But they were embarrassed to ask. Excite and dominate. Everything you wanted to know about the clitoris, but were embarrassed to ask. Is it possible to buy something with bitcoins?

If you evaluate the sexual literacy of Russians on a five-point scale, then you can safely give a two, says sexologist Vladimir Fainzilberg. - We are talking about ignorance of anatomy - for example, boys do not know where the clitoris is, girls do not understand what can make a boy feel good. Also, people often do not have psychological preparation for intimate life - girls are scared, boys are not confident in themselves. Now sexology in our country is in its infancy. And it needs to be developed, because ignorance of basic things about sex can put partners in an awkward position, even marriages collapse because of this.

The French have also thought about the gaps in sexual literacy. WITH sociologist Odile Fillod, as reported by the French scientific portal Makery,I came to the conclusion that there is no normal image of the clitoris, for example, in any anatomy textbook. On her initiative, not just an image was made, but a 3D model of this organ. This model was printed in the Carrefour digital workshop and is now shown in educational institutions.

Phillaud believes that all ideas about the “deficiency of women” (for example, in many countries, menstruation is considered a female disgrace) arise from the fact that people have little knowledge of female physiology. According to Phillaud, it was very important for her to teach young people more about the female body. Even better - show in such a visually modern way, which becomes the center of female pleasure.

"Tickle" and "hunter"

Interestingly, translated from Latin, clitorido means “tickle.” Previously, in Russian there was another name for this organ - “pohotnik”. And speaking scientifically, this is an unpaired genital organ in female mammals, and this is one of the main erogenous zones. Yes, it is created only for pleasure and for nothing else.

The clitoris consists of three parts: the head (the upper outer part, it can be seen just behind the labia), the body and two cylindrical legs. There is another important part - the foreskin of the clitoris ( fold of skin that covers the outer part of the body of the clitoris and its head from external damage). TO The litorus is shaped like an inverted V.

1 - head of the clitoris

2 - clitoral hood

3 - erectile tissue (excitation zone)

4 - legs of the clitoris

Incredible but true: the clitoris is similar in structure to the male penis. Just like the penis, it has a suspensory ligament, a frenulum, its cavernous bodies are surrounded by a dense tunica albuginea and consist of cells.

By the way, about the sizes: they are individual, but on average the total length of the clitoral head ranges from 4 mm to 1 cm. In general, the length of the clitoris (including its internal part) usually ranges from 8 to 20 cm. At the same time, the average size of the male penis, according to statistical data, 9-16 cm. But women will not be able to measure themselves like men: as already mentioned, most of the clitoris is located inside the body.

The head of the clitoris is covered by a fold of skin (clitoral hood). Under normal conditions, the head may not be visible at all, or only a small part of it may be visible. During sexual arousal, an erection of the clitoris occurs, the head protrudes forward.

The sensory nerves of the clitoris begin in the skin, pass into the dorsal nerve of the clitoris, and then travel as part of the pudendal nerve to the spinal cord. As a result, when the clitoris is stimulated, the female brain receives information about achieving pleasure.

There may be too many nerve endings in the clitoris. In this case, the organ becomes too sensitive, and any touch to the head of the clitoris can give the woman not pleasure, but pain. Experts advise girls not to be shy about confessing to their partner if she has any unpleasant feelings.

Why does the clitoris need legs?

As sexologist Alexander Poleev said, people most often only know about the head of the clitoris and have no ideaabout the role of the legs. And this role is very important.

The legs wrap around the vaginal tube on both sides. Their function is to compress the vagina during intimacy so that there is good contact with the male genital organ, said Alexander Poleev.

How exactly does it work? There are cavities in the leg that, during sexual arousal, fill with blood - due to this they compress the vagina.

According to the sexologist,It's no surprise that most people have a poor idea of ​​what the clitoris looks like. After all, even scientists until recently did not know exactly what it was like.

The clitoris itself, according to the sexologist, was “discovered” at the beginning of the 17th century - one Italian scientist saw his legs. But until recently, the existence of the legs was questioned. Some doctors considered them part of the vagina.

