Summary of the script for Earth Day at school. Extracurricular activity for Earth Day in elementary school. Theatrical performance for junior schoolchildren “The Earth is our home”

Scenario of extracurricular activities for the holiday International Earth Day

Goals: study new material and consolidate the material covered in the subject “The World around us”; bring the team together.

Student(reads the poem “Landscape”).

I love the forest path,

Without knowing where, wander;

Double deep track

You go and there is no end to the road...

There is a green forest all around;

Autumn maples are already blushing,

And the spruce forest is green and shady;

Yellow aspen sounds the alarm;

A leaf fell from a birch tree

And, like a carpet, it covered the road...

It’s as if you’re walking on water,

The foot makes noise... but the ear listens

The slightest rustle in the thicket, there,

Where the lush fern sleeps,

And a row of red fly agarics,

That the fairy tale dwarfs are sleeping...

The sun's ray is already falling askew...

The river appeared in the distance...

On a shaking mill the wheels

They are already making noise from afar...

Here he comes out onto the road

A heavy load will flash by

Suddenly it goes into the sun, then goes into the shadows...

And he helps the nag with a cry

An old man, and a child in the cart,

And the granddaughter amuses the grandfather with fear;

Oh, the fluffy tail is gone,

A bug is scurrying around barking,

And loudly in the forest twilight

Cheerful barking goes around.

Leading. Good afternoon dear friends! Today we celebrate a little-known but very important holiday - International Earth Day. The holiday is environmental in nature and is intended to unite people all over the world in protecting the environment. This worldwide event first started in 1970 in the USA, and since 1972, on the initiative of Senator G. Nelson, it has become an official holiday. According to tradition, on this day the Peace Bell rings for a minute. At this time, people should think about how to preserve the planet and improve the lives of all creatures living on it.

Every year this holiday is celebrated differently. For example, several years ago on this day it was proposed to cancel all trips by car and travel exclusively on foot or by bicycle, that is, in environmentally friendly ways. Unfortunately, not everyone listens to this advice yet, because many believe that one car will not cause much harm to the environment, but millions...

But you and I know that we need to start with ourselves, and perhaps someday a person will reconsider his consumer attitude towards nature. Of course, all this is ahead, but we must not forget that the foundation is our knowledge. Knowledge about nature, about the Earth.

To begin with, guys, let's remember various natural phenomena by solving a crossword puzzle.

The whole class takes part in competitions; For each correct answer, the student receives a token or card. At the end of the event, the tokens are counted, and the most active students receive certificates of encouragement and prizes.

Competition 1. Crossword “Planet Earth”

1. All day

Playing hide and seek

Red patches. (Leaf fall.)

2. Molten Arrow

An oak felled near the village. (Lightning.)

3. Above the forests, above the river

Seven-color bridge in an arc.

If I could stand on the bridge -

I would reach the stars with my hand. (Rainbow.)

4. Whips, whips through the bushes

He hits without missing a beat.

I whipped all the raspberries,

All the bird cherry.

Well, why pour so much?

Should I tilt the apple tree to one side? (Shower.)

5. The mouse is nimble alone

I snuck into the hole at night.

Suddenly, seeing a crust in the sky,

She squeaked loudly:

Someone dragged me into the sky

Delicious piece of cheese! (Month.)

6. She came up and rumbled.

There were arrows on the field.

It seemed to us that she was in trouble,

It turned out that she was carrying water.

It came and spilled -

The arable land has drunk enough! (Cloud.)

7. There is a commotion in the yard -

Peas are falling from the sky.

Nina ate six peas.

She now has a sore throat. (Grad.)

8. Only the sun went out

And it became dark

Like someone in the sky

Scattered grain.

Don't know...

I'll just add one thing,

What was brilliant

And it is bright. (Stars.)

9. What kind of ceiling is this?

Sometimes he is low, sometimes he is high,

Sometimes he is gray, sometimes he is whitish,

It's a little bluish

And sometimes so beautiful -

Lace and blue-blue! (Sky.)

10. Someone stole the forest at night,

He was there in the evening and disappeared in the morning.

There was not a stump or a bush left,

Only white emptiness all around. (Fog.)

11. We all like it,

Without him we cry.

And as soon as it appears -

We look away and hide:

It's very bright

And it's hot and hot. (Sun.)

12. The scarlet ribbon fell

In the meadows, beyond the edge of the village.

I've been looking for her all day,

I still haven't found it...

But only around

The darkness has thickened

How the ribbon suddenly found itself!.. (Dawn.)

Well done! You are well versed in natural phenomena, but this was just a warm-up. It's time to test your true knowledge. Now I propose to divide into three teams and choose a captain.

Three large envelopes are pinned to the board. On each of them there is an inscription: “Plants”, “Animals”, “Geography”.

Team captains go to the selected envelope and draw a card with a question from that area. 30 seconds are given to discuss the issue. The team that answers the question on time and correctly gets one point. The team with the most points wins. Well, guys, are you ready? Reaction of the audience.

In that case, let's begin!

Competition 2. Plants

1. This famous plant is often planted in residential areas of cities. Despite the inconvenience that it creates during the flowering period, this tree is one of the best among plants for purifying the air from harmful impurities. (Poplar.)

2. This solemn lush flower got its name in honor of a botanist named Georgi who worked in Russia. There are more than 8,000 varieties of this flower. (Dahlia.)

3. This large tree has very tough wood and is very difficult to split with an axe. It's not easy to even break off a small sliver. The tree got its name for this property (Elm)

4. This is the name of both the highest officials, the rulers of Ancient China, and a delicious sweet fruit that comes from the same country. (Mandarin.)

