Why do I dream about preparations for my wedding? Why do you dream about preparing for a wedding? Basic interpretations: why do you dream about preparing for your own or someone else’s wedding? View of the modern dream book

Why do you dream if in a dream you had to prepare for a wedding? If you are single and passionately dream of marriage in reality, then the interpretation of the dream does not make sense. In other situations, a dreamed event symbolizes imminent changes. The dream book will tell you what they will be like.

Make up your mind!

Did you dream about preparing for your wedding? You will have to make a very difficult, but truly fateful decision.

If the preparatory activities brought satisfaction in the dream, then the dream book promises enchanting success. Seeing a bad mood when preparing for your painting means that you are destined for bitter disappointment, illness, or the coldness of your lover.

Why does a man dream of preparing for his marriage? In the near future, you will conclude an important agreement, a long-term contract, or start a new business.

According to Miller

If a young girl managed to secretly prepare for a wedding in her dreams, then in the real world she needs to curb her frivolity or even promiscuity.

What they were doing?

The dream book warns: it is very important to immediately note how exactly you happened to prepare for the wedding.

  • Buying, trying on a dress means meeting a fan, sometimes illness.
  • Fatu - you want more than you deserve.
  • Gloves – love interest, happy marriage.
  • Rings - a new union, contract, obligations.
  • Flowers are short-term joy.

Did you have a festive hairstyle in your dream? In real life, an increase in income, a monetary gain, or just very good news is coming.

Hold on!

Was the event in question dreamed by a married woman? The dream book predicts receiving sad news from afar.

If a married woman is to remarry, then a dangerous situation is approaching, which only incredible self-control will help to cope with.

A married woman can see preparations for a wedding celebration before her husband cheats. If a widow had to prepare for a wedding, then she will remain lonely forever.

Do not hurry!

Why else do you dream about preparing for your own painting? The Dream Interpretation strongly recommends reconsidering your obligations and responsibilities.

Did you happen to prepare for a wedding in a dream? You will soon find a way out of a difficult situation or give birth to a child.

Did you dream about how quickly you prepared for your own wedding? To achieve what you want, you should give up excessive haste and fuss.

Curb your desires!

In a dream, did you happen to make preparations for someone else’s wedding? The dream book calls for moderation of personal ambitions.

It’s bad if a person who is sick in reality is going to get married. The vision promises him a quick death.

Did you dream about preparing for someone else's wedding party? In reality, you have started a big deal; how it will end is still unknown.


Why do you dream if you happen to be preparing for your daughter’s wedding? There is a possibility that a misfortune will happen to her in reality.

You can see your sister getting married before her serious illness or even death. At the same time, the marriage of a daughter in a dream promises good news and peace of mind.

Why do you dream about pre-wedding chores? If a girl who really wants to get married saw a similar plot in a dream, then this is simply how her aspirations manifest themselves in the subconscious, the dream book explains. If other people dreamed of preparing for a wedding, then the dream should be regarded as a harbinger of some changes. You can find out which ones exactly from the article below.

Decisive choice

What does it mean to prepare for your own wedding? Soon you will have to make a very ambiguous choice, the consequences of which will affect the dreamer’s entire future life.

The choice, according to the dream book, will turn out to be correct and will bring a lot of joy and prosperity to those people who were happily preparing for marriage. If the dreamer was not in the mood when he was preparing for the trip to the registry office, then dashed hopes, pathology, or a cooling of relationships lie ahead.

If in a dream a man had to prepare for a wedding, then he will soon be able to conclude a profitable deal, sign an agreement on long-term cooperation, or open his own business.

Miller's Dream Book

When asked why secret preparations for marriage are dreamed of, the psychologist says the following: in a dream, such a plot means that in reality, most likely, the bride often suffers from her own rash actions or promiscuity.

Your actions

If you dreamed of preparing for a wedding, then try to remember exactly what steps you took:

  • purchased or tried on a wedding outfit - you will meet your boyfriend, you may get sick;
  • fatu - try to moderate your desires;
  • gloves - mutual love and happy marriage;
  • rings - new cooperation, relationships or responsibilities;
  • flowers - fleeting happiness.

According to most dream books, one should expect an increase in salary, winning the lottery, or at least pleasant news for those who had their wedding hair done in a dream.

Do not give up!

Why does a married woman dream of such a plot? From somewhere far away she will receive news that she would prefer not to receive at all.

Also, if a married woman dreams of signing again, it is a bad omen. Big problems await her ahead, which can only be solved through titanic self-control and strong-willed efforts.

But some dream books believe that a married woman sees such dreams before her husband cheats on her. But the worst thing for a widow is that the dream portends her eternal loneliness.

There's no need to rush

In a dream, preparing for your wedding is a sign that you have taken on the wrong responsibilities.

Preparing for a wedding in the world of dreams promises the resolution of complex problems or the birth of a child.

The dream book believes that preparations for your wedding mean that fuss only harms the achievement of your goal.

Exorbitant requests

Why do you dream of preparing a wedding for another person? Your claims are exorbitant.

Have you prepared a celebration for someone who is actually sick? He will die soon.

Have you prepared holiday treats? In reality you will begin a grandiose project, but whether it will be successfully completed is unknown.

What to pay attention to

What does it mean in the world of dreams to prepare for your daughter's wedding? In reality, something bad will happen to her.

Preparing for your sister's marriage in a dream promises her a serious illness or death. But preparing a celebration for your daughter can predict harmony or good news.

Don't worry

Why do you dream of preening before your friend’s holiday? The current state of things cannot be changed.