The spongy tissue has grown very tightly with the body of the vagina, and there is a lot of connective tissue around, so it was difficult to understand where the vagina ends and where the spongy tissue begins, explained Alexander Poleev. - After all, studies were previously carried out on corpses.

Modern medical equipment made it possible to see the clitoris in more detail - about 20 years ago.

These are installations similar to magnetic resonance imaging,” said Alexander Poleev. - A woman masturbates with a vibrator in such a setup. We see that the vaginal tube does not change, but these two legs fill with blood and stand out clearly.

But the clitoris still raises many questions for sexologists.

U The clitoris has a rather complex physiology. There is a phenomenon that in adolescence, the clitoral receptors are much more sensitive,” said Alexander Poleev. - Then, in a fifth or even a fourth of girls, by the age of 21–22, the sensitivity of the clitoris sharply decreases, the discharge disappears, and instead of pleasure they simply receive pleasant sensations. Although the number of receptors cannot change, it is constant - about 8 thousand.

In appearance, the receptors, according to the sexologist, also do not change.

But something is changing there since they are not functioning,” he says. - So there is still quite a lot of research to be done in this regard. The clitoris is the beginning of a woman's complex system of sexual pleasure. In addition to the vaginal tube and clitoris, there are nerve nodes and pathways in the surrounding tissues... This system is quite severely disturbed in many women. 34% of women do not experience vaginal release. The scale of the violations - imagine if 34% of people had one leg! Why this system is so often violated, we have no very good idea. We still need to work and work on this.

Woman with a "penis"

Clitoridectomy is an operation to partially or completely remove the clitoris. Why is it done? The fact is that the head of the clitoris can be too large (sometimes reaching 3.5 cm) - this interferes, for example, with urination. And sex life can come to a standstill if a woman is embarrassed by the fact that, in fact, she has her own penis.

Moreover, clitoral hypertrophy can be congenital or acquired. In any case, the main reason is hormonal imbalance. Congenital hypertrophy may be due to the inability of the adrenal glands to produce the hormone cortisol (steroids accumulate in the body). Acquired hypertrophy can occur in women who were heavily addicted to anabolic steroids to build muscle (and thereby disrupted their hormonal levels).

Surgery to reduce the clitoris is also performed for anorgasmia (inability to experience orgasm) - in other words, when the clitoris does not perform its main function and does not help a woman become sexually aroused. During this operation, part of the mucous tissue of the clitoris is removed in order to increase its sensitivity.

A little history: in In the 19th century, clitoridectomy was practiced in some countries as a method of “treating” masturbation in women: all traditional religions consider masturbation (“handjob”) a grave sin.

It's not just surgeons who bring sharp objects to the clitoris. Nowadays, some representatives of the fair sex, in search of thrills, pierce their clitoris. More precisely, his head. In their opinion, with such a “spice”, sex becomes more pleasant and interesting. At the same time, the risk of getting an infection during sexual intercourse increases - after all, in fact, a puncture is a small wound. Moreover, taking into account the hypersensitivity of the clitoris, one can imagine how painful it can be if you accidentally touch or even tear off a piquant decoration.

If it hurts

There are situations when a doctor’s consultation is required not only to correct the size of the clitoris, but also to treat various diseases and even injuries.

Yes, it can be injured during sex. Such cases are, of course, rare, becauseThe clitoris is located in such a way that during sexual intercourse it is practically not touched by the partner. But if your partner has a wild imagination and is not attentive enough, then anything can happen.

Sometimes a partner (by accident or on purpose) behaves rudely: he puts too much pressure on the clitoris, touches it with dry fingers. The result is abrasions and even hemorrhage.As mentioned, the clitoris is analogous to a man's penis, and it also contains large blood vessels, so bleeding can be heavy and painful. The saddest injury, perhaps, can be a bite from a partner during cunnilingus (oral sex). In addition to the fact that it will be incredibly painful for a woman, such a wound will take a long time to heal: the location of this organ makes it difficult to regularly apply healing ointments.