5. In a dark spruce forest, the flowers of herbaceous plants cannot grow large due to lack of light. What do they do to attract insects for pollination? (Light color and strong odor.)

6. Unlike all other fruits that we eat, we eat this one only in its unripe form. (Cucumber.)

7. Beautiful young girls are often compared to this slender, delicate tree. In ancient times they also wrote on the bark of this tree, using it instead of paper. What kind of tree is this? (Birch.)

8. This cute-looking marsh plant is a real predator. It “feeds” on mosquitoes. What is it called? (Sundew.)

9. The name of this tree comes from the word “leaf”, but there are no leaves on it. (Larch.)

10. In early spring, the first leaves appear on the trees. They feel slightly sticky to the touch because they are covered with a resinous substance. Why is this necessary? (To protect young leaves from possible frost.)

11. This mighty tree was popularly called “the great-grandfather of great-grandfathers.” And the forester’s uniform cap is decorated with a cockade in the shape of his leaf. (Oak.)

12. The resin secreted by this tree is used in dentistry to treat gum disease. (Pine.)

13. One of the plants of the Don steppe is called “immortelle”. Why do you think? (It does not wither, but only dries up.)

14. Why are the lower branches of spruce close to the ground, while those of pine are much higher? (Pine is a light-loving plant.)

15. The leaves of this tree do not turn yellow in autumn. So they turn out green. (Alder.)

16. Koala means “non-drinker” in the Aboriginal language of Australia. This animal, also called a marsupial bear, feeds only on the leaves and shoots of one plant, eating about a kilogram of green mass per day. What plant forms the basis of a koala's diet? (Eucalyptus.)

17. When this plant was brought to Russia, and it happened under Tsar Peter I, the peasants for a long time did not recognize it as an edible plant. And noble people more often used its delicate flowers as decoration. And today we cannot imagine our daily and holiday table without this delicious vegetable. (Potato.)

18. This plant has almost the same name in different languages. For the Poles it is “snow drift”, for the Germans it is “earth berry”. In Russian, the name of this fragrant wild berry sounds very similar. (Strawberries.)

19. Wild raspberry got its name because its branches are completely covered with sharp thorns, like the skin of a prickly forest dweller. (Blackberry.)

20. This tree blooms later than other trees, but it spreads such an amazing aroma that you can recognize it from afar by its smell. In addition, its flowers are an excellent remedy for colds. (Linden.)

21. The word “chrysanthemum” translated from Greek “means golden flower.” In Japan, chrysanthemum is called the flower of the sun. This particular symbol of the Japanese state is decorated with the image of a golden chrysanthemum. (Coat of arms.)

22. And in Russia, as well as in many other countries, this large flower is called the flower of the sun, “the son of the sun,” from the seeds of which healthy oil is obtained. In addition, it is an excellent air purifier. (Sunflower.)

23. The word “kaput” translated from Latin means “head”. When buying this healthy vegetable, my mother often says: “Please give me this head.” (Cabbage.)

24. What is the name of the wild tulip of the Don steppes? (Lazorik.)

25. A bright festive flower and spice with a sharp, pungent aroma. (Carnation.)

26. A tall, slender flower that blooms in the second half of summer. It got its name from the resemblance of its leaves to the blade of a formidable weapon - a sword. By the way, its Russian name is epee. (Gladiolus.)

27. The field herb fireweed received its second name for the inflorescences of two different shades on one stem. These flowers resemble tender lovers. (Ivan da Marya.)

28. This primrose gets its name from its leaves. On the outside they are dark, smooth and cold, but on the inside they are warm, soft and light. (Coltsfoot.)

29. This slender tree grows in the north of America and in ancient times was the only source of sugar for local tribes. And now its leaf appears on the Canadian flag. (Maple.)

30. The flying seeds - parachutes - of this herbaceous plant are carried far by the summer breeze. (Dandelion.)

31. In Russia, on the night of June 22, the holiday of Ivan Kupala was celebrated. Boys and girls were looking for a fern flower in the forest, which, according to legend, brings happiness. Could they have found him? (No. The fern flower does not exist.)

32. This huge berry comes from Asia. Its relatives are melon, pumpkin and cucumber. In some areas of the Kalahari Desert, it is practically the only source of moisture. (Watermelon.)

33. A resident of arid deserts, the cactus stores a large supply of water in its trunk, and its leaves have turned into thorns. Why do cacti have spines? (So ​​that as little water as possible evaporates.)

34. Frosts often occur in May, the name of which is popularly associated with the name of this shrub, since it blooms in May. (Bird cherry.)

Regional state budgetary educational institution

"Ryazan special (correctional) general education

boarding school."

Geography teacher

Dankina M.A.

2011-2012 academic year

Oral journal “We have one land – there will never be another!”

(for Earth Day)


To form in students an idea of ​​the relationship between man and nature. -- To cultivate a caring attitude towards living nature, active participation in environmental protection.

Establish rules of behavior in nature.


On the walls of the hall hang posters and drawings by students about the protection of nature, aphorisms calling for the preservation of nature, and environmental signs. Presentation.

Page 1


Alone we can do very little.

Together we can save the planet.

(background music)

Leading: Today, celebrating Earth Day, we invite you to an oral journal:“We have one land...”( sl 1)

Presenter: April 22 Earth Day – a holiday of clean water, clean air, clean Earth.

Few people know about the history of this holiday. Therefore, the first page of our magazine is “Historical”.(SL2)

Earth Day was born in America.(dl3) Here it is considered state. Everyone is preparing for the holiday, starting with the president.