An imminent celebration or unfulfilled hopes are promised to people who dream of preparation for. Sometimes such dreams are even interpreted as the most ominous.

A lot depends on who is having the dream and what exactly the dreamers are doing.

If a girl, who is getting married tomorrow, is preparing for a wedding in a dream, this is explained by anxiety and pleasant excitement before the most important day in her life. And there is no need to look for hidden meaning in such a dream. But in all other cases, it is worth remembering the details in order to understand the meaning of the dream.

Why do you dream about preparing for your wedding?

Dreams associated with, promise quick changes in life. But this does not mean that they are connected specifically with marriage.

  • If you dreamed of richly laid tables for the guests of your own wedding, in reality you can expect profit or success in business negotiations. The richer the tables, the greater the benefit awaits you;
  • If in a dream you look at, try on, hem or decorate your own, you should pay close attention to your immediate surroundings. After all, trying on such a dress in front of the groom, even in a dream, is not a very good sign; it promises betrayal and unfulfilled hopes. Hemming and decorating a dress in a dream means deception or illusory hopes that will dissipate very quickly;
  • For a man who is preparing for his own wedding, the dream promises the start of a profitable business, an unexpected increase in income or career growth. If the preparation is associated with unpleasant emotions, the man is likely to have a quarrel with his beloved or wife;
  • Preparing for your own secret wedding - the dream warns of obstacles that will arise in the implementation of projects due to your character or imprudent behavior.

Tiring, exhausting preparation, in which everything does not go the way you want, also dreams of the emergence of unexpected problems, serious and not so serious, but solving them will require time and effort.

If you dream about preparing for a friend’s wedding?

A dream in which you are preparing for a friend’s wedding is considered a positive sign. Moreover, it is favorable both for the dreamer and for the person who is getting married in a dream.

  • Receive an invitation to such a wedding - find out news about a person close to you, receive a lucrative offer;
  • Help in organizing - it’s worth meeting with friends, you all need this, get down to business;
  • A beautiful motorcade, cheerful guests promise profit and noisy fun;
  • It’s not a very good sign if everyone in the motorcade is black, if a person who is unpleasant to you suddenly appears among the guests: such a dream may indicate obstacles to achieving a goal or the illness of a friend.

Holding a bride's veil at a wedding means gossip and intrigues of ill-wishers; do not talk too much about your plans, they may be upset.

You were preparing for your daughter’s wedding in a dream - expect pleasant, incredible surprises in reality. Great joy awaits you, perhaps. Such a dream also promises pleasant chores.

A person who expects a quick release from problems and annoying troubles can also participate in preparations for his daughter’s wedding in a dream. And such a dream can also simply promise the imminent marriage of a son or daughter.

The wedding is just around the corner, and you are all in trouble, preparing treats and outfits: your loved ones need your help, are you too busy with work, have you forgotten about the needs of the people dearest to you?

What should a married woman expect from her wedding dreams?

If the dream is about preparing for, this may be a good sign, but not too good.

The dream can be interpreted like dissatisfaction with existing marital relations, the desire to return the day on which the decision was made. If in a dream everything is elegant, beautiful and cheerful, the table is full of treats, fun and profit await you.

But if you are looking at yourself in a wedding dress, beware of serious illness.

Dreams about preparing for a wedding can also be interpreted as a sign of very big changes in your life.

Why do you dream about preparing for your sister’s wedding?

Dreams related to wedding preparations may indicate that she is in danger of trouble or illness if her sister is not married. Preparing for the wedding of a married sister is a harbinger of great news and a successful solution to problems with relatives.

But if you dreamed of preparing for the wedding of a sister you never had, you will soon meet a very pleasant person. And it will change your life for the better.

In your dream, you are a wedding organizer, trying to do everything to make the holiday great and memorable for everyone. This dream talks about your affairs, about the many obligations you must fulfill.

If you understand that everything is working out, the subconscious is trying to tell you that you will successfully overcome all the problems and obstacles that stand in your way.

If you see a wedding ceremony that you have prepared, this is a sign of success, the successful completion of matters that have been bothering you.

If the ceremony was not a success, if the wedding did not take place, prepare for the fact that your hopes will not come true. Did the wedding preparations include your help with table setting? Unexpected profits await you.

A person who in reality will have a responsible public appearance can dress up for someone else’s wedding in a dream. If he is happy with his appearance, if he really likes it, and the upcoming event seems very pleasant, everything will go well, the performance will bring the planned results.

You suddenly see a dream in which you are preparing for a wedding with him. This dream also has several interpretations.

The first of them is related to your feelings: most likely, you simply cannot forget this person, you pinned your hopes on starting a family with him and are trying to realize them in a dream, strictly forbidding even dreaming about him in reality.

You need to understand yourself, your feelings. It is probably necessary to finally break off the relationship or try to renew it if there are feelings.

The second interpretation is related to the emotions experienced in the dream. You are preparing for a wedding with a woman that you absolutely don’t want, it’s unpleasant and scary for you to think about what’s coming: in reality, changes await you that you won’t like.

Third about preparation weddings predicts dramatic changes in life. You need to stop looking back at the past in order to start a new stage in life.

Getting married in a dream in reality is likely to quarrel with someone close to you.

If you are preparing for your ex-boyfriend's wedding, the dream is favorable: you will have a meeting with the past, but it will help solve a number of today's problems.

Great, if you see your ex’s wedding with a stranger, this means making some very important decision for you. If you are the guest of honor at this wedding, someