facial expressions
7. Mild choleric
8. Voice is quiet, slurred speech
9. Friendly manner of communication at close range
10. Not able to push, scream, be aggressive
11. The quietest type
12. Cautious uncertain movements and gestures
13. Mincing gait without taking your feet off the ground
14. Afraid to make an extra move so as not to interfere with others
15. Does not wear a beard and mustache
16. Does not wear jewelry, does not use cosmetics
17. Dress like others
18. Fancy dress combinations

Scientists: Don Quixote, Jack London, Pobespierre, Balzac

Don Quixote. Intuitive-logical extrovert, ILE

1. Crane in the sky. Perfectly sees prospects, opportunities. What has been done always seems insignificant to him in comparison with opening prospects, from which it is impossible to refuse, and it is impossible to exhaust. I tend not to publish my scientific work indefinitely, believing that the main results are yet to come. He lives for the sake of the future, the lack of recognition of him for the time being, does not embarrass him for the time being. He is engaged in what is interesting, and not in what is profitable.

2. Recharging. Expects in a constant emotional upsurge, excitement. For this, he needs a continuous sensory-emotional "pump". He cannot provide it himself, therefore it strongly depends on the environment. If there is no dyal nearby, feeding him with impressions, he droops with positive emotions, loses his ability to work and taste for life. Sometimes, instead of one dyal, he contacts with a large number of friends, conducts active social activities, creates clubs or scientific schools.

3. Leader. A good organizer, because he sees the potential opportunities of people and situations. Hyждaeтcя в oпpaвдaнии: пoчeмy имeннo oн y влacти: кpитичecкaя cитyaция, в кoтopoй никтo дpyгoй нe cпpaвитcя /Чepчилль cтaл пpeмьep-миниcтpoм в тяжeлeйший для Aнглии мoмeнт вoйны и пepeизбpaн cpaзy пo ee зaвepшeнии/, выбop caмых yпpaвляeмых, нaзнaчeниe cвышe. It starts with the analysis of the interests of subordinates. He tries to do everything for them and only then does he need /Syvorov/.

4. Servant. Dependence on the emotional field of others is expressed in extreme compliance when it comes to trifles and everyday life. Moreover, the attention released at the same time can switch to your favorite pastime - comprehension of the essence of things and phenomena. He divides people into his own and others. Everyone tries to be equally useful.

5. Non-differentiation of feeling. He believes that all good and kind people love each other. Quite ridiculous, when a situation requires initiative in the manifestation of feelings - he does not understand this at all.

6.Danger. Acute sensations recharge him in the same way as good emotions of those around him. The more emotions and panic around, the more active and confident he is. It is impossible to intimidate Don Quixote - this leads to the opposite effect. Readily takes responsibility in critical situations. But in peaceful, calm conditions, he loses confidence in his right to hold a responsible post. He can't stand the competition and leaves.

7. Loves familiarity, but does not show initiative in this, expects it from others.

Jack London. Logical-intuitive extrovert, LIE

1. Time doesn't wait. A tireless hard worker, with pleasure he is engaged in nayka or any other objective matter. He does everything very quickly, the work is in full swing in his hands. He even walks in a peculiar way - bouncing a little, and if possible - prefers to run. Jack London himself changed many professions in his life: a peddler, a worker, a miner, a sailor, a writer. It was self-immolation - in the name of art and in the name of success.

2. romantic. Very often engaged in mountaineering, tourism. He is attracted by distant distances, he is the first to throw himself into all dubious enterprises. He often blows out romantic adventures and then believes in them himself. These fictions usually have a real prototype in life. He loves to demonstrate his fearlessness. His negligence in appearance is also, as it were, a brave challenge to everyone.

3. Passionate professional. Because of the developed abstract thinking, he is inattentive to appearance. He always walks disheveled, completely trusts the taste of a partner, allows him to command himself in everyday life. He does not tolerate when he is considered, at point-blank range / therefore, his dyal Dreiser avoids looking into the eyes of the interlocutor /. After all, due to his inattention to the environment, he does not understand how others see him, he is always unsure of his appearance and experiences his imaginary ugliness a little. He needs a partner with a developed aesthetic sense, whose taste can be trusted; he needs to feel - he likes me, despite the fact that his taste is developed, picky and even pretentious.

4. Optimist. Quickly reacts to everything that evokes emotions - especially positive ones. He is programmed to cheer up his, always, as it were, a little frightened or angry child. Constantly radiates friendliness, positive emotions, smiles. He tries to make him laugh, in every possible way he slows down and pulls the partner until he causes a reaction from him - positive or negative. Otherwise, it does not receive information about its status. He likes to tell and discuss what he has read and heard. It is easy for him to turn to a stranger.

Pobecpier. Logic-intuitive introvert, LII

1. I think - consequently with existence. A person with a developed logic, a strong ability to analyze. Able to logically get to the bottom of phenomena, to reveal their internal structure. The representative of this type, Carl Gustav Jung, developed the basics of the typology used in socionics. "Providence created me for quiet office work, giving it all the delight of my soul," said Thomas Jefferson, during whose presidency the territory of the United States almost doubled. All life situations are considered from a logical point of view.

2. "Justice is my trade". Type of revolutionary or political conspirator. In a conflict situation, organize a committee to fight the offender. He believes that everything in the world should be logical, and therefore fair. Able to neglect his own benefit and safety, protecting the offended. Makes higher demands on himself. It is impossible not to take care of him: he will simply bring himself to exhaustion. Garibaldi, Pobespier, Dzerzhinsky, Jefferson are revolutionaries who have dedicated themselves to the idea.

3. Account. It has an extremely intractable appearance. Often - a piercing look from under a hanging forehead. Hardens himself, accustoming to cold, hunger, deprivation and disapproving attitude of those around him. The only thing in which he willingly submits to a partner is in matters of clothing, taste, and life. The need to do this himself annoys him. Usually does not notice what he is wearing. He does not tolerate any command. It was given by Hugo, as if not knowing it, he draws Pobespiera into work not by a direct indication, but by the fact that he starts to network, makes a lot of unnecessary movements. After that, Pobespier turns on and the work goes quickly, logically and well. He himself is not very proactive, closed and silent. 4.