The history of Earth Day is connected with the name of US resident John Morton. (sl) At the end of the 19th century, he moved to the desert prairie of Nebraska, whose lonely trees were being intensively cut down to build houses and for firewood. He saw the parched land, the sun and the wind, from which there was nowhere to hide.(sl)

Morton and his family began planting trees and launched a campaign urging all residents to follow their example. In 1872, Morton proposed establishing a day that residents of the state would devote to landscaping. This day was called Tree Day. (DC 4 )The idea received widespread support, and on the first Tree Day, residents of the state planted about a million trees.(sl)

Tree Day was declared an official holiday.

Since 1970, the idea of ​​the holiday has changed. A terrible environmental disaster occurred near the American city of Santa Barbara.(DC 5) Then millions of tons of oil spilled from the wells killed many pelicans, cranes, ducks, sea lions, and other animals, hectares of vegetation died, and the water was poisoned.

Since then, the main goal of the holiday- (DC 6) This is environmental protection and environmental education. A new name has also appeared - Earth Day. (sl) A few years later the holiday became worldwide. Since 1990, Russian organizations have also joined in the celebration.

On Earth Day, the Peace Bell is traditionally rung in different countries.(DC 7) calling on everyone who cares about the future of our planet to make their contribution to preserving the beauty of our common home.

The earth is the custodian of many riches produced by man.(DC 8)

In Russia, from ancient times, the land was considered a shrine. In disputes they swore on the earth. When leaving for a foreign land, our ancestors took a handful of their native land, believing that it added strength and promised a return to their homeland.

The native land can do anything: feed you with bread, give you drink from the springs, surprise you with its beauty. Mother Nature gives us everything: food, clothing, joy, life.

But she can’t defend herself. Human economic activity has led to the need to protect the Earth!(DC 9)

Page 2

"Earth's Cry"

“Animals, birds, plants will live without us, but we will certainly die without them.”

(background music composer Svyatoslav Kurashov)(DC 10)

My planet is a human home. But how can she live under a smoky hood?
Where is the gutter ocean,
Where all nature is caught in a trap,
Where there is no place for either a stork or a lion,
Where the grass groans: I can’t do it anymore?

Acid rain destroys soils. (DC 11)

The lungs of the planet - the forests - are being cut down.

Over the past 30-40 years, many species of animals and plants have disappeared on the human planet. (sl)

The protective ozone layer is being destroyed.

Diseases caused by environmental disasters claim hundreds of thousands of lives every year.

Like giant abscesses on the body of the Earth, huge landfills.

The eyes of the Earth - lakes, rivers, seas, oceans - became clouded.

Millions of tons of garbage are dumped there every year. Most rivers are not suitable for swimming. And huge, greasy slicks of oil are spilling on the surface of the seas and oceans.

The gray ocean is ringing alarm bells,
He harbors a grudge deep down,
Black, rocking spots,
On a steep angry wave.

People became strong like gods
And the fate of the Earth is in their hands,
But terrible burns darken
The globe is on its sides.

We have long mastered the planet,
The new century is sweeping ahead
There are no more white spots on the ground,
Will you erase the black ones, man?

Quiet! Do you hear crying? Wake up!

Help the Earth. Respond!

Don't wave your hand casually

Remember how she caressed you,

How I gently pressed you to my chest,

She whispered a lullaby.

And now here she is crying.

Has your heart gone blind?(before "Stop It")

Video “Ecological disasters” to music. from the movie "The Master and Margarita"

I am Earth! (str. 15 with music in the background)
Look at me, people:
I'm burning in the smoke of fire.
They blow me up, dig me, burn me.
They don't take care of me at all.

I scream like earthquakes.
I'm angry with the sound of thunder.

I want to be clean and healthy! (sl. 16)

Page 3

"Enter nature as a friend"

Take care of this planet,
There is no other like it in the world!

Guys, how can you and I help our planet? We cannot close factories, nuclear power plants, we cannot stop using cars.

In order for our planet to be clean and healthy, everyone must follow the rules of behavior when visiting nature.The first thing you start your friendship with nature with is that you will not harm it!

To ensure that people remember their responsibility for the lives of animals and plants even while walking, there are warning signs. And now we will check if you know what they mean. Imagine that while walking through the forest you came across such a sign. What is it for?

(competition “Decipher the sign”).

Rules of conduct in the forest.(showing environmental signs)

1. Don't make fires.
2. Don't break trees.
3. Don’t take animals from the forest.
6. Don't catch butterflies.
7. Do not pick forest and wildflowers.
8. Don't leave trash behind.
9. Do not destroy fly agaric mushrooms.

Once famous French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry(sl. 17 ) urged people to do this: Get up in the morning, wash your face, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order.

Remember, you are not just cleaning your territory and sweeping the paths - you are putting your planet in order!(18-19)

Now we will check how you have learned the rules of behavior in the forest. To do this, we will play with you the game “If I come to the woods.” I will tell you my actions, if the action is good, we say “yes”, if it is bad, then we all shout “no” together!

If I come to the woods
And pick a chamomile? (No)

If I eat a pie
And throw away the paper? (No)

If a piece of bread
Shall I leave it on the stump? (Yes)

If I tie a branch,
Shall I put up a peg? (Yes)

If I light a fire,
Won't I put it out? (No)

If I mess up too much
And I’ll forget to remove it. (No)

If I take out the trash,
Shall I bury the jar? (Yes)

I love my nature
I'm helping her! (Yes)

If all people on Earth protect and love nature, our planet will remain the most beautiful!(Video for the song“How beautiful this world is,” ans. "Gems")

Various public organizations help keep our planet so beautiful. Today the coordinator of the project “Reviving our forest” of the Greenpeace Russia organization came to visit usKhlystov Sergey Nikolaevich.

Slide captions:

Earth Day Oral journal “WE HAVE ONE EARTH...”

Page 1 We can do very little alone. Together we can save the planet. "Historical"

Tree Day

Oil spill

GOAL: nature conservation, environmental education In 2009, the UN decided: International Earth Day should be celebrated on April 22.

Calls on everyone who cares about the future of our planet to make their contribution to preserving the beauty of our common home.

Page 2 “Animals, birds, plants will live without us, but we will certainly die without them.” "Earth's Cry"

My planet is a human home. But how can she live under a smoky hood?....

Ecological problems

Video “Environmental problems”

Confession of the Earth

Page 3 Take care of this planet, There is no other like it in the world. "Enter nature as a friend"

“You got up in the morning, washed your face, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order...” Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

Let's save the green planet

Video “How beautiful this world is”

Dear planet Earth! Forgive us for our mistakes. We promise to preserve your beauty!

Celebration in elementary school dedicated to Earth Day.

Topic: “Conversation with the Earth.”

Skosareva Elena Ivanovna. MBOU secondary school No. 41

Open extra-curricular event in 4 “A” class

Goals: formation of a sense of belonging to what is happening around, nurturing love for the native planet, and the ecological culture of children.

Against the background of lyrical or smooth instrumental music, poems performed by children are heard.


    Near the river in the fog

The poplars are making a little noise.

Maybe they hurt

Human Earth.

    Or a curly birch tree,

Not stingy with words,

Or sycamore

Sycamore is the head of all forests.

    Or the dancing viburnum,

What is shaking the earring,

Or the first blade of grass,

Breaking through ice.

    Well, the Earth attracts

Or this, or that,

Getting to the heart of the matter,

I think so - everyone!

    And rowan bushes,

And a meadow of water,

And mushroom rains,

And not mushroom rain.

    The first ringing drop

And dew on the lips.

Nightingale's trill

In the nightingale bushes.

    And native places.

Where have you lived, where have you been?

And flowers, flowers -

I almost forgot about them.

    Beckoned by the will of the river

And let's spread the fields,

Will not deceive forever

Human Earth.

Teacher. Yes, our planet Earth is kind to us. We will respond to her with warmth for warmth, love for love.

Will I hear the noise of the pine trees at the last hour,

Streams gurgle among the pebbles near the ford -

Oh, people, I think, we all have

There is one mother named Nature.

She has enough kindness for everyone.

Nature has three treasures:

Water, earth and air are its three foundations,

Whatever disaster strikes, everything will be reborn again.

But if…..

However, in our cruel age it is clear to everyone

What does this “if” mean?

Oh man! Nature is the mother of no rivers

And no seas, no dewy grasses, no blue lakes

Doesn't hide from your eyes.

Appreciate her trust. Don't deceive her!

and enter the dark forest

Like being in a temple under marble vaults. (S. Vikulov).


    There is just a temple, there is a temple of science,

And there is also a temple of nature -

With scaffolding reaching out

Towards the sun and winds.

He is holy at any time of the day,

Open to us in hot and cold weather.

Come here, be a little hearty,

Do not desecrate her shrines!

Teacher. Let's talk about our Earth; we will try to figure out whether she is living well with us; Let's think about how each of us can help her. Earth Defense Day was celebrated on March 30. The United States was the first to celebrate Earth Day on April 22, 1970, but gradually this project united the inhabitants of the entire planet. We started celebrating Earth Day in Russia too. In addition, from April 15 to June 5, we annually hold special environmental protection days.

We can say that people recently inhabited planet Earth. Man uses many of the Earth's resources, but at the same time behaves ignorantly, arrogantly and insanely.

The scene “Conversation with the Earth” is played out.

Student. Hello Earth! How are you doing?

Earth. Oh, nice! One half is in the sun, the other half is in the dark.

Student. Sorry for the indiscreet question, Earth, but how old are you?

Earth. I'm 5 billion years old.

Student. It’s hard to even imagine how much it is!

Earth. Yes, it's hard to explain. Let's imagine for simplicity that 5 billion years is 1 hour. So, based on this, it turns out:

    0 minutes – planet Earth was formed, i.e. I;

    10 minutes - the first cell was born, life arose;

    30 minutes – blue-green algae appear in the ocean, which produces oxygen;

    52 minutes - small animals appeared in the ocean - trilobites;

    55 minutes – large trees appeared on the planet;

    56 minutes – huge lizards rose into the air;

    57 minutes – dinosaurs appeared;

    58 minutes – the first animals and birds appeared;

    59 minutes – the first people appeared on Earth;

    60 minutes - you appeared - my current residents. Today there are many people living on Earth. And everyone wants clean air, water, food, shelter. It is very difficult to be a good housewife.


    There is one planet - a garden

In this cold space.

Only here the forests are noisy,

Birds, calling migratory ones.

Only on her alone will you see

Like lilies of the valley in green grass

They look into the river in surprise.

Take care of your planet

After all, there is no other like it in the world!

All nations, all people,

Everyone who believes and loves,

Everyone in whom conscience is alive,

I address my words to you of the Earth!

Earth. Dear people! I am planet Earth! I need your love! Just love me the way I love each of you. If you love me, you will take care of me and protect me. You will save your House and the House of your smaller brothers - animals. We are all one big family. Remember me, and I will take care of you and will always be your Home.


