Indications and contraindications for electrophoresis for infants. Electrophoresis medicinal Shcherbak collar contraindications

Due to the imperfection of the immune system, children are often susceptible to various diseases. When treating newborns under 1 year of age and older children, only the most gentle methods should be used. Pediatricians prescribe various physiotherapeutic procedures for children of this age, one of which is electrophoresis. Since this method has certain contraindications, it should be used only as prescribed by a doctor.

Electrophoresis is an effective technique for administering drugs through the skin using electric current, which is actively used in the complex treatment of various diseases.

Electrophoresis - what is it and why is it needed?

During electrophoresis, medications are converted into tiny particles using electrical impulses, which are then delivered to the diseased organ. When medications are administered by hardware, most of them remain in the subcutaneous layers, and the remnants are carried with the blood and lymph throughout the body.

The current discharge used during the procedure is minimal and is not capable of causing pain to a small patient. Also, electrophoresis does not harm children's health if the device is used correctly and the optimal dosages of medications are observed. Before carrying out it, existing contraindications must be taken into account.

Electrophoresis for children is a painless method of treating various diseases. With its help, you can avoid injections associated with severe pain in infants, as well as possible complications resulting from the oral use of medications.

Infants under 1 year of age are usually prescribed electrophoresis using the Ratner method. This procedure is used to treat natal cerebrospinal injuries, for which babies are injected with a solution of aminophylline and papaverine using a device. Such manipulations are also indicated for children to combat bronchitis, diathesis, rhinitis and other pathologies.

Indications for the procedure for infants and children over one year old

Due to the small number of side effects, this physiotherapeutic procedure in pediatrics is very popular. It promotes rapid cure of many diseases even in the youngest patients.

Electrophoresis is widely used for problems in the cervical spine in infants and is often prescribed when hip dysplasia is detected in babies (we recommend reading:). In addition, there is a large list of childhood diseases that can be successfully treated using this physiotherapeutic method.

Electrophoresis for problems in the cervical spine

For pathologies of the cervical spine, electrophoresis is indicated for young patients. It is prescribed for such manifestations as:

  • promotion ;
  • muscle hypertonicity or hypotonicity of the arms or neck (see also:);
  • birth injury;
  • cerebral palsy.

Sometimes electrophoresis is a necessary physiotherapeutic procedure for infants, for example, with birth injuries

In addition, electrophoresis is prescribed to improve blood supply to the brain and shoulder region, and to relieve spasms of the muscles of the upper spine. During the procedure, a medicine, most often aminophylline, is injected into the neck area using an electric current. The duration of the session depends on the age of the baby and the doctor’s prescriptions; on average, the procedure lasts from 5 to 12 minutes.

Hip dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is a serious disease, the development of which is most often associated with infection of the child by the mother during pregnancy or injury during childbirth. When this diagnosis is made, children are prescribed a foot massage and electrophoresis with a drug, such as aminophylline. The procedure is also carried out with the addition of calcium and chlorine to the solution with which the contact gaskets are impregnated.

After a course of treatment, blood flow in the tissues around the diseased joint is normalized and its supply of microelements and nutrients is improved. The essence of electrophoresis for hip dysplasia is to place electrodes on the area of ​​the buttocks and gluteal folds for 5–10 minutes. The duration of treatment is 10–20 sessions. This physiotherapeutic procedure is prescribed by a doctor.

Other indications

Parents often wonder why infants need electrophoresis. Despite the rather simple principle of operation, this effective procedure is considered indispensable in identifying the following pathologies in infants:

  • musculoskeletal disorders;
  • various heart diseases or congenital defects;
  • birth injuries;
  • neuralgic abnormalities;
  • diathesis.

Electrophoresis for infants is also used to relieve pain associated with various diseases.

Indications for the procedure in older children are practically no different from those pathologies that electrophoresis treats in infants. Indications also include diseases such as:

  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • stomatitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • tonsillitis, otitis, rhinitis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the urinary and respiratory systems;
  • eye pathologies.