4. Henchman. His selflessness in defending justice is especially striking when you consider that he has an aversion to everything that breaks the silence and the measured course of his life. He is very careful about his health. So Rene Descartes "considered the health of the body as the main of the blessings of this life after the truth." In youth, often inclined to a fun lifestyle with friends, cards, drinkers. Then he comes to the conclusion that he needs. He is especially ambitious, but does not tolerate when he is passed over in service - from the same sense of justice. It turns out to be in a particularly difficult situation, having got to the boss, whom he does not respect.

5. "He lived happily, who hid himself well." Quite secretive, does not like uninvited visitors. He reacts sharply to remarks, but sometimes hides his irritation behind a somewhat artificial smile

Balzac. Intuitive logical introvert, OR

1. "Imagination controls me." Has a strong, intelligent imagination. Honoré de Balzac created portraits of 2,000 people who appear more alive than the real ones: "it can only be compared with city government," Morya wrote about him. The phantacmagoric world of Gabriel G. Markkes also amazes with the accuracy of the details. Thanks to this quality, he sees the future well. From the individual actions of a person, it seems to be a working model. Boo generally knows everything in advance. If from any threatening trouble / luck he is less interested / would not warn in advance, apparently, he would feel like an extra person.

2. "Pastor's impartiality". Almost never shows emotions, protects his loved ones from them. I am sincerely convinced that too strong passions bring death to a person. O. Balzac invariably shows how the feeling grows, like a monstrous cancer that corrodes the soul and, in the end, suppresses everything. As for his dyala Napoleon - a personality, overactive and addictive - this is the absolute truth.

3. Deep analyst. I am sure that if you do not give yourself an account of the order that reigns in the world, then it is impossible to live. The one who does not take into account the actual state of things, goes to a catastrophe. Prefers cynicism to hypocrisy. In any situation, about which they are told, he understands thoroughly and very soon begins to tell the astonished interlocutor those details, roots and aspects that he missed. His analysis is devoid of any self-delusion. "All this is not better than the kitchen - stink just as much, and if you want to cook something - get your hands dirty, only then be able to wash off the dirt well; that's the whole moral of our era." - Botren says about life. This misanthropy can discourage anyone - except Napoleon.

4. "He is kind first of all". With all his negativism, he is by nature a very soft person. The above words about Balzac belong to George Sand, who knew a lot about kindness. Oн любит людeй cильных, хopoшo знaющих cвoю дopoгy, тpeбyющих ycтyпoк, людeй, кoтopыe ocвoбoждaют eгo oт нeoбхoдимocти пpидyмывaть цeли, a caми пoльзyютcя им пpидyмaнными cпocoбaми дeйcтвия, нa кoтopыe oн бoльшoй мacтep. He knows how to pour a bucket of water on an enthusiast, but he also knows how to extinguish despair, when others are not lucky, when everything falls out of hand, when fate seems hostile.

5. This is how student Lyme /Napoleon/ describes the knight of his dreams: he must be handsome and smart. The eyes are big and sad. Uncommunicative, does not utter compliments. And therefore, it creates the impression of inaccessibility. He is tormented by dozens of problems, which, in my opinion, should not be paid attention to. I am attracted by his sadness, seriousness, I try to cheer, cheer up, please. Еcли нa вeчepинкe ecть тaкoй пapeнь, я нe cкyчaю." Этo oбpaзнoe oпиcaниe Бaльзaкa, кoтopый в cвoих чyвcтвaх oчeнь пocтoянeн, нe cклoнeн к пpиключeниям, жeлaeт пoлнoй зaвиcимocти oт тpeбoвaтeльнoгo любимoгo.

Managers: Zhukov, Stirlitz, Gabin, Maxim Gorky.

Zhukov. Sensory-logical extrovert, SLE

1. The end result is the only thing that interests him. Everything that is necessary to achieve this "End Result" is considered to be his blood business. A strong-willed, purposeful person. "If the stars light up at night, then someone needs it." Emphatically not demonstrative, he does not care about the impression left by others. “I didn’t understand, repeat,” said S. P. Korolev. This “I didn’t understand” could not be afforded by every leader. Everything he does, he does with enthusiasm, passion and intends to bring it to the end. He has the character of a non-homogeneous fighter, who must by all means gain the upper hand over this or that opponent. "He should not avoid difficulties! You must be able to overcome them" - his motto.

2. Decisive and tough character. Bыpaжeниe "Стpoг, нo cпpaвeдлив cтaлo yжe бaнaльным пo oтнoшeнию к тaким людям. Mapшaл Жyкoв был кpyт oчeнь, кpyт. Ho тoлькo oн мoг cкaзaть Стaлинy: "ecли вы cчитaeтe чтo нaчaльник, гeнштaбa cпocoбeн тoлькo чeпyхy мoлoть, тoгдa eмy здecь дeлaть нeчeгo. Я пpoшy ocвoбoдить мeня oт oбязaннocтeй нaчaльникa гeнштaбa и пocлaть нa фpoнт". He coмнeвaeтcя в cвoeм пpaвe pyкoвoдить людьми. Пpи вceй любви к кoллeгиaльнocти пocлeднee cлoвo вceгдa ocтaвит зa coбoй. Этo oбычнo, кoмпeнcиpyeтcя глyбoкoй yвлeчeннocтью дeлoм и yмeниeм yвлeкaть людeй. 3. Good tactician. Quickly grasps the created situation and balance of power. Makes a decision and acts. He is capable of political maneuvering, but he will never let go, nevertheless, his line. It has a strong logic, but this logic is purposeful, "party", It serves not for philosophical thinking, but for creative search for the shortest path to the goal. It is easier for him to give in to logic than to purpose.

4. Little susceptible to fear, hatred and other negative emotions. He is not surprised and does not envy. The more dangerous the situation, the more collected and determined he is.

5.He likes to talk about feelings. This is not his parable. And if he says so, he feels like he betrayed himself. He is afraid of love, as an undeserved luxury. He is also afraid of any other feelings. Judging others by themselves, there is no doubt that it can be desirable; but rarely is it sure that we also love. Expects in the emotional support of a partner and subordinates his emotions to him. In actions, he is not inclined to adapt to a partner, but only to dictate.