    Once Upon a Time Earth

Was a fireball

And this, of course,

It was a nightmare...

But gradually

The planet has cooled down.

And it became cozy

On our planet:

“Play, download!”

    No, unfortunately

Wherever you go -

There is flooding everywhere.

And there are no forests

No landscapes, no countries.

Wherever you go -

There's an ocean everywhere.

    And if then

We hit the ground

Then all as one

They would definitely disappear.

And only because

We were all saved together.

What by this time

Not born.

    And finally,

Landscapes appeared

Trees and birds

And even mammoths.

Then the hippos

Elephants, crocodiles

And our distant ancestors -

And if we appeared on Earth,

They would come to us immediately


They would tell us:

Protect the environment!

Especially the greens

Especially water!


    I really like our planet, but I would like to remind people that “there is a firm rule: get up in the morning, wash your face, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order.”


    Man is part of nature and cannot ignore biological laws for long; sooner or later humanity will have to solve the problem of protecting the planet. People can cut down a forest or block a river, but they cannot abolish the laws that govern life on earth. But the Earth is sick, and it really needs a clean, comfortable, reliable home!


    But many good people say: “Man! Curb your greed, otherwise you will be left with nothing.” People all over the world are faced with the task of preserving the unique flora and fauna of the Earth for future generations.

    You, man, loving nature,

At least sometimes you feel sorry for her:

On pleasure trips

Do not trample her fields;

In the station bustle of the century

Hurry to evaluate it:

She is your long-time good doctor,

She is the ally of the soul.

Don't burn her recklessly.

And don't exhaust it to the bottom.

And remember the simple truth:

There are many of us, but she is alone. (V. Shefner)

    What is happiness? The air is clean and the water is clear, the forest is rustling with a clear voice, the kind field is spreading, the mother of cheese the Earth is waking up, the grass is filling up in the meadows, the sun is smiling brightly. What a beauty! Fairy tale! And everything around is clean: the air, the water, the forest, and the meadows.

    We believe that the time will come when people will be proud of fresh leaves, dew and night coolness, clear skies and clear water. After all, this is precisely the main thing. Then a person can rightfully consider himself a master on earth.

The scene “Meeting of Writers” is played out

The first writer (M.M. Prishvin), sits on a stump and writes something.

- I always wanted to say: “Take care of nature!” If there is water and not a single fish, I won’t trust the water. And even if there is oxygen in the air, if a swallow does not fly in it, I will not trust the air either. And a forest without animals with only people is not a forest...

Fish need clean water We will protect our water bodies. There are various valuable animals in the forests, steppes, and mountains - we will protect and protect our forests, steppes, and mountains.

For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forest, steppe, mountains. But a person needs a homeland. And protecting nature means protecting the homeland.

The 2nd writer (N. Sladkov) approaches Prishvin.

- Hello, colleague! I think that the Earth communicates with us in the language of sounds,

smells, colors. Nature speaks to us with all its appearance.

Can you hear the wind whistling? Can you hear the rustling of leaves? do you hear the trees creaking?

Nature does not understand our language, but perfectly understands the language of our actions. She speaks directly to the heart. You can peer into nature, listen and think about it all your life - and enjoy it all your life.

Nature has served us for a long time, it’s time for us to serve it.

The song from the movie “Office Romance” is “Nature Has No Bad Weather.”


    I love you, Earth, and I want you to live

It grew prettier every year, bore fruit and blossomed.

Take care, people, of the Earth, because we have only one.

We will protect her together as a friendly family.

Environmental trial of man.

Accuser Earth.

Everything in the forest is as wounded as after the days of war...

There is no surviving spruce or pine here.

A birch tree was stabbed by a knife,

It seems to me that my tears are flowing from under the bark.

It is not the wind that groans under the crippled oak tree - I.

Judge. In a year, humans cut down 331.2 million cubic meters of forests.

Accuser Earth.

Here is an anthill set on fire by a blasphemous hand.

It seems to me that it is not he who is burning, but my house is burning.

The earth is burnt and scarred, as in the days of great trouble.

They left, offending the beauty, confusing the comfort of the forest,

Without hearing that the trees were shedding tears behind me...

Judge. Every year, 50 million tons of chemical waste and toxic slag are dumped into the seas - this is a train 40 thousand km long, it would not even fit on the equator...

Accuser Earth.

I am amazed at the carelessness of people!

Either they dry up the rivers, or vice versa:

Where it was dry, a man will pour water,

Not to mention the purity of the water -

The good water has disappeared and all traces...

Then you will pour all the waste into the rivers,

Otherwise you’ll spill oil across the sea...

So many fish and sea animals have died,

There is no end in sight to your outrage...

Judge. Recently, there have been regular reports of major oil tanker accidents in various parts of the world.

Accuser Nature.

But the forests and steppes are full of poachers.

So why, Man, are you so cruel?

You have put the killing of animals on stream.

Judge. The 459 species and subspecies of animals listed in the Red Book are prohibited from being hunted or destroyed.

Accuser Nature.

Imagine this picture:

Mother and son are walking in the field,

And son, to please his mother,

I decided to pick a bouquet of flowers

He gave them to his mother as a sign of his love,

But flowers are often not needed.

While mother and son were walking,

The flowers withered one after another.

And on the way to the house they were abandoned...

Judge. Thermal power plants alone emit 100-200 million tons of ash annually. In large cities of our country, one resident accounts for 200-400 kg of industrial waste per year...

Accuser Earth.

Your factories breathe death,

Smog has been hanging over cities for a long time!