Carrying out the procedure independently without the consent of a doctor is prohibited. Only a specialist can choose the optimal drug and determine the duration of treatment.

Drugs used

During electrophoresis, the child is given various medications. Their choice depends on the disease that is being cured.

Medicines used include:

  1. Magnesia. This medicine effectively fights pathologies of the respiratory system.
  2. Eufillin. It contains theophylline and ethylenediamine. The action of the drug is aimed at increasing diuresis, activating the work of the heart muscle and respiratory center, and dilating blood vessels. Eufillin is able to increase blood circulation and destroy blood clots.
  3. Papaverine. The drug belongs to the group of antispasmodics and effectively relieves muscle spasms.
  4. A nicotinic acid. This product is a synthetic analogue of vitamin PP. It is used to improve carbohydrate metabolism, accelerate tissue healing and dilate blood vessels.
  5. Calcium. Indicated for paralysis and muscular dystrophy. In combination with vitamins C, the drug has a powerful anti-inflammatory and absorbable effect.
  6. Dibazol. The product is used to stimulate the spinal cord and strengthen the defenses of babies. It is widely used in the treatment of neurological pathologies and intestinal disorders. In addition, dibazol is effective for increased muscle tone. Proserine and bromine have similar actions.

Solutions of nicotinic acid and aminophylline for electrophoresis

During the Ratner procedure, children undergo electrophoresis with the simultaneous use of aminophylline and papaverine. This technique is intended to treat birth injuries, cerebral palsy, and blood flow disorders in the cervical spine.

Often, when conducting electrophoresis in children, nicotinic acid and aminophylline are used together. The procedure helps with impaired muscle tone, hydrocephalus and birth injuries.

Technique of the procedure

Carrying out electrophoresis in children is not difficult. The manipulation consists of several stages:

  1. A napkin or piece of gauze is moistened with a solution of the drug, which is selected depending on the disease.
  2. The electrodes (plates) of the device intended for the procedure are wrapped in a cloth soaked in a therapeutic solution and applied to the desired organ (neck area, chest, lower back).
  3. The required impulse strength is set. Only after this the device is connected.
  4. Upon completion of these manipulations, the areas of the child’s skin to which the electrodes were applied are wiped with a dry cloth.

During the procedure, slight tingling of the skin is felt in places of contact with the plates wrapped in damp cloth, which can frighten a small patient. It is extremely important that a parent is present throughout the procedure. All metal objects (chain, cross, pendants, etc.) must be removed before the procedure to avoid burns.


Like any other medical procedure, this physiotherapy procedure has contraindications. These include:

  • elevated temperature;
  • tumors;
  • heart and kidney failure;
  • inflammation in the acute stage;
  • predisposition to bleeding;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • purulent skin diseases;
  • dermatitis.

The procedure has its contraindications, so a thorough examination of the child is necessary.

The procedure is prohibited in case of individual intolerance to the effects of current and an allergy to the medications used. If there is damage to the skin at the sites where the electrodes are attached, electrophoresis is postponed until complete healing.

Is it possible to perform electrophoresis at home?

This procedure can be carried out at home only in consultation with a doctor. In this case, it is necessary to strictly observe the duration of the session. Before the first independent manipulation, it is worth inviting a nurse who will teach you how to use a device intended for home use. It must be remembered that an incorrectly performed procedure can significantly worsen the baby’s condition.

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Using electrophoresis, calcium, magnesium, iodine, bromine, pyrogenal, lidase, galantamine, proserin, dibazol, succinic acid, seduxen, novocaine, etc. can be administered.

Oculo-occipital electrophoresis according to Bourguignon

A method of simultaneous exposure of a direct electric current and administered medicinal substances to a pathological focus located intracerebrally. Bifurcated round electrodes made of 10-12 layers of gauze are placed on the eye sockets with the eyes closed. Another electrode measuring 5-10 cm is placed on the back of the neck.