Itching of the clitoris can occur with bacterial vaginosis (a disorder of the vaginal microflora) and vaginitis (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa). Pathogenic microorganisms affect the thin tissues of the organ, causing discomfort.

With sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia (a sexually transmitted disease caused by chlamydia bacteria) and gonorrhea (purulent inflammation of the urinary tract), itching is also accompanied by purulent discharge. If the clitoris itches and is covered with small ulcers, then this is very similar to syphilis. The ulcer in this case is a chancre (the initial sign of syphilis).

Itching can also be a sign of an allergic reaction to synthetic underwear, intimate hygiene soap, and poor-quality sanitary pads.

Even pimples may appear on the clitoris. This could be an ingrown hair due to improper depilation. In addition, a pimple on the clitoris can cause infection on the mucous membrane. Among the reasons for the appearance of acne on the clitoris may be the same hormonal imbalance, hypothermia and wearing tight underwear. Squeezing such pimples, of course, is strictly prohibited.

And in all these cases you should definitely consult a doctor! Even superficial abrasions on the genitals can lead to inflammation and infection, just like any other wound on the body. You should not start treatment yourself. The only thing you can do before visiting a doctor is to treat the wound with a disinfectant and take a bath with chamomile infusion.

Female circumcision

The practice of “female circumcision” is associated with the clitoris. In this ritual, either the clitoral hood or the entire glans of the clitoris is most often removed. The ritual of female circumcision exists among some peoples in Asia and Africa (in Russia - in Dagestan). The goal is to reduce women's sexual sensitivity so that they lead a chaste lifestyle. Those who practice this ritual associate it with Islamic traditions, although most Islamic preachers say that it has nothing to do with religion.

Side effects of this operation include difficulty urinating and bleeding. Previously Life Obstetrician-gynecologist Yulianna Abaeva then confirmed that circumcision is indeed harmful to health.

- This procedure is harmful,” she said. - They cut off a part of the body. Firstly, this can lead to heavy blood loss during the “surgery”. When the cuts heal, scars form on the genitals. This means that every sexual intercourse will be accompanied by the formation of cracks, bleeding, and pain. I'm not talking about the psychological aspect: a woman will cease to feel like a woman.

Sex is the basis of gender relations. For some, this is an axiom, while others will zealously argue, stubbornly repeating that the key is not in this, but in mutual understanding, trust and spiritual harmony between partners. One way or another, sex is definitely the basis, without which any normal relationship is hardly possible. That's why sex was, is and will be one of the most discussed and controversial phenomena.

Namely, ambiguous. Because, firstly, there is no limit to perfection, and secondly, sometimes it is still so important to turn off impulses for a while, turn on your head and ask a simple question: “Am I doing everything right?” Sound familiar? Certainly! Otherwise, you would hardly have come across this material on the World Wide Web. Therefore, especially for you, the answers to 10 most secret questions about the most interesting :)

If sex isn't rough enough, how do you start?

During “foreplay,” forcefully move his hands up and behind his head with yours, hold them there for a while while you kiss him. If This does not occur in a horizontal position, use the wall as a fulcrum.

Why do many people prefer sex in the light?

As you know, men love with their eyes, so it is especially important for them not only to indulge in sensations during sex, but at the same time also to admire their partner. There is no need to be shy or embarrassed, because at the moment of intimacy, a man’s emotions and perception of you are different from everyday ones, and the assessment vector always gravitates towards the “+” sign.

How long does a man take between rounds?

The average is from five minutes to half an hour. However, everything here is also individual and depends both on physiology and on the partner’s craving for you. Therefore, if his “recovery” after sex takes too long, it is not at all necessary to blame the man exclusively for everything. Maybe we should just change tactics?

What clothes will excite a man?