He covers the Earth like a net,

And you haven’t been able to break it yet!

Accuser Nature.

You kill yourself and everyone around you,

Leave the fun for a while,

Think about what lies ahead

How will you live in this new century?

Without the beauty of the surrounding nature?


What is life without the sky, where the heat is born,

Without distant mountains, where there are gray hairs,

And a tree blooming in spring,

Looking at the white peaks?

Without moths, whose life is fleeting,

Without ravens, living for three centuries,

Without rivers drying up in the desert,

And rivers that have no barriers in the world?

Accuser Earth.

What is life without good and evil animals?

Without forest birds and their carefree songs?

Life is not complete without the breadth of fields,

Life without an example of their eternal freedom.

Accuser Nature.

Be grateful for every bit

The lands where you have walked forever.

The earth gives you grace,

And it promises bread, not empty nonsense,

Gives you everything it can give:

Grass, and stone, and the last shelter.


Look at the globe - the globe -

because he sighs as if alive.

And the continents whisper to us:

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

The groves and forests are in alarm,

Dew on the grass is like a tear.

And the springs quietly ask:

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

The deep river is sad

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

The deer stopped his run:

“Be a Man, man!

We believe in you - don't lie,

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

Participants sing to the tune of the song “Buchenwald Alarm”.

People of the world, stand up for a minute!

Listen! Listen! Listen!

Animals are asking for help: don't touch them

Native forests, slender forests!

You will save them from being cut down,

From fires with smoke to the skies.

People of the world, be three times more vigilant:

Take care, forest!

Take care, forest!

Take care, take care, take care of the forest! (O.M. Dolgopolova)


    “Take care of the Earth” G.A. Zaykova, Yu.S. Zaikova

    “Take care of your planet” collection “Non-standard and integrated lessons on the course “The world around us” N.T. Brykina, O.E. Zhirenko

    “Ecological Court of the Gods” by V.F. Grdzelidze

    “Our home is planet Earth” by G.I. Shevchenko

    “Why” A. Dietrich, G. Yurmin, R. Koshurnikova.

Scenario for the holiday “Earth Day”

Purpose of the event : deepening environmental knowledge, developing attention, fostering a humane attitude towards nature, a sense of responsibility for all life on earth

Class: 2b

Equipment :

  • poster “Take care of these lands, these waters,

Loving even a small epic,

Take care of all animals within nature,

Kill only the beasts within you."

E. Yevtushenko

  • costumes for children - butterfly, dragonfly, ladybug, lily of the valley.
  • Exhibition of books about nature
  • Bells
  • Phonogram of the song “Wounded Bird”
  • Recording “Sounds of the Forest”

The progress of the holiday


Our holiday dedicated to World Earth Day takes place on the day when this day has been celebrated throughout the world for 30 years. It was proclaimed by the UN on April 22, 1970 and since then has been celebrated annually in our country and throughout the world.

Student : The earth has always been and remains the nurse of man, the source of his existence.

Everything from the Earth:

And the satiety of the loaf,

And the honey of spring, and the bitterness of feather grass

My land is a treasure trove,

And the deck of a human ship.

(Song “Chamomile Rus'”)

Leading: There are miracles in this world,

Blooms like a poppy in the distance...

On your blue planet

Children, welcome Earth Day!

Love your native land since childhood

With ardent love without boundaries,

And know that at the call of your heart

The Little Prince has come to you

(Music sounds. The prince enters.)

A little prince I left my asteroid

To help you in a good deed,

It’s worth our effort, children,

Until night falls in Moscow!

So that the sun shines brightly,

And our Day did not fade in darkness,

We'll have to do a lot

In the name of life on Earth!

(Children ring bells. Earth comes out.)

Leading: Guys, we woke up the Earth with our ringing.

Earth: Rotating in space, in captivity of its orbit,

Not a year, not two, but billions of years,

I am so tired. My flesh is covered

Scars of wounds - there is no living space!

Steel torments my earthly body,

And poisons poison the waters of clean rivers,

All that I had and have,

A person considers his good.

Why are people so afraid of each other?

Have you forgotten about the Earth itself?

After all, I can die and remain

A charred grain of sand in the smoky haze.

And it’s no coincidence that the formidable volcanoes

They pour out the pain of the Earth with lava!

Wake up, people, call on the countries,

To save me from death!

(Earth Song)

Leading: The land is good. She gives us bread

Living water and trees in bloom.

Under this ever-restless sky,

Let's fight for kindness!

1 reader: Nature welcomes us warmly.

She gives us her beauty.

Enjoy it, take care of it!

Come here as a caring friend,

Attentive, sensitive.

Reader 2: There is just a temple

There is a temple of science

And there is also a temple of nature

With scaffolding reaching out

Towards the sun and winds.

He is holy at any time of the day,

Open to us in hot and cold weather

Come in here

Be a little hearty

Do not desecrate her shrines.

Reader 3: Come into the hazel grove. The nuts are ripe.

Bend the hazel. Don't break without a purpose.

Don't pick all the nuts.

Leave it for the squirrels.

There is no better joy for them,

Than hazelnuts.

Leaving the hazel tree

Say thank you

The hazel tree will smile,

Will say “Happy” to you on your way

Leading: Every broken twig, every plucked flower, every caught butterfly is a small wound inflicted on nature. But now it is very difficult for nature to heal even the smallest wounds.

Leading: I guarantee, guys

That you have enough to do,

Do good, those who have not yet done so -

Love animals, people and flowers,

Please, do not hide your kindness.

Parade, idleness - drive them away!

The planet is in trouble!