Using the oculo-occipital technique, you can enter:
. novocaine,
. potassium iodide (iodine is introduced),
. lidase,
. magnesium,
. calcium chloride (calcium is introduced),
. succinic acid.

Galvanic collar according to Shcherbak

One electrode in the shape of a shawl collar is placed on the upper back so that its ends cover the shoulder girdle and collarbone, the second electrode with an area of ​​150-300 cm is in the lumbosacral region.

Using this method, it is advisable to enter:
. calcium,
. bromine,
. magnesium,
. novocaine,
. lidase,
. theonicol,
. aloe,
. aminophylline,
. trental,
. nootropil,
. pyrogenal,
. succinic acid.

Combined effect of galvanic current and medicinal substance:
. improves the functional state of the nervous system,
. dilates blood vessels in the brain,
. reduces muscle tone,
. weakens pathological postural activity.

General electrophoresis according to Vermeule

One electrode is placed in the interscapular region, the other, bifurcated, in the region of the calf muscles. The medicinal substances are the same as for electrophoresis of the collar zone.

General electrophoresis has the following effects:
. on the muscles of the body,
. on the thoracic and lumbar segments of the spinal cord,
. to peripheral nerves
. on the osteoarticular apparatus of the trunk and limbs.

Lidase electrophoresis on the adductor muscles of the thighs

Indicated for adductor spasm. Two electrodes with gaskets are moistened with a solution of lidase with novocaine (30 ml of 0.5% solution of novocaine + 64 units of lidase), applied to the inner surfaces of the thighs and connected to the anode of the galvanic apparatus. An electrode with an area of ​​300 cm is applied to the lumbosacral region and connected to the cathode.

The introduction of lidase promotes:
. improving blood circulation,
. reduces connective tissue density,
. has a resolving effect.

The muscles become more extensible, the hip abduction angle increases, and the cross of the legs decreases.

Electrophoresis of novocaine using the Novozhilov method

One electrode with a gasket (50-200 cm2) is moistened with a 0.25-0.5% solution of novocaine and applied to the area of ​​the spinal column, capturing the paravertebral sections (for the upper extremities from C4 to Th4, for the lower extremities - L5-S2) and connected to positive pole of a galvanic apparatus. The second electrode, indifferent, is placed longitudinally above or below the first and connected to the negative pole.

Impact of novocaine:

. inhibits pathological afferent impulses entering the central nervous system;
. normalizes the excitability of the motor areas of the brain.

As a result, muscle tone decreases and hyperkinesis decreases.

Electrophoresis of novocaine and adrenaline according to the method of A.S. Levina

Under the influence of novocaine with adrenaline on the area of ​​the distal parts of the hands and feet, pathological proprioceptive impulses into the central nervous system are significantly reduced, muscle tone is reduced and hyperkinesis is suppressed. In a mixture containing 40 ml of a 0.5% solution of novocaine, heated to 37 ° C, and 8 drops of a solution of adrenaline 1:1000, moisten 4 napkins of 8-10 layers of gauze each, which are used to wrap the first and second terminal phalanges of the fingers and toes. . Place a pad moistened with warm water and an electrode on top of the napkin. Electrodes from the fingers are connected with a forked wire to the anode of the galvanic apparatus, and from the toes - with a forked wire to the cathode. 10-15 minutes after the start of the procedure, the polarity of the current changes.

Nasal electrophoresis of novocaine and calcium

Drugs used in nasal electrophoresis penetrate through the nasal mucosa into the perineural spaces of the olfactory and trigeminal nerves and further into the cerebrospinal fluid and the central nervous system. Novocaine administered in this way reduces the excitability of the motor zones of the cerebral cortex and inhibits the flow of afferent impulses at the level of the reticular formation of the brain stem.

Calcium helps normalize the processes of inhibition and excitation in the central nervous system.

In patients with cerebral palsy after a course of nasal electrophoresis of novocaine and calcium:
. muscle tone decreases,
. the volume of active movements increases,
. in some cases hyperkinesis decreases.

Before the nasal electrophoresis procedure, the nasal mucosa is washed with a cotton swab dipped in water. Gauze turundas up to 15-18 cm long are moistened with a 0.5% solution of novocaine, heated to 37 ° C, with the addition of a solution of adrenaline (1 drop per 5 ml) or a 2% solution of calcium chloride, inserted into both nostrils with tweezers so that they are tightly adjacent to the nasal mucosa.

The free ends of the turunda are connected and placed on top of a small oilcloth placed on the upper lip. They are covered with a lead plate measuring 2x3 cm, connected to the anode of the galvanic apparatus. The second electrode is placed on the back of the neck or in the upper thoracic spine and connected to the cathode. It is advisable to carry out therapeutic exercises 20-30 minutes after the procedure.

Electrophoresis of a 0.1% solution of proserin, a 5% solution of galantamine and a 1% solution of tropacin on the area of ​​the affected muscles of the limbs reduces spasticity and improves neuromuscular conduction. Before starting the procedure, an active electrode with a medicinal substance is placed on the fingers or toes (a bifurcated electrode) and attached to the corresponding pole (anode), and an indifferent one - on the middle third of the forearm or lower leg.

Patients with the cerebellar form of cerebral palsy are treated with treatment on the segmental area of ​​the spine and limbs. In this case, the prozerin electrophoresis procedure is carried out with the electrodes located along the spine, the current density is 0.01-0.03 mA/cm2, the duration of the procedure is 5-10-15 minutes. The course includes 10-15 procedures, applied daily or every other day.

For spastic dysarthria, a positive result is obtained by novocaine electrophoresis (0.5% or 0.2% solution) according to the Kellat-Emanovsky cervicofacial technique, current strength - 3-7 mA, duration - 7-15 minutes (depending on age) , per course - 10-12 procedures.

Using novocaine electrophoresis on the affected muscles of the limbs, the anode is placed on the spinal region at the level of the Th10-L2 segments when the legs are affected or at the level of C4-Th4 when the arms are affected, the cathode is lower; the size of the electrodes is from 80 to 200 cm2 depending on the height of the child. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes, per course - 10-15 procedures. Treatment can be repeated after 2 months.

For joint contractures, lidase (ronidase) electrophoresis is prescribed transversely to the joints. Current density is 0.01-0.05 mA/cm2 with a duration of exposure of 15-20 minutes, per course of treatment - 10-15 procedures taken daily.

ON THE. Usakova, A.S. Levin, V.V. Nikolaev

Direct (galvanic) current causes irritation of skin receptors, which causes a number of general and local reactions of the body: improved blood and lymph circulation, galvanization stimulates tissue metabolism, restoration processes, and has an analgesic effect.

Electrophoresis (iontophoresis, iontophoresis) is the most common form of galvanization in physiotherapy.

Electrophoresis is a method of introducing medicinal substances into the body in the form of ions through intact skin or mucous membranes using direct current. Due to the combined effect of current and medicinal substances on the body, the effectiveness of this method of treatment increases significantly - the influence of the administered drugs and direct current is inseparable from each other.

Electrophoresis has the following advantages compared to other treatment methods:

  • When administered by electrophoresis, the drug retains its specific effect in the body and usually does not have a general toxic effect;
  • Electrophoresis allows you to introduce several medicinal substances at once into any area of ​​the body in size and location;
  • With electrophoresis, a depot of ions of medicinal substances is created in the thickness of the skin, which remain in the body much longer (up to 3 weeks);
  • The drug substance is slowly eliminated from the body;
  • Even small doses of medicinal substances administered using electrophoresis have an active effect, which is due to the body’s increased sensitivity to them under the influence of direct current;
  • Electrophoresis does not affect the normal functioning of the tissue in the injection area;
  • The amount of administered medicinal substance can be dosed by changing the size of the electrode, the concentration of the solution, the current strength and the duration of exposure;
  • Electrophoresis makes it possible to have a local effect when the pathological focus is superficial;
  • The drug substance can be excreted from the body into the hydrophilic pad by changing the polarity of the direct current.