Stirlitz. Logical-sensory extrovert, FEL

1. Fast, clear, sober brain. Knows how to act reasonably and logically. Athletic bearing, sharp, hard features, as if now ready in granite and hidden nervousness, high poetry. Strength and inner fullness, duty and underlying nervous vibration. Born spy - collects information on all channels, seeking complete clarity for action (Richard Sorge, Sherlock Holmes).

2.Everything I do - I do well. "Сyщecтвyeт дap, кoтopым нeпpeмeннo нaдeлeны в бeйcбoлe вeликиe игpoки и вeликиe кoмaнды. Этo нaпopиcтocть. Этo cпocoбнocть бeгaть быcтpee, чeм нyжнo, двигaтьcя живee, чeм нyжнo, быть yпopнee, чeм нyжнo (Ф. Бpyкc). Инициaтивный, peшитeльный, любит быть в цeнтpe внимaния. Свoи идeи oтcтaивaeт cмeлo и c бoльшим aзapтoм. Пepeд нaчaльcтвoм нe poбeeт, дaжe aгpeccивeн. Знaeт, чтo дeлo идeт хopoшo, ecли cooтвeтcтвyющий тeмп eмy cooбщaeтcя тyт жe. He тepпит пpoвoлoчeк. Стpacтный бopeц зa кaчecтвo, ocнoвaтeльнocть paбoты. Хopoший oфицep. Able to work 19.5 hours a day (Edison).

3. "Brightness is the great god of strong people." Inclined to bring others out of a state of benevolent calmness. He does not speak about the good, he considers himself understandable. Strives with his grouchy emotions to bring down the emotions of those around him. He believes that excessive emotions tire people and - as far as his mind is concerned (Dostoevsky) - this is fair. In a conversation, he puts pressure on the interlocutor, even tries to intimidate, but if he is not afraid, he becomes courteous and polite. Fury is his refuge in an extreme situation, with which he himself cannot cope. Its purpose is to mobilize a partner, and when this task is solved, he calms down.

4. Bepa in fair play. He considers obedience to the rules a strong trait, a manifestation of character. He does not tolerate cunning and deceit, hates crooks and dodgers. "Political maneuvering can lead to quick results, but the real long-term and reliable effect is given only by hard everyday work" (Kim Philby). He likes order: having bought a new thing, he will definitely study the instructions and only then turn it on. Amundsen traveled all his life, avoided difficult situations. "Victory awaits the one with whom everything is in order," he said, "and this is called luck." Adept of honest work. "If everything seems easy, this unmistakably proves that the worker is very little skilled and the work is beyond his understanding" (Leonardo da Vinci).

5. "Inherent military restraint force". Outwardly tightened, distinguished by bearing, even if he has never served. He dresses well and elegantly, but does not dress up. She wears clothes for a long time and she constantly surprises with her freshness, as if the time factor does not work on him. He himself does not wear uncomfortable shoes, but all others should dress only very beautifully. Esthete.

Gaben. Sensory-logical introvert, SLI

1. Iceberg in the ocean. Stubborn, withdrawn, almost always the same cold and mysterious. The movements are calm, precise, extremely economical. From the side it seems that the achieved result is always more than the effort expended. Inconspicuous quiet perseverance with the obligatory completion of everything that has been started, internal responsibility for the deed and modesty. "The English are not demonstrative in their attitude to work," just as they are not demonstrative in the manifestation of their feelings in general. At first, it may seem that they do everything cool, down the sleeve. But gradually you begin to understand that their slowness reflects the general rhythm of life: a combination of relaxedness with smoothness.

2. Talented laziness. He is not Don Quixote, he will not work aimlessly. A born inventor, but he is not in a hurry with the implementation of his ideas until the conditions for maximum return are ripe. Proud of his ability not to do anything that does not bring benefits. Loves comfort, convenience. With joint actions with someone, everything is nicely and unobtrusively arranged as it is convenient for him. In the area of ​​​​space accessible to him, everything is organized ideally for work and relaxation. An esthete who completely trusts his own taste. He dresses very neatly, tastefully, but not defiantly. Sensitive skin: "the princess and the pea" is about him.

3. Restrained emotional saturation. It is the tendency to hide emotions under the guise of inaccessibility and coldness that gives them a fine polish and even expressiveness (B. Vysotsky, A. Mironov, A. Celentano). Calm under all circumstances, but in different ways. Remains coldly unavailable when he loves. He is in no hurry to believe in the feelings of his somewhat frivolous dyala (Huxley). He is very jealous and distrustful: he is panicky afraid that his emotions will be made a mockery of. In dangerous situations, he is not afraid of anything, calmly approach the source of danger. This is his main move to go straight for the enemy; the one who is stronger endures. This is the main pose of the actor Jean Gabin - stubbornness, intransigence, inner rightness and fearlessness. The more alone, the more unavailable.

4. Goals and methods. If there is no his dyala nearby, he can be mistaken for a lazy and chatterbox. He talks a lot, but he does nothing himself, he waits for something. He really is waiting - a cry for help. He will not work aimlessly, and he will not be able to invent goals for himself. Only a hot enthusiast Huxley owns the key that triggers the precise and error-free mechanism of Gabin. The reward of Gabena is the joy that he brings with his work. He judges the sincerity of desires by intonations that automatically mobilize him. Both desire and joy are best able to show Huxley, a great, moreover, master of seeking out talents and sincerely admiring them. And Gabin, should be a favorite, he does not tolerate leveling. You can buy it only with sincere feelings, expressed by eyes and intonations.

Maxim Gorky. Logical-sensory introvert, LSI

1. Consistent adept. He knows how to very sensibly and accurately choose the best of the available systems, dogmas, and with uncompromisingness, reaching bluntness, fight for its implementation. It categorically rejects everything that cannot enter it. Brings this system to an ideal state. Very reliable in the implementation of his system - even if this system is inconstancy. So, Taleiran managed to occupy his rightful position under the Bourbons, the commune, the directorate, Napoleon and again under the Bourbons and died in wealth and luxury, to which he aspired.