According to surveys, what excites the stronger half of humanity most is black underwear, without any clever fasteners. White, cream or red plain openwork underwear is of slightly less interest. And, of course, men’s interest in stiletto heels, which, by the way, can be left on during sex, has become almost classic.

Will he enjoy caressing his nipples and buttocks?

If any caresses of the penis and everything connected with it often drive it into a frenzy, then with other parts of the body, be it the male buttocks, nipples or something else, everything is individual. If you don't try, you won't know.

What products are best for sex games?

The use of certain products before or directly during sexual intercourse is, as a rule, associated with the desire to diversify your sex life, to literally add spicy or sweet notes to it. And for a woman, this is also a way to make sure that a man’s tongue is in the right place at the right time. What to choose for this? The cream in the can firmly holds the palm. Or fruit.

Can there be too much sex?

If your natural lubricant (or, as it is also called, lubricant) is in order, sex, of course, cannot do any harm. If this problem does occur, there is a risk of developing a urogenital infection, which is a consequence of damage to the hypersensitive tissues of the genital organs. The solution is to use various lubricants, of which there are a great variety nowadays.

What is the best position for a bath or shower?

Don't want your first experience in the bathroom to end with a visit to a traumatologist? Choose stable poses! It is important to find support points for your arms and legs and bend your back well. The man should be in the back. This position will not only provide deeper penetration and give new sensations, but will also allow you to experience a feeling of unpredictability, because you never know what will happen behind your back in a moment.

What will give a man more pleasure during oral sex?

Avoid feelings of banality and satiety in your partner. Remember: connecting different parts of your body (hands, lips, teeth, tongue) to the task of “giving him maximum pleasure,” as well as frequently changing the style of movements will give an amazing effect and give both of you the most vivid impressions. Enthusiasm, enthusiasm and only that! You can also imagine yourself tasting delicious ice cream.

How to enhance his sensations?

About a couple of minutes before his orgasm, massage the area behind the scrotum in a circular motion - and within a minute you will see an amazing result. In addition, most men love it when a woman squeezes her vaginal muscles. Not any of us can achieve this. However, by regularly training your intimate muscles through Kegel exercises, you will quickly achieve the desired effect and give both of you unforgettable moments!

This money cannot be touched. But everyone wants to have them. The Bitcoin exchange rate is now growing at a rate that even the dollar against the ruble could not have dreamed of during the darkest days of the Russian economy. Many people probably know about cryptocurrency. But not everyone still understands how it functions. If you increasingly hear about bitcoins, mining, blockchain, tokens, etc., but are embarrassed to ask what they are, so as not to be branded as a person behind the times, then this publication is for you.

1. How does cryptocurrency function?

Today there are more and more people for whom mining is not just a game, but almost the main source of income. Mining is the process of earning cryptocurrency. For example, we are already talking about electrician Andrei Turetsky, who, without leaving his home, earns more than a thousand dollars a month.

“I took out a loan of 100 thousand rubles to buy a so-called farm - this is a computer and 5 video cards of 8 gigs each,” says 31-year-old Andrey. - Nowadays you can buy a ready-made farm, but I assembled mine myself. The equipment cost me 127 thousand.

To understand how mining occurs, you need to understand the principles of cryptocurrency operation. The concept of cryptocurrency itself appeared in 2008. The creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakatomo (by the way, this is a pseudonym, no one knows the real name of this person) conceived the cryptocurrency as a counterweight to the banking system, which proved its instability and unreliability during the global financial crisis. Cryptocurrency is based on blockchain technology.

To put it simply, this is the principle thanks to which all Bitcoin owners are connected to each other by a virtual network that allows them to transfer cryptocurrency directly to each other, without intermediaries such as banks. Such money has advantages: it cannot be stolen, you can pay with it anonymously, and transfers occur in a matter of seconds.

2. How to earn bitcoins?

In some ways, cryptocurrency is reminiscent of a torrent. In fact, this is also a program that is located not on a single computer or server, but on millions of user computers connected to the system. Anyone who has downloaded pirated movies knows that the movie is stored on the machines of hundreds of users who transmit information to each other directly and without control.