Despite the fact that the drug substance enters the blood from the depot in a very small amount, its biological activity is high, since it is in an electrically active state.

The duration of an electrophoresis session is approximately 15-30 minutes, procedures are carried out every other day, less often - every day. The number of electrophoresis sessions is usually from 10 to 30. To increase the efficiency of electrophoresis, the latter is often combined with inductothermy.

You should protect the skin in the place where the electrodes will be applied from scratches, scratches and other injuries. If there is still a scratch at the site where the electrode is applied, it must be covered with a layer of an insulating substance (for example, Vaseline), and additionally covered with wax paper on top.

After galvanization and electrophoresis procedures, skin itching often occurs at the application site. Therefore, it is recommended that after the procedure, lubricate the application areas with boric petroleum jelly or lanolin. The next day, these areas are washed with warm water and soap.

Electrophoresis in dermatology

Some medicinal substances used in the treatment of skin diseases.

Calcium chloride- 0.5-2.0% calcium chloride solution is prescribed taking into account the pharmacological properties of calcium: anti-inflammatory; astringents; action that reduces the permeability of the walls of small blood vessels; calming the nervous system, etc. Electrophoresis of calcium preparations is used for the purpose of local effects and obtaining reflex reactions.

Magnesium sulfate- 2-3% solution of magnesium sulfate. Electrophoresis of magnesium from a solution of magnesium sulfate is used to influence the nervous system and blood vessels. In cosmetology, magnesium electrophoresis is used in the treatment of warts.

Zinc- 1-2% solution of zinc sulfate or zinc chlorate. Zinc chloride is a strong disinfectant and astringent. Electrophoresis of zinc salts is accompanied by pain as a result of the cauterizing effect of zinc preparations and serves to obtain reflex reactions. In dermatocosmetology it is used in the treatment of acne vulgaris, furunculosis, staphylococcal sycosis, non-healing ulcers, etc.

Copper sulfate- 1% copper sulfate solution. Copper sulfate is a strong astringent and disinfectant. Used in electrophoresis to treat furunculosis.

Chlorine- usually administered from a 2% solution of table salt, used to accelerate the resorption of chronic infiltrates and scars.

Iodine- 0.5-1.0% solution of potassium iodide or sodium iodide. The mechanism of action of iodine introduced by electrophoresis is as follows: iodine ions, transformed in tissues into iodine atoms, having a strong affinity for the atoms, decompose water. The oxygen released during this process destroys the cellular substance, and the resulting breakdown products have a general and local stimulating effect on the body. Iodine is introduced for faster resorption of scars (keloids) and chronic inflammatory foci.

Bromine- administered from a 2% sodium bromide solution. Bromine has a calming effect; bromine electrophoresis is used for inflammatory processes accompanied by pain; for pain accompanying herpes zoster.

Quinine- for electrophoresis, acidic hydrochloric acid (hydrochloric acid) quinine is used - 5% solution, used in the treatment of erythematous lupus.

Ichthyol— 1% aqueous solution, used for the purpose of faster resorption of chronic infiltrates, with hypertrophic scars.

Healing mud- electrophoresis of therapeutic mud, is highly effective - it has a thermal effect, promotes the penetration of various substances contained in it into the skin. Electrophoresis of therapeutic mud can be prescribed to patients for whom mud applications are contraindicated.

Electrophoresis of a 2% solution of Novocaine, vitamin B1, insulin, a solution of diphenhydramine and calcium chloride in equal parts and other medications is also used.

Electrophoresis for psoriasis

Electrophoresis for psoriasis is prescribed after the progressive stage (spread) of psoriasis has passed. For psoriasis, electrophoresis of hydrogen sulfide water (concentration up to 400 mg/l) is applied to the affected area for 20 minutes, daily or every other day. Electrophoresis of therapeutic mud is highly effective, which promotes the penetration of substances contained in it into the skin and has a thermal effect. This procedure can be prescribed if mud therapy in the form of applications is contraindicated.