You must help her

Of course, the tasks are not at all simple,

But in every heart

There is a ray of kindness!

Boy: We, lovers of nature,

Let's collect waste around -

And bottles and boxes,

And cups and corks...

And rubbish that people don’t need,

Is this difficult for us?


I am ashamed, friends, for those people,

Which destroy nature.

Tree, grass, flower and bird,

They don't always know how to defend themselves

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet.

Leading : It’s no secret that every year hundreds of thousands of plants, animals, and birds die due to insane human activity.

(children enter - dragonfly, ladybug, butterfly) - read poetry

(Children perform a dance)

1 student: Everything, everything in the world,

Needed in the world!

And midges are no less necessary than elephants.

You can't do without ridiculous monsters

And even without evil and ferocious predators

We need everything in the world!

We need everything -

Who makes honey

And who makes the poison.

(Song “The Dog Is Missing”)

2nd student: Bad things for a cat without a mouse

A mouse without a cat can do no better

Yes, if we are not very friendly with someone,

We still really need each other.

(Song "Don't tease the dogs")

Leading: The amazing world of nature. He greets us with a sea of ​​sounds and smells. Makes you think, listen, take a closer look. In the morning, afternoon and evening, you can hear a huge number of sounds in the forest.

(The recording “Sounds of the Forest” is played)

3 student : Flowers disappear on the ground,

This is becoming more noticeable every year.

Less joy and beauty

Leaves it to us every summer.

4 student : In the hour of our thoughts and worries,

In the bitter hour of trouble and failure,

I saw flowers and people crying

And the dew is dropped on the sand.

(Song “Don’t pick flowers”)

The melody of the song “Lilies of the Valley” sounds. A boy dressed as a lily of the valley enters.

Lily of the valley : And I have an amazing request for the guys.

In the spring they tear us everywhere,

We wither in the bouquet in vain.

Widespread extermination threatens us now, friends!

I must tell you all that you can’t gather us together!

(Song “Lilies of the Valley”)

Leading : Many plants and animals are becoming increasingly rare. The main reason for the disappearance of plants and animals is excessive extraction, hunting, deforestation, and river pollution.

5 student : Did you see the swans being shot?

Did you see them fall?

Tell me, what if the birds knew

And if only they understood,

That their flight will be farewell,

People will shoot them at dawn,

Tell me, would they not fly?

Probably if they knew

And even if they understood,

They would still soar up.

After all, the sky is their element!

After all, heaven is their freedom!

After all, the sky is their whole life!

(The phonogram of the song “Wounded Bird” sounds)

Earth: Today we will conduct a quiz dedicated to Earth Day.


(class is divided into three groups)

First competition – warm-up “Fishes”, “Birds”, “Beasts”

(the team selects a section by lot and answers questions)

Questions for the “Pisces” section

  1. Which fish wears a fur coat on holidays? (Herring)
  2. What fish helps us clean bottles? (Ruff)
  3. What city is named after a fish? (Zander)
  4. Which fish is better armed than others? (Swordfish)
  5. What fish bears the name of a person7 (Carp)

Questions for the section “Birds”

  1. Which bird is the state symbol of Russia? (Eagle)
  2. Which birds saved Rome? (Geese)
  3. Which bird is a symbol of wisdom? (Owl)
  4. What bird is called the winged postman? (Pigeon)
  5. What bird can count years? (Cuckoo)

Questions for the section “Animals”

  1. Who is considered the king of beasts? (Leo)
  2. What animal helps you cross the road? (Zebra)
  3. What animal is the emblem of the chess federation? (Horse)
  4. Which animal is recognized as the best lumberjack? (Beaver)
  5. Which wild cat is a trademark of sportswear? (Puma)
  6. How can you help protect animals?

The second competition is “homework”.

(Each team had to prepare a presentation by zoologists, biologists, ecologists)

Every day the fauna of the globe becomes poorer by one animal species. We lose one plant species every week. Five billion tons of carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere every year. This depletes the ozone layer.

The third competition is questions of the colored sector.

(Students take turns throwing the dice. The color of the side of the dice corresponds to the color of the question)

Green sector (about plants)

  1. How can you tell how old a tree stump is? (By tree rings)
  2. What is this herb that even the blind know? (Nettle)
  3. Tree, symbol of our Motherland? (Birch)
  4. What berries are black, red, white? (Currant)
  5. What medicinal herbs treat colds? (Linden, mint, oregano)

Blue sector (about birds)

  1. What bird breeds chicks in winter? (Crossbill)
  2. What role do birds play in nature (Destroy pests)
  3. Which forest bird is called the forest flute and the forest cat? (Oriole)
  4. Name the wintering birds. (Sparrow, magpie, dove)
  5. With the arrival of which birds do we consider the beginning of spring? (Rooks)

Red sector (about animals)

  1. Who changes their fur coat twice a year? (Hare, squirrel)
  2. What animals sleep in winter? (Bear, hedgehog)
  3. What predator looks like a cat? (Lynx)
  4. What animal is called elk? (Elk)

Black sector (finish the sentence)

  1. Try not to use foam because... (it does not decompose in nature)
  2. Don't throw away unnecessary paper because... (it can be recycled)
  3. Don't light fires in the wrong places because... (a fire may occur)

Teams are awarded

Leading : We will take care of our Earth, we will not have another planet. It is in our power to ensure that in our city, around our school, on our street, near our house, it is always clean.

6 student : I look at the globe - the globe.

And suddenly he sighed as if alive.

And the continents whisper to me:

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

In the alarm of the groves and forests,

Dew on the grass is like a tear!