The Bitcoin program works in the same way, which has united millions of users. Only they do not exchange files, but ensure transactions. It is clear that no one will store an incomprehensible program on their computer so that someone can transfer money wherever they want. Therefore, for being in the system, participants are given virtual points - bitcoins. The larger volumes of information your computer (farm) can transmit, the more units of cryptocurrency you can mine.

The power of the farm is provided by video cards. Due to the fashion for mining, video cards have now become a big shortage in computer hardware stores, and their cost has increased by one and a half times over the year.

“One video card worth 20-25 thousand rubles brings in 3 thousand rubles a month,” says Pavel Perelygin, an IT specialist from Voronezh. - True, now there is no point in mining bitcoins on video cards. Since special equipment has already been invented for mining Bitcoins - “ASICs” (from the English ASIC. - “Yo!”). You can mine other types of cryptocurrencies using video cards.

Pavel Perelygin mines perhaps the second most popular cryptocurrency after Bitcoin - Ethereum. Ethereum rate is about $750.

3. What cryptocurrencies, besides Bitcoins, still exist?

Today there are several thousand types of cryptocurrencies. And this number is constantly growing. Each cryptocurrency has its own rate. You can track it on a special website coinmarketcap.com.

In fact, anyone can create their own cryptocurrency. Recently, a group of enterprising Voronezh residents created a new cryptocurrency - Milkcoins. To do this, they came up with a business plan for the construction of a dairy complex for 2,400 dairy cows and put this project on the ICO public Internet platform.

ICO technology (Initial coin offering, from English - “initial coin offering, initial placement of coins”) allows you to attract investments in cryptocurrency for a specific project. You need to establish the amount that is required and the period within which it needs to be collected. When the required amount is collected on time, those who invested in the project will receive tokens (a kind of shares), and will actually be co-investors in the enterprise. To issue milkcoins, it was necessary to collect 3.3 thousand ethereum (at the current exchange rate - more than 140 million rubles). True, they managed to collect no more than 2% of the required amount (66 ethers).

4. Why is the Bitcoin exchange rate growing?

Even before the New Year, the Bitcoin rate hit a record high of 20 thousand dollars (although it later fell to 14 thousand). Although at the beginning of 2017 they gave 1.3 thousand dollars for it. The reason for the jump is that the demand for fashionable currency is much higher than the supply. The program is designed to issue a specific number of bitcoins - 21 million. And the more users, the less everyone earns. Then new types of cryptocurrencies began to appear, as we wrote about above. They are cheaper because they are not as fashionable and hyped.

5. Is it possible to buy something with bitcoins?

Bitcoins have already been recognized as a unit of account in Germany and Japan. In Russia, the circulation of cryptocurrency is not officially regulated in any way. That is, it is officially impossible to buy anything for bitcoins in our country. However, this does not prevent you from converting bitcoins into rubles or dollars.

“To turn cryptocurrency into real money, you need to register on a special online exchange,” says Pavel Perelygin. - There you sell bitcoins, ethereums or other cryptocurrencies at the existing rate, and withdraw the money to your card.

Russian authorities are increasingly recognizing that cryptocurrency is a phenomenon in the global economy that must be taken into account. Back in the summer, Adviser to the President of the Russian Federation on Internet issues, German Klimenko, compared cryptocurrency to the shells with which the Mumba-Yumba tribe pays.

“You came there, rested, took the shells, brought them to Moscow - you can exchange them with the same owners of shells, but no more,” Klimenko explained.

However, already in October, Vladimir Putin ordered the creation of a Russian law on cryptocurrencies. And recently, the head of the Duma interdepartmental group for assessing the risks of cryptocurrency turnover, Elina Sidorenko, publicly confirmed that direct transactions for the exchange and purchase and sale of cryptocurrencies are not prohibited in Russia. At the same time, the official added that negotiations are currently underway with the Federal Tax Service on the issue of taxation of such transactions.