Electrophoresis for red acne (rosacea, acne rosacea)

Electrophoresis is sometimes used in the treatment of red acne. For this purpose, ichthyol is used (a 1-2% solution is introduced) or a 1% solution of copper sulfate. A total of 15-20 sessions are performed (session duration - 20 minutes). Procedures are prescribed every other day.

Vacuum electrophoresis

For some inflammatory and degenerative diseases, electrophoresis is used under vacuum conditions - vacuum electrophoresis, which creates a 2-5 times greater concentration of medicinal substances in tissues than conventional electrophoresis.


Electroelimination is a method of removing certain substances from the body using electrophoresis. For example, the removal of toxic substances from the body for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes, a number of substances from eye tissue, calcium from bone tissue, etc.

Contraindications to electrophoresis and galvanization

Malignant neoplasms, acute purulent-inflammatory processes, common dermatoses, severe atherosclerosis, tendency to bleeding, acute cardiovascular diseases, intolerance to galvanic current or administered medicinal substance.

Galvanization is a physiotherapeutic method in which the patient’s body is exposed to a continuous electric current of low strength and voltage.

Galvanic current penetrates the organs and tissues of the human body, stimulating the occurrence of complex physical and chemical processes.

Therapeutic effect

The mechanism of action of galvanization is the continuous effect of an electric current of low strength and intensity on individual areas of the patient’s body and skin. When a current is applied to the human body, the balance of ions in cells changes, and physical and chemical transformations occur.

The use of galvanization leads to the following effects:

Basic parameters of the procedure

The galvanization procedure in physiotherapy can be carried out with different dosages of density, current strength and duration of exposure. For this physiotherapeutic method, a current of low voltage (up to 80 V) and low strength (up to 50 mA) is used. The current density varies from 0.01 mA/cm2 to 0.08 mA/cm2.

The strongest current is used for therapeutic effects on the torso and limbs (from 15 mA to 30 mA). When applying electrodes to the area of ​​the head, face, mucous membranes, the current strength does not exceed 5 mA.

Current is supplied to the patient's body using electrodes (lead plates up to 1 mm thick, with a wet gasket, and a cord connected to the plate). Electrodes can also be built into a reservoir (“bath”), which is used to immerse the part of the body that requires therapy. A hydrophilic gasket and water in the reservoir are necessary to prevent burns to the patient’s skin from electrolysis products.

Electrodes can have a rectangular shape, be in the form of a half mask (for use on the face), in the form of a “collar” (for influencing the upper back and shoulder girdles), in the form of a funnel (for use in the ear area), or a “bath”. There are also cavity electrodes for intravaginal and rectal use.

After fixing the electrodes on the patient’s body, or placing a part of the body in the “bath,” the current is started and gradually increased until the required parameters are reached. The procedure ends with a gradual decrease in current until it turns off.

Electrodes can be applied transversely or longitudinally. Transverse application contributes to a more effective effect on deep-lying tissues. The electrodes are located on opposite parts of the body, opposite each other. The longitudinal arrangement ensures the effect on the superficial areas of tissue. Electrodes are applied to one side of the body.

When performing the procedure, it is necessary to take into account the patient's sensations. A normal reaction to the current manifests itself in the form of a sensation of “crawling goosebumps” or a slight tingling sensation. The current density must be reduced if a burning sensation occurs.

After 5-7 galvanization sessions, the patient’s condition may worsen. This effect indicates a positive effect from the procedures performed.

The duration of the procedure ranges from 15 minutes (for general exposure) to 40 minutes (for local exposure). The therapeutic course consists of 10-20 galvanization sessions. It is recommended to carry out the procedure daily or every other day. A repeat course is possible in a month.