And the Rodniki quietly ask:

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

The deep river is sad,

Losing our shores,

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

I look at the globe - the globe,

So beautiful and dear!

And lips whisper in the wind:

“I will save you, I will save you!”

(Song “There is beauty in the world”)

Leading: Only by protecting nature will humanity preserve life on Earth. Only by observing the rules of behavior in nature can we become its true friends and helpers.

Scenario for Earth Day for primary schoolchildren “The Earth is our native home”

Goals: nurturing in children interest and love for their native nature; drawing attention to environmental problems and the need to protect our planet.

Equipment: slides about nature; musical accompaniment; costumes.

Progress of the event

Presenter 1. Good afternoon, inhabitants of the beautiful blue planet! Good afternoon Today is our holiday - Mother Earth Day! And everyone came to this holiday: children, adults, guests, and participants! And we are very happy to welcome everyone to our holiday!

Presenter 2. What kind of holiday is this - Earth Day? And why is he? To make it clear to all of us, I invite you to take a journey around our wonderful planet!

Slides about nature are shown.

Presenter 2. All this is our home planet. There are so many beautiful and amazing things on it: endless expanses, and mountains stretching into the sky, and blue, blue seas... And the inhabitants on it are countless, and each of them is a small miracle! But often people forget about this, and then chimneys smoke, shots sound, animals die... To remind people of the beauty of our Earth, this wonderful holiday exists!

Presenter 1. But our planet is huge. And in a lifetime a person cannot walk around it all, from edge to edge. But everyone should recognize the place in which they were born. Only by loving one’s native nature can a person fall in love with the whole world. And I have no doubt that the guys who participate in our holiday know and love their native nature. We all wish them good luck!

Presenter 2. So, we are starting our festive competition program “My Native Land”. The participating teams are invited to the stage: “Lesovichki”, “Polevichki” and “Lugovichki”! Meet!

Teams come out to the middle of the back to the music and stand in a semicircle.

Presenter 2. We ask the captains to introduce their teams!

The captains name their team, introduce its members and emblem, the team offers its motto - all in no more than 1 minute.

Presenter 2. Our teams are helped by adult participants... (names and surnames of the children - three or four high school students)!

Presenter 1. And this is the first competition for our teams. You guys will need to collect all the pictures of animals and plants in a meadow, field or forest in a few minutes. Team members take turns bringing a picture to their captain, and the captain puts the correct pictures in an envelope.

Pictures with images of animals and plants are kept by the audience; Team members run around the hall one by one to the music, collecting only the necessary pictures.

Presenter 1. Stop! Well done! The teams worked very well! Dear captains, give your envelopes to our jury, who will evaluate which team has collected the largest number of correct pictures. In the meantime, the jury is working, the “Lesovichki” team gives you, dear viewers, a song.

The Lesovichki team performs a song.

Presenter 1. Thank you! And now our jury has the floor!

The jury speaks.

Presenter 2. And you, dear teams, are already waiting for the next competition. Based on our description, you should recognize the animals that live in the Siberian forests. The first animal is for the Lesovichki team.

The presenter reads out the description of the animal, the team deliberates for 5 seconds, then responds.

Presenter 2. Well done! Everything is going just great! In this competition, the teams showed that they know the animals of their region very well! The jury is given the floor!

The jury speaks.

Presenter 1. And now - let's transform! Dear Guys! I suggest you play a game called “Transformations”. Transform yourself and imitate everything you hear about in my story!

The presenter reads the story, the participants use movements, gestures and facial expressions; possible musical accompaniment.

Presenter 1. Well done! After all, it is very important to be able to feel for yourself how nature lives, how animals live or plants grow. Without this skill, a person will not be able to fully understand nature.

Presenter 2. There are many songs and poems about nature... And now the children will read the poems they liked about nature. Please!

Children read one poem per team.

Presenter 2. Wonderful poems! But maybe the teams also know some songs about nature?.. Well, then it won’t be difficult for you to take part in our next competition.

Presenter 1. Taking turns, the teams will have to remember and sing for us several lines from songs that contain references to animals, plants, and natural phenomena.

Children sing, parents help.

Presenter 1. That's how many songs people have come up with about nature! And there is another very beautiful song. The guys from the Lugovichi team will sing it for you now.

The team "Lugovichki" performs a song.

Presenter 1. Thank you!

Presenter 2. And now, guys, I suggest you play a little. You all know that among animals there are both predators and those whom these predators hunt. These are the laws of nature: everything is connected to everything and everything is connected to everyone. In our game we will also choose a leader - a “predator”. From the Lesovichki team we choose a lynx, and the rest become... (names of animals). From the team “Polevichki” - a weasel, and the rest become... (names of animals). From the team “Lugovichki” - an owl, and the rest will be... (names of animals). When the music sounds, ... (names of animals) run freely around the hall, but when the music fades away, the “predators” go hunting. The one who is noticed by the “predator” is considered caught.

Music is playing, children are playing.

Presenter 1. Well done! Both predators and other animals are all equally needed by nature. At least one species of animal or plant will disappear on Earth, and our nature will be much poorer. But she is our home. And now we invite teams to participate in our next competition - “We draw nature.” We give each team a piece of whatman paper and pencils. The more friendly the team works, the better the drawing will turn out. We wish you good luck!

Music plays, children draw, only 7-10 minutes.

Presenter 2. Well done! Your drawings came out simply wonderful! It seems that you guys love your native nature. And while the jury gets acquainted with your works, the guys from the Polevichki team will sing a song for you.

The Lesovichki team performs a song. The jury speaks. The results are summed up.

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