The dynamic development of information and communication technologies, penetrating into all spheres of life in modern society, has so changed the attitude towards the methods and volumes of data of interest, the possibility of instant audio or visual communication with almost any point on Earth and near space, that we can already talk about the evolution of information consciousness person.

Altered reality

Moreover, this change in consciousness occurred rapidly, literally within a decade, which does not mean that the causes that gave rise to such a reaction were spontaneous.

In turn, personal transformation forces a global restructuring and modernization of hitherto rather inert state institutions that determine the future development of countries in legal, social, economic and other directions.

Informatics and communications: from different definitions to a single whole

More recently, the phrase “development of information and communication technologies” was used only with the conjunction “and”, and not with a hyphen between the words, since in this case we were talking about the development of different industries.

Communication technologies are defined by the methods, tools and techniques used to facilitate communication. Information ones are used to create, record, change and display transmitted content. Each of them was developed as a separate technological direction and independent industry until the 1970s, when computer science began to be used in telecommunication networks. The term was adopted to denote the convergence (from the Latin convergo - “to bring together”) of these technologies and industries. Today, this term defines electronic computer communication methods used as part of or in conjunction with modern telecommunications networks.

Brief history of ICT

With the launch of the first commercial electric telegraph in 1837 and the telephone in 1876, it became possible to communicate over long distances almost instantly over wires, which was significantly more advanced than earlier methods of communication - rail knocking, signal fires and carrier pigeons.

Communications by wireless telegraphy (1895), shortwave radio (1926), and then the more reliable high-frequency radio waves (1946) overcame the physical limitations of having to connect the signal source and receiver by wire or cable. Ultrashort waves (1957) provided greater power for transmitting television signals and created the basis for the development of satellite and space communications. The 1970s saw the development of the first mobile phones and the underlying technology for the World Wide Web. Both mobile and Internet communications have developed rapidly since their inception in the 1980s, to the point that mobile Internet access (such as smartphones) has become the dominant and fastest-growing mode of communication.

Information + Communication = Future

The prospects for the development of information and communication technologies in the 21st century are aimed precisely at expanding the parameters and capabilities of equipment and communications. In the 1990s and 2000s, the term “technological convergence” became the leitmotif of the principle of using this symbiosis of technologies to combine previously independent means of communication, such as telephone, radio, television, newspapers and computer data, into a single World Wide Web, operating on the basis of broadband telecommunications high capacity networks.

Application areas of ICT

ICT technologies continue to improve, and with them the Internet is developing, covering ever larger territories. The scope of application of modern software products has gone far beyond the information and communication industries, and it is already difficult to name a field of activity that has been deprived of their attention. The increased ability to collect vast amounts of detailed information (metadata) and create networks of communication devices allows for a host of useful applications in areas such as education, healthcare, environmental monitoring, etc., but, unfortunately, provides additional loopholes for remote tracking users from interested individuals or organizations.

Information as a global monetary unit

It has long been recognized that advanced communications technologies can provide enormous economic, political and military benefits. Information is power. The use of information and communication technologies is capable of directing the vector of political and social sentiments within society in the direction required by those in power, and this applies not only to the internal aspects of the state, but also to foreign policy. Therefore, it is no big secret that the bulk of research and development in this area was and continues to be financed from the military budgets of the most influential powers.

Today, for any state, the use of ICT is the cornerstone of industrial and political strategies aimed at developing the national economy and unifying the country, as well as gaining advantages in the competitive global political economy.

Beware, Internet!

ICT technologies are often touted as a panacea for solving economic and social problems, guaranteeing new benefits and freedoms both in the workplace and in social life. However, not all effects of new technologies can be foreseen. In the competition to promote the benefits of new technologies, potential disadvantages and adaptation problems are too often ignored and sometimes simply hidden. Let's look at a small example. On the one hand, for Russia, as the largest state in terms of area in the world with a relatively low population density, the issue of creating a global information network as a means of unifying the country is more relevant than anyone else. This work has been and is now being actively carried out by both government and commercial organizations. Every year, thousands of kilometers of fiber-optic cable are laid, suspended and stretched, giving the population of the most remote corners of the country the opportunity to communicate and access the media benefits of civilization. However, this bottomless source of information is not always filled with adequate content. and this is the most active segment of Internet users, attracting dynamic, vibrant and professional content, which is not so much from national media resources.