Place in neurological and general medical practice

Galvanization is an effective method of treating the following neurological diseases:

Galvanization is also widely used in the following areas of medicine:

  • cardiology;
  • gastroenterology;
  • urology;
  • pulmonology;
  • dentistry;
  • surgery;
  • endocrinology;
  • orthopedics;
  • gynecology;
  • cosmetology;
  • dermatology;
  • ophthalmology.

Technique and methods of the procedure

Before starting the procedure, the patient's skin must be cleansed. If there is damage to the skin, these areas must be treated with Vaseline and covered with cotton wool, rubber or oilcloth.

Electrodes are applied longitudinally (impact on superficial tissues) and transversely (impact on deep tissues and organs). Arrangement transversely and diagonally is possible.

During the procedure, the patient takes a sitting or lying position. The electrodes are attached using adhesive plaster, bandage, or small containers with sand.

There are various methods of applying galvanization:

Electrophoresis as an improved galvanization method

The combination of galvanization with drugs is called electrophoresis. Galvanic current is used for more efficient absorption of drugs by the body, and makes their effect effective and mild.

Medicinal solutions are introduced into the body through the mucous membranes and skin under the influence of an electric field. The most effective effect is on hair follicles, sebaceous gland ducts, intercellular spaces and sweat glands.

Medicines used in electrophoresis contain ions (charged particles) that are introduced into the body by various electrodes. The choice of electrode depends on the charge of the ions. During one procedure, different substances can be administered from different points of influence.

The electrophoresis procedure is painless, but discomfort in the form of a slight tingling sensation in the area where the electrodes are applied is possible.

  • inflammatory processes;

Electrophoresis can be carried out in various ways:

  1. Through the skin– electrodes are placed on the patient’s skin.
  2. Using baths– a solution of a medicinal substance is placed in a reservoir with built-in electrodes, and the part of the body that requires exposure is placed in this “bath”.
  3. Cavity method– the drug solution is administered rectally or into the vagina. The electrode is also inserted inside. An electrode with a different polarity is attached to the outside of the body (used for the treatment of diseases of the large intestine and pelvic organs).
  4. Interstitial method– the drug is administered orally, inhaled, intravenously, electrodes are applied to the affected organ or area (most effective for respiratory diseases).

As a result of the procedure, medicinal substances accumulate in the skin and can remain there from 12 hours to 20 days. Due to this, a longer effect of the drugs is ensured and they are slowly eliminated from the body.

The advantage of the method is that the accumulation of the drug occurs locally, without spreading it to the entire body.

The concentration of the drug in the area of ​​application is several times higher than the concentration with conventional methods of administration. Electrophoresis allows you to introduce drugs into areas with impaired microcirculation and blood circulation, where the penetration of medications is usually difficult. A positive feature of the method is also the low level of allergic and adverse reactions.

Appliances used

Devices for galvanization and electrophoresis are electronic rectifiers of alternating current of the lighting network. The following devices are used to carry out the galvanization procedure:

  • “Potok-1”, “Potok-01M”, “Potok-Br”;
  • "GR";
  • "AGN-1", "AGN-2";
  • "Radius";
  • "NET";
  • "ETER";
  • "ELFOR", "ELFOR-Prof";
  • "ESMA".

Apparatus for galvanization and electrophoresis ELFOR

Contraindications to the use of physiotherapy

  • individual intolerance to galvanic current;
  • the presence of neoplasms or suspicions of them;
  • acute inflammatory diseases;
  • severe cardiovascular diseases;
  • acute purulent diseases;
  • systemic blood diseases;
  • severe atherosclerosis;
  • eczema, dermatitis;
  • feverish conditions;
  • skin diseases;
  • skin damage;
  • impaired skin sensitivity;
  • during pregnancy;
  • with cachexia.

“Galvanic collar” is prescribed to children over two years of age.

One electrode in the shape of a shawl collar with an area of ​​300-600-800 cm 2 (depending on the patient’s age) is placed in the shoulder girdle area so that its ends cover the shoulder girdle and collarbone. The second electrode with an area of ​​150-300 cm 2 (for adolescents 400-600 cm 2) is placed in the lumbosacral region (Fig. 27). The combined effect of galvanic current and medicinal substances in this method improves blood circulation

Fig. 17 Location of electrodes during galvanization and electrophoresis on the collar area.

brain and the functional state of the central nervous system, reduces muscle tone, weakens pathological postural activity.