2. sober realist. Never falls into despair and does not succumb to illusions, always equally calm, calm, logical. He himself is not inclined to fantasies and does not like manilovism in others. 3. Researcher. Has a penchant for deep research into narrow problems. Painstakingly establishes their connections with the previously studied. Knows how to listen to the interlocutor. He is rarely able to hear two speakers at once. The high standard of loneliness. He reads little, thinks a lot - this is his favorite state. Knowledge always leads to the state of practical application. To those who do not have his thorough understanding of the situation, his actions seem paradoxical and unpredictable. He sees an exit where others do not see him.

4. A mixture of delicacy and adventurism. Pretty closed and hidden. He likes to be the center of attention. In communication, he is sensitive and unobtrusive. At the same time, he needs listeners. With its purposefulness in the implementation of its own system, it attracts people. If he sees something exactly, and others not exactly, he falls into aggression. Stubborn and uncompromising (Martin Luther). Being a leader, he is inclined to tighten screws. He is tactful, feels people, but treats them like tools. At the same time, I don’t distract him with personal feelings, sympathies and antipathies, the results are important. Ethics subordinates logic (Stalin). He does not tolerate when his things are touched - this is a blood offense for him. It is difficult to tolerate aggressive people, although it does not enter into disputes with them.

5. stoic. Hardy and unfair, does not waste time on everyday life. Prefers to hide his feelings: hunger, fatigue, pain, fear. A sick child does not moan, so as not to injure the mother. 6. Close ones. He does not hide his attraction, sometimes it even seems that he demonstrates them on purpose. He does not let a single person of the opposite sex go unnoticed and unappreciated. He judges the feelings of those around him only by their external manifestations: how he looks, how his partner talks to him. Therefore, it can be relatively easy to make a mistake and take your desire to be loved as a feeling of a partner. He knows about it, therefore he is trustful and suspicious.

Socials: Napoleon, Hugo, Dumas, Dreiser.

Napoleon. Sensory ethical extrovert, SEE

1. Proud of his influence on people, их любoвью и yвaжeниeм, пoпyляpнocтью, c yдoвoльcтвиeм вeдeт зa coбoй, cмeл и кaтeгopичeн в эpoтикe, нo ocтopoжeн в oтнoшeниях c oбъeктивным миpoм, нeдoвepчив к нoвым нayчным идeям и вooбщe кo вceмy oбъeктивнoмy. His conscience is only pure when he manipulates people, not the objective world.

2. Restless activity, greed for practical activity. He only does not hide his feelings, but on the contrary, he is proud of them. It is relatively easy, if it answers his inner mood, expresses his admiration. And words, and looks. He is always for full love, both physical and mental, if only he needs it. Even when the feeling is short-term, he knows very well what he wants from the object of love, he is not inclined to adapt, but only to dictate. Arrogant. Optimistic. Before a difficult situation, he does not work, but tries to solve it right away on the spot. 3. Much attention is paid to the aesthetics of the environment, order. Most often, he has an innate taste, knows how to dress well and requires the same from those around him. Attentive to the physical data of the partner. In all his activities he is very proactive. But there is no sense of measure for measuring the deed. Constantly not sure that he did everything he could.

4. His life is poisoned by the demands of those close to him to think about his activities., behave smartly. He can’t stand it, such a requirement drives him crazy, he really ceases to reckon with logic. He acts wisely and logically until this is required of him, while he is "respected" And he is "reckoned with". You can't argue with his logic. You can influence him only by opposing his goals to others, more noble and more difficult to achieve.

5. Initiative and efficiency are so great that no criticism, even the constant grumbling of his dyal Balzac, which almost every manifestation of activity is condemned, does not spoil the mood. On the contrary, criticism calms, shows that he has done and is doing enough that his activity is noticed. 6. Thanks to his initiative and exactingness, quite often is disappointed in the objects of his feelings. Those turn out to be "not like that", not understanding the impulses of their souls enough. And the bottom line is that you need a person to whom you can adapt without adapting. If there is no dyal nearby, he plays pranks in order to attract the dyal.

Hugo. Ethical-sensory extrovert, ESE

1. fiery. Emotions are strong, colorful, often overbearing. Knows how to sparkle with ideas and be faithful to her all his life - Schliemann, as a child, decided to dig up Troy, for which it was necessary, despite poverty, to get an education, and then to get rich. Admirer of the arts as a source of conscious joy. The disposition creates for itself and knows how to pass it on to others. Emotionally subtle, kind, compassionate.

2. Heytomim. Constantly active. All the time among people, all the time on the run. Easy to switch. Works very hard. Grabs for any work and persistently brings it to the end. In work, he does not single out interesting and uninteresting - this is not the subject of discussion and analysis, it must be done and that's it. From the side it seems very self-confident and self-sufficient, everything that he undertook, he succeeds. It seems that it acts quickly and achieves good results. He himself often adheres to the opposite point of view, therefore he loves frank praise of his work very much.

3. My home is your home. A pleasant conversationalist, an exceptionally attentive listener. Knows how to find an approach to anyone. Giving joy to others, he himself rejoices. He loves a feast, fun. The guest is a pet. Knows how to understand, admire, approve, sympathize. Bepit to people. He is not envious, he rejoices at the success of others. Subtly notices the shortcomings of people, makes fun of them, but does not insult.

4. conservative. He is not looking for and does not like new solutions, he prefers old, tried and tested ways. Difficult questions can be solved only by being left alone. He pays too much attention to people, they distract him. When working on people, he makes a lot of unnecessary movements, as if in order to hide what he is actually doing. In this way, he includes in the work his dyala (Pobespiera), who does not tolerate any command. Likes to be believed, does not like to prove. He is not aggressive, but he defends himself very actively. He does not allow himself to offend even the authorities.

5. Lover of order. He likes to dress up, takes care of his appearance. He does not tolerate disorder and uncertainty in everything, starting with the exterior and ending with the garage and storage room. He does not want to adapt to the taste of others. Compliments of his appearance are wasted - he believes that he knows how he looks. Notices not only the spiritual, but also the physical qualities of the partner.