That is, the promotion of information and communication technologies should be in solidarity with the creation of our own and, most importantly, high-quality media product promoted in the network space.

The challenges of growing ICT

Uncritical acceptance of technological change does not take into account its problems and pitfalls. For example, the excessive commercialization of the Internet, when the dominance of the private desire for profit is the main trend determining the development of information and communication technologies, while the creation of promising social areas (new opportunities for education, more democratic participation in political processes, remote medicine) is relegated to the background plan for the sake of immediate gain.

The pitfalls of ICT include a significant decrease in the level of confidentiality and, as a result, an increase in crimes using personal information obtained from users. The way technology is helping to change employment and income patterns remains a pressing issue. While creating new jobs, the Internet has “buried” more than one hundred professions, and as analysts predict, this is only the beginning of large-scale changes in the labor market. For a variety of reasons, not all people left without work are able to quickly find an equivalent replacement for their life’s work, and this is already a problem on a national scale.

What is good and what is bad - the choice is ours

While these concerns are real, they are by no means unique to a particular state. And the solution to the question of where the path of development of the revolution in the field of application of information and communication technologies leads (in the interests of its citizens or large businesses) depends only on the priorities of the state policy of each country. Achieving maximum opportunities, minimizing undesirable consequences, and finding the right balance between private and public activities is a significant challenge, especially in an economic environment dominated by powerful private corporations.

New learning technologies

Let us take a closer look at the segment as one of the most significant areas determining the development of ICT, as well as its very existence in the future. The prospects of technology are inextricably linked with changes within a particular person, the ability to accept new things, fully use and develop them, ultimately becoming a cell of the information society, where the level of well-being will be determined by information and the ability to use it competently. In this context, today the education system is faced with the task of developing methods and creating conditions for maximum adaptation of students to the requirements of modern life, determination and development of personal abilities, subject to obtaining high basic knowledge. Achieving these goals involves the use of a whole range of measures: technical support, development of teaching materials, creation of advanced teaching technologies, professional training of teaching staff and much more.

Harvard at home

The distance learning form that has become widespread in recent years has enormous potential and has reached a completely different level thanks to ICT. During the lessons, pupils and students have a unique opportunity to study the subject they are interested in from the best teachers, receiving the most complete information, which for the majority of those interested, for various reasons, was virtually unattainable.

This form of education, together with traditional methods, technologies and methods of education, actively uses educational knowledge bases on the Internet, therefore equipping educational institutions with information and communication technologies is one of the important elements of the modernization of secondary and higher schools. The education system is becoming part of the information space, meeting the growing requirements of a developing society. Trends towards the creation of common economic zones and international organizations with similar goals will inevitably intensify the processes of globalization and improvement of the education system of any state participating in such an association.

Global implications

ICT resembles a fantastic teleport, capable of connecting access points remote in time and space with the ability to transmit and collect information of a large volume and variety.

However, the full functioning and maintenance of such a miracle of technology requires enormous costs, special equipment and qualified specialists. And, as they say, he who pays is the conductor, because the main beneficiaries of this activity are often transnational corporations that use ICT to expand their sphere of influence, increase sales markets and instantly transfer financial resources around the world.

Pressing ICT Issues

For many, especially developing countries, Internet expansion can pose a threat to domestic production and employment, national sovereignty and local culture. Although the proliferation of mobile phones around the world has allowed millions of people in poor countries to gain access to basic communications services for the first time, there are still many places on Earth where people are deprived of this opportunity. Closing this “information gap” is the goal of initiatives by international, government and some non-governmental organizations. The only question is how selfless this desire is.

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