The current strength and exposure time are increased every two procedures: current strength - by 1-2 mA (from 4-6 to 10-16 mA), exposure time - by 2 minutes (from 6 to 16 min), course of treatment 8-15 procedures.

For spastic forms of cerebral palsy using this method the following is administered:

5% solution of theonicol (xanthinol nicotinate),

1% solution of tropacin,

2-5% calcium chloride solution,

5% aqueous solution of phenibut,

1-5% solution of novocaine,

0.5-1-2% dibazole solution,

0.5-2% solution of aminophylline (bipolar),

2% solution of aloe extract,

2% solution of aloe extract with 5-10% solution of honey.

For spastic forms of cerebral palsy, electrophoresis of a 1% solution of deoxypeganine hydrochloride or a 0.1% solution of proserine (0.5-2 ml per procedure) from the positive electrode is also recommended. From the negative side of the bifurcated electrode, which in this case is placed on the calf muscles, 1-2 ml of a 1% solution of nicotinic acid is injected.

For the hyperkinetic form, electrophoresis is prescribed using the Shcherbak technique:

0.1% solution of atropine sulfate,

2% trental solution,

1% solution of tropacin,

1-5% solution of vitamin B6,

1-5% solution of magnesium sulfate,

2-5% sodium bromide (potassium) solution.

In the atonic-astatic form of cerebral palsy, electrophoresis is prescribed:

0.1% solution of proserin,

2-3-5% sodium phosphate solution,

1% solution of adenosine triphosphoric acid,

1% serotonin solution,

2% trental solution,

0.5-1-2% dibazole solution.

In this form of cerebral palsy, electrophoresis of a 0.25-0.5-1% galantamine solution in an amount of 0.5-1 ml is also carried out from a positive electrode located in the collar area. From a negative electrode placed in the sacral area, 2-4 ml of a 1% solution of nicotinic acid or a 0.5-2% solution of aminophylline are injected.

For all forms of cerebral palsy, galvanic mud is prescribed to the collar area.

General electrophoresis (galvanization) according to Vermeule

General electrophoresis or Vermeule galvanization for children in the first months of life is carried out using electrodes with an area of ​​10 cm 2, placing one electrode in the interscapular region, the other in the upper half of the abdomen. For children aged 6 months to 2 years, an electrode with an area of ​​100-150 cm2 is placed in the interscapular region, two others with an area of ​​50-75 cm2 are placed on the front surface of the thighs. For children over 2 years old, galvanization and electrophoresis using the Vermeule method is carried out in the generally accepted way: an ectrode with an area of ​​100-250 cm 2 is applied in the interscapular area, a bifurcated electrode with the same total area is applied in the area of ​​the calf muscles (Fig. 28).

Rice. 18 Location of electrodes during general galvanization and electrophoresis using the Vermeule method.

The medicinal substances used in electrophoresis using the Vermeule method are basically the same as those used in electrophoresis of the collar zone, and the administration of some medicinal substances using the Vermeule method is more effective. These include prozerin, deoxypeganine hydrochloride, dibazole, glutamic acid, sodium phosphate, mumiyo, B vitamins.

The duration of the general electrophoresis procedure according to Vermeule is 10-15 minutes, the course of treatment is 10-12 procedures, which are carried out every other day or in cycles: 3-4 procedures daily, then take a break of 2-3 days and continue the treatment. For young children, the exposure time and number of procedures are reduced.

Longitudinal electrophoresis (galvanization) of the spine.

Patients with the atonic-astatic form of cerebral palsy are prescribed proserin electrophoresis using the longitudinal method (Fig. 29).

Fig. 19 Location of electrodes along the spine - longitudinal electrophoresis (galvanization) of the spine.

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