6. Life connections. Those around him are considered with his opinion, but they try to avoid close contact. There are few close friends. It's not always easy to handle his emotional pressure. For himself, he achieves everything with his own work, does not rely on the help of another. Family for him is the main thing in life. If I had to choose between love and dissertation, I would choose the first one, this is his life purpose, and, of course, egoistic pleasure.

du ma. Sensory-ethical introvert, SEI

1. Friendly, always good and optimistic person. He imposes his will on others. He hides his real experiences. Always the same warm, caring, smiling. He can neither forgive nor demand services, he tries to satisfy all his needs with his own strength.

2. Subtly feels nature, art. Knows how to memorize and reproduce once experienced emotions. So Aivazovsky painted his seascapes in a room with dark red walls facing the opposite side from the sea. Appreciates life in all its varieties. He loves pleasure and knows how to give it. Artist in love.

3. Very considerate of the convenience of other people, attentive and caring. Very fast, conscious emotional reactions aimed at studying and changing the emotions of others. This is the reason for the many jokes from which, if they are out of place, they quickly refuse. There is constant emotional creativity, the search for the most effective options that activate the partner. With special zeal, he controls the moods of his loved ones.

4. He can't quarrel, say "no" interrupt unwanted acquaintance. Therefore, he is afraid of those who can "stick". He needs a person who, with all sorts of exacerbations, is also not inclined to enter into a scandal, but leaves slamming the door. This is exactly how his dyal behaves - Don Quixote. Dumas himself, the father, chose Ida Ferpier from the many of his mistresses because she kept him on a longer leash than the rest. 5. Sees the needs of people, the system of their motivations, with the pleasure of all, agitates and persuades. But he needs Don Quixote to know who to persuade and what, because Don Quixote knows the potential of people, ideas, beginnings.

6. He likes to be reminded of himself until he is needed. He tries not to stand out - neither as a leader, nor as a laggard. He likes to compete. Initiative only on its own territory. Initiative and responsibility in this dyad are the prerogatives of Don Quixote, even if Dumas does everything. It is interesting that the great Dumas needed a secret co-author - Max, who wrote the drafts of "The Three Musketeers", "The Count of Monte Cristo" and most other novels, before he took a drink for them.

7. Poor health makes him hide, lie down. The mood falls, he cannot manipulate people. And then why communicate?

Dreiser. Ethical sensory introvert, ESI

1. Easily enters the trust of people. Polite, tactful, has a delicate aesthetic taste and knows how to use it / Tyrgenev, Fitzgerald /. Knows unmistakably who loves whom, who does not love whom, who wants what, who influences whom and why. Moralist. Often distinguished by sharpness of assessments /Machiavelli/. He perfectly remembers both good and evil, considers it necessary to repay them. He appreciates friendship and does not forgive betrayal. In love before marriage, he shows inconsistency, since he does not consider it possible to prolong a relationship that has exhausted itself. He loves those who cannot love themselves. Relations are regulated not so much by words, but by tone and expressive look. He does not demonstrate emotions, therefore, it seems cold. He does not look at the interlocutor, as if in order not to incinerate him. The complex ethical situation inspires him.

2. In a new company, this is usually a quiet, modest person. He watches and listens to understand whether it is possible to persuade those present to him, to his ideal of interhuman relations. If it is impossible, he continues to be silent or even leaves. Among his own - active, talkative. And his own are those who accepted his ethical standards. Emotions subordinate to the emotions of others. Among the merry - oars, among evil evils.

3. The enemy must envy. He will never show anger and hatred, he will be emphatically polite and smug. Only a good friend can see him disheveled and not fit enough. Always "buttoned up", internally mobilized. Extremely intolerant of untidiness, disorder.

4. Sexual freedoms are not for him. Keeps fidelity to the spouse not for the sake of him, but for the sake of self-esteem. For a woman - Dreiser, the thought is unbearable that somewhere there is a man who "had" her. It is unpleasant for him when someone digs into his abilities, potentialities, or boasts of his own abilities against the background of others.

5. Lives only for today and does not like to wait. Prefers work that can be done quickly and admire the result. It seems to him that he is constantly late, while others consider him punctual. The need to do something by a certain date unnerves him. Therefore, he did not buy tickets to the theater for a week, he will not say this until the last day.

6. Loves not by word, but by deed, but is not inclined to invent these "cases" by himself and with pleasure in all everyday specifics succumbs to the will of the partner. At any time, he gives up one thing and starts another, if the partner wants it. Can sacrifice himself to serve society. For example, he can take on all the burdens of everyday life if the partner is engaged in a socially significant business.

Humanists: Huxley, Hamlet, Yesenin, Dostoyevsky

Huxley. Intuitive-ethical extrovert, IEE

1. Hot enthusiast. Highly spiritual, artistic personality, quickly resolves personal difficulties. Always rely on your ability to instantly improvise, instead of preparing work in advance. He loves situations of a new, interesting undertaking, when you can show your own and other people's abilities; when you can still assume the most improbable development of events.

2. Don Zhyan. He sees in people many different virtues and cannot resist telling them this in the most emotional form. Often his splashing emotions are taken for feelings, which is what Don Zhyan's reputation owes. In fact, in feelings, he is quite conservative, attached to a narrow circle of his people, whose opinion is extremely significant for him and completely determines his mood, mood. If he really hangs, he does not hide it.

3. Not touchable. His speeches about love and longing are fiery, seductive smiles, but this is not always the case. His motto: emotional power over all and sexual freedom from all.

4.He is ambitious, because may be satisfied with the company of friends and in anticipation of something interesting. Unlike Napoleon, who likes to be the obvious ruler of the situation, he strives to be its secret ruler. At the same time, his influence is directed mainly to making those around him show their abilities and talents.

5. scientist husband. Sensitive to the assessment of their mental abilities. Often seeks to defend a dissertation, seeks academic degrees and titles. This gives him the opportunity to work calmly. He is extremely sensitive when ideas dear to him are touched, the possibilities of him and those close to him are denied. Therefore, he seeks to contact with people who are close to him in terms of ideological credo.

6. Man of mood. Everything depends on the mood: plans for the future, attitude towards oneself, idea of ​​the world. Rainbow plans can be replaced by painful experiences, but interesting news, praise, suddenly presenting an interesting opportunity instantly change the mood. You just get sick from boredom.

7. For others. Ready to help people in solving their problems. The greatest pleasure is to find a way out of a situation that seems hopeless to others. Friendliness and friendliness can demonstrate to anyone. Does something for those to whom he is serious. And then he does much more than what is expected of him and what he promises himself.

Hamlet. Ethical-intuitive extravert, EIE

1. To be or not to be? A serious person focused on global problems. The world sees in dramatic and even tragic colors. Waiting for all sorts of troubles. Its leitmotif is four notes from Beethoven - the theme of fate. Personal problems are inclined to put and solve on a grand scale. Often seeks to benefit humanity at the same time.

2. romantic. Prone to constant doubts and hesitation. Sometimes it is perceived by others as an unbalanced, easily excitable personality. For example, he is annoyed by any extra movements, he sees the world and so too dynamic. He likes to show initiative. He puts feelings above reason.

3. Boldly enters the situation, if he got to know her well, he carefully prepared everything. He waits, lays the situation on all sides, insures against all possible troubles, and after that he acts for sure. The strategist knows how to distribute his forces in time. He treats any work seriously, with great responsibility, strives to bring it to the end. Achieve victory at all costs; it is easier to fail than to compromise. In extreme situations, there is no trace of his over-caution.

4. Good and Evil. He will never do what he considers evil, very intolerant of evil in others. However, he creates an ethical theory for himself, regardless of customs and authorities. Sometimes his views on the problems of good and evil are very peculiar. In any case, he consistently adheres to them and persistently defends them.

5. Attentive to people, and sometimes even intrusive and demanding, sympathizes with them, tries to help in a difficult moment. It is not easy for those around him: there is no ease of perception of life in him. More often - a good family man. He expresses his feelings for a partner not by specific concern for him, but by dramatic stories and warnings about the dangers that may fall on him. For a dyal, this is important - he does not really feel the future. Hamlet can be called at night; to the question "Did I wake you up?" Becelo will answer "Yes, I woke up." (Dostoevsky, also very inclined to sympathy, will answer no less no, he didn’t wake him up, in such a tone that you will understand your tactlessness).

6. He does not like to do household chores in front of witnesses, generally cannot work on people. If he can, he sends everyone with instructions. He is very afraid that his movements, actions are unaesthetic.

7. Has a peculiar, as it were, arrogant demeanor. From the side it seems that for some reason he is important, he is portraying something. Good leader.

Yesenin. Intuitive-ethical introvert, IEI

1. Somewhat dreamy romantic, a person is more of a thought than an action. Individualist. The present day does not excite him at all, he is inspired by the brilliant prospects of bright cities, which, probably, will someday be built. Quite emotional, well understands the feelings of others and does not hide his own. But his emotionality is constantly a little incomplete, with rather pronounced elements of pending observation. Emotions are shown not when the other would "overfill the cup", but when he himself considers it necessary. The approach to emotions is very creative: for example, rage may be considered ethical, and restraint unethical.

2. in love. Others among the gray mass are distinguished for him by strength, purposefulness, intelligence. Undoubtedly, if this force lends itself to his emotional expansion. We are very tolerant of people, understand them and try to forgive their weaknesses.

3. Smile of Tutankhamun. In extreme conditions, his weapon is the ability to demonstrate his attitude to what is happening, to show his funny sides. Hence the subtle sense of humor /Jerome K. Jerome/ and a very characteristic transparent smile at critical moments. The smile is warm, warming and exciting. A smile, more often than not, is a sign of anxiety. Because of this anxious smile of his, Gagarin became the first cosmonaut. The purpose of this smile is to raise the fighting spirit, to excite the partner.

4. elegant. Looks balanced and fit. Wide open eyes almost never close. Eyebrows, as a rule, are arched, without a tendency to droop. Elegance for every day, not for holidays. You rarely see him in an inelegant pose, his intonations are refined. Plasticity of movements and rhythm. The more surprising are two things: he does not pay much attention to the elegance of others / his dyal - bugs - emphatically not demonstrative /; chaos reigns in his apartment and things, and people who get into his house must find a place for themselves. Or someone should suggest this place. 5. Maecenas. A fighter for the emotional liberation of people. Feels responsible for the mood of his loved ones, their vitality. Uses his subtle sense of humor to stir up people. In the company, he looks around the audience not to determine how someone is dressed, but to see how someone feels. / This is exactly what should be told to others /. By and large, he dreams of bringing harmony to society. History for him is the history of art. A pronounced attraction to the beautiful: poetry, painting, elegant trinkets. He himself tries to be graceful. He loves to communicate with artists, poets, bohemia and in general with exotic people.

Dostoevsky. Ethical-intuitive introvert, EII

1. The bearer of a quiet, inner look, an inconspicuous sea of ​​feelings. The world of his feelings is so subtle and rich that verbal evidence of love is not needed. He sees without words who, whom and how he loves, who is needed by whom, and who is not needed by whom. The most valuable property is the ability to adapt to the emotions of another person. Empathize, relieve emotional stress, calm down.

2. This is usually a quiet, friendly person, which in the company is more silent and observes, among close acquaintances, on the contrary. He cannot be called too shy, because he perfectly sees how others treat him, and knows how to improve this attitude. With his understanding of the ethical and unethical, he seeks to subjugate other people. But he never imposes his own emotions, but accompanies, empathizes with the emotions of another. Demonstrates a kind of emotional fading. I am sure that others need calm, even, serene. Wants to be, as it were, a "compress" that others can apply to their wounds.

3. If he is asked to do something, he cannot refuse. Therefore, it is often exploited. Hyzhen dyal, obeying which, you can fence yourself off from the superfluous. In relations with people, his interests are limited only to a certain group of people, but in the objective world, he is interested in absolutely everything: complete omnivorousness at the level of his intellect and ability. He is not able to evaluate the quality of his work and the time lost at the same time. He cannot figure out what is a trifle and what is important. Knows what can be done, but does not know what must be done. It can not work when everyone is working, and continues to work when everyone is not working. He doesn’t like it very much when, with one unfinished work, they charge another.

4. Critical to one's own beauty, will, energy. Painfully endures their disapproval. Compliments on this topic are not perceived as ambiguity, only if they are said in private, in a soft tone, without underlining. He needs a silent or soft confession. He can't afford to be messy.

5. Pleasant emotions, necessary for this type, the partner provides with his intelligence, logic, exactingness, ability to protect. You should not be late for dates, keep your promises, be polite, caring. No more evidence of love or talk about it is needed. If the smartest partner expresses his opinion in the form of reflections, and not in the form of short, categorical formulations, then next to him Dostoevsky feels himself constantly dissatisfied and unhappy. His most important requirement for a partner is fidelity. Unfaithfulness does not forgive.

There is a special socionic test by V. Gulenko, which will help you understand in a few minutes what type of personality you belong to. To pass the test, you do not need to have special knowledge of psychology. It is enough to have a basic level, as well as acquire patience. In total, there are 72 questions in the socionic type test. It is very important to answer the truth without thinking too much about each question.

Benefits of the test

The passage should not cause any difficulties. The author came up with a special system that allows you to quickly determine the socionic type of a person. The Gulenko test for socionic type helps to understand oneself. And this, in turn, helps to make true friends, find a soul mate, and also choose the right profession for yourself. Knowing your sociotype, you can learn to understand yourself and the people who surround you.

If you doubt yourself, then the questionnaire will help get rid of your doubts. Impressive people will be able to come to terms with themselves and understand what really bothers them. No matter what gnaws at you, Gulenko's socionic test will help you get rid of anxieties, understand yourself and the attitude of others towards you.

Socionic types

Gulenko believes that each person perceives the whole world that surrounds him differently. Some are guided by the sounds they hear on the street and at home. Others trust their eyesight more. Still others clearly feel the smells coming from people and the whole environment. There are also people who trust their intuition much more than logic. You cannot convince such a person with any words if intuition tells him the opposite. Of course, the vast majority are guided by logic. And there are people for whom the opinion of the people around them is very important. The socionic type test helps to understand what is most important for a person and what is secondary.

Socionics is a science that studies every personality, revealing the real aspirations of a person. People can be divided into introverts and extroverts. They are completely opposite. An introvert worries more and looks inward more often. He loves being alone more than being in a big crowd. If we talk about an extrovert, then everything is the other way around. He loves big and noisy companies. He takes great pleasure in it.

boolean type

People falling under this type do not trust their intuition, but are guided only by logical and balanced decisions. If a person strongly trusts his logic, then he can very rarely find himself in situations where they are trying to deceive him. Every decision is made deliberately and consistently. The logics are:

ethical type

They perfectly understand close people, they know how to sympathize. If this type does not communicate with anyone for a long time, then his life energy literally flows out of him. He needs companionship to feed. They are great at persuasion. If we talk about their appearance, they look quite charming. Ethics include:

Touch type

Such people are very fond of bright and positive impressions that they receive from their environment. They cannot stay in the same room alone for long. They need frequent changes of scenery. All senses are very important for them. They trust their eyes, their ears. They trust their sense of smell and their touch. Sensors.

They are also divided into 4 dichotomies, which are now used to characterize people:

  • logic / ethics
  • sensory / intuition
  • rationality / irrationality
  • extraversion / introversion

There are also other names for this definition: “Socionic type”, “type of information metabolism (TIM)” or “sociotype”, the essence is the same - a description of the perception and processing of information received by a person and how he interacts with the environment.

Characteristics of 16 sociotypes

  1. Dostoevsky - those who belong to this type are very educated and tactful, polite and able to sympathize (empathy), they feel people on an intuitive level and see in detail the subtleties of relationships.
  2. Yesenin's basic function is the intuition of time, this type perfectly feels the "right moment", and is also able to see in detail the development of any situation thanks to his predictive abilities.
  3. Don Quixote is an irrational type who does not burden himself with stereotyped thinking. He sees several options for solving a particular problem at once and realizes the potential hidden in each object.
  4. Jack London - business logic. Those who belong to this type perceive everything around them as a kind of resource - informational, human, temporary.
  5. Stirlitz is an extrovert type, able to act both independently and by organizing the work of other people. The presence of creative sensory allows him to make the work not only effective, but also comfortable.
  6. Hamlet - such a type lives mostly with emotions and, like no one else, feels the energy and emotional atmosphere, which he very skillfully manipulates. Knows a lot about art and the intricacies of aesthetic life.
  7. Robespierre - those who belong to this type are unlikely to pursue selfish interest or fame. Such people love quality and punctuality, conscientiousness and fairness, they are very responsible.
  8. Balzac - has a great ability to see various shortcomings in a certain situation, which makes him a constructive critic. Often such a person is perceived as pessimistic, and his value judgments are defined as cynicism.
  9. Gabin - for this type, comfort is most valuable, they highly appreciate harmony and tranquility in everything. Such people would rather enjoy life peacefully than conquer new heights.
  10. Huxley - he perfectly sees hidden possibilities, whether it be an object or a situation. People of this type are inherently more ethical than logical, for this very reason they are not alien to fantastic ideas that at first glance seem impossible. They are extremely curious and have a phenomenal memory.
  11. Maxim Gorky is a type of logician for whom causal relationships are obvious. Such people live according to a clear schedule, thinking is rational.
  12. Dreiser - ethics of relations. Inside them there are very clear moral principles, and if they see an external inconsistency with them, then they attach it to very harsh criticism.

Faced with the question of how to determine their personality types in these typologies. Unfortunately, there are currently no 100% reliable methods. But if you use several different methods, you can get a completely acceptable result in terms of reliability.

Before typing, you need to know a few important points.

  1. The most common misconception is that the socionic type determines entirely the character of a person, his habits and behavior. This is not so, in fact, a sociotype is a feature of the perception of information, a kind of filter that skips certain types of it. Since a person's behavior depends on the information he receives, the sociotype, of course, influences, but we should not forget about other factors: previous experience, upbringing, values, which can also have no less influence.
  2. Psychosophic and socionic types can be combined with each other in any way. At the same time, some of the combinations are harmonious, while others are contradictory. As a rule, harmonious combinations are easily typed, while contradictory ones give a wide range of versions both in socionics and in psychosophy. More about how such combinations affect the person himself is described in the article "The relationship of socionics and psychosophy".
  3. According to the descriptions, certain types may be liked or disliked, which may affect the desire to “get/not get into this type”. To prevent this from happening, it is desirable to read type descriptions only at the final stage of typing, after the typer has named his version (or several versions).
  4. Descriptions of types are written with harmonious combinations, so the owners of conflicting combinations can hardly recognize themselves. But even in harmonious types, a complete match with the description is rare. Normal for socionics is the coincidence of the description by 70-80%. In addition, almost all currently existing descriptions of socionic types included a lot of things that actually have nothing to do with socionics as a doctrine of informational metabolism (the so-called "behavioral descriptions"). The most free from this are the functional descriptions posted on the Wikipedia website in the article "Socionic Type", as well as Yulia Kolesnichenko's descriptions posted on our website SOCTYPE.RU.
  5. In psychosophy, it is desirable to read descriptions not of types in general, but functional descriptions authored by Afanasiev himself or Alexandra Vasilenko aka Spyke. Descriptions of psychosophic types in general from Afanasyev show well the connection between the type and the worldview picture of a person, but it is quite difficult to recognize oneself from them.

Tests. Where does typing begin? Most people start by taking tests, as this is the fastest way to get a result, but also the most unreliable. Therefore, it is advisable to pass all available tests several times in various states: in the morning, after waking up, in the evening (at night), when you start to want to sleep, and in the afternoon, at the peak of activity.

If you have a harmonious combination of TIM and PY-type, then the spread will be small: 2-3 types maximum, which will differ from each other by one or two dichotomies. (You can see the table of correspondence between types and features in the article "How a socionic type is formed".) And those features that match can be considered reliably determined. If the spread of types is significantly larger (more than 4 types), then most likely you have an inconsistent combination of TIM and PY-type, and you need to resort to more reliable methods.

questionnaire typing. Questionnaire typing has an optimal balance between the time spent and the reliability of the results. The main difficulty in determining the type according to the questionnaire is the inability to verify the reliability of the answers of the person being typed. There are several reasons for this: it is the desire to be better (or worse) than it actually is, and switching from basic to role-playing, and distortion of quadral values.

Therefore, it is recommended to fill out the questionnaire in a calm environment, removing all irritants (radio, telephone, TV, third-party sites in the browser). After filling out, it is advisable to show the questionnaire to a person who knows you well and whom you trust. If he decides this questionnaire is not about you at all, then the reliability of typing will be low and it is advisable to refill the questionnaire.

It is desirable to be typed according to questionnaires where typists type according to both typologies: both socionics and psychosophy. An example of such a site is TIPIRUEM.RU. It is advisable to start the definition of the type with the psychosophic type, and only then move on to the socionic type, since the psychosophic type is less subject to distortions.

Typing according to the questionnaire in simple cases goes to a specific type, in more complex cases, two most probable versions are issued (or two possible combinations of TIM + PY-type). After these versions are named by the typers, you should read the type descriptions, tell the typers about the inconsistencies found, and also report the versions resulting from the tests. This will give additional information based on which the version can be corrected (or vice versa, the typewriters will explain to you why these inconsistencies are not significant). Don't be afraid to ask additional questions or even argue with the typers! Do not forget that you know yourself all your life, and they are about you - only what you wrote about yourself in the questionnaire.

If as a result of all this it was not possible to come to an unambiguous version or you still have doubts, it makes sense to try to type using other methods.

Appearance typing. Typing by appearance is one of the most controversial issues, especially in socionics. There are both opponents and supporters of this method. From the point of view of the Unified Typological Project, typing by appearance is possible if the type is immediately visible, and such typing cannot be described with the help of formal signs (although such attempts were made in some social schools), it can only be learned by experience.

Therefore, when typing, it is still advisable to attach several photographs to the questionnaire: perhaps this will provide additional information that helps to determine in difficult cases, especially when two different TIMs are obtained based on the results of questionnaire typing.

Alternative typing techniques. This includes projective typing and handwriting typing. With projective typing, you will be asked to draw a picture on a given topic (for example, a house, a tree, and a person), according to which the type will be determined. When typing by handwriting, you will be asked to send a scan of some text you wrote. Both approaches are good in that they allow minimizing the impact of type distortions as a result of accumulated (or vice versa, insufficiently developed) experience and the influence of the environment. However, at the moment, these techniques are rather in an experimental state, in addition, a fairly small number of typers own these techniques.

Typing in the form of an interview. It can be carried out either in person or via remote means of communication (Skype, Mail.Agent) and, as a rule, is a paid service. It is widely believed that such typing “by professionals” or “in socionic schools” is the most reliable. This statement is true only for individual consultations lasting at least 30 minutes. Various group express typings, when a group of a dozen or more people are typed in an hour, asking each of them 3-4 questions, are comparable in reliability only to typing by tests and photos. In addition, professional typists should be typed, that is, those who have articles, books, speeches at conferences and a holistic, complete view of socionics.

Self-typing. In socionic circles, there is an opinion that it is impossible to independently determine your TIM (in some communities it comes to discrimination of self-typed ones). This is not true. It is quite possible to determine your personality type both in socionics and in psychosophy, however, for this you need to adequately perceive yourself, not divide types into “bad” and “good”, and understand the corresponding typology quite deeply.

In particular, in socionics it is necessary to study not only the dichotomies of Jung's basis, but also to understand well the semantics of aspects described in aspectonics, to study the properties of the functions of model A, to determine quadral values ​​and at least 2 or 3 signs of Reinin. If the results obtained using all of the above are consistent, we can talk about a reliable definition of TIM.

In psychosophy, to determine the type, it is necessary to study not only the features of the manifestation of a function in a particular position, but also additional features: processionality / effectiveness, consistency / inconsistency (aka adjusting / dominant), high / low, as well as features of the influence of the Will on others functions.

And once again I would like to emphasize: in no case should you self-type according to the descriptions!

In conclusion, it remains to be noted that one should not perceive one's personality type as a sentence. There are no good or bad types (although there are more or less demanded by society at a certain stage of its development). Socionic TIM is just an indicator of the potential for development in certain areas of activity, and the psychosophic type is an indicator of the subjective significance of these areas. The decision what to do with it: whether to develop weak functions in order to be no worse than others in any business, or to focus on achieving results in strong functions, entrusting the cover of weak functions to the dual, is up to you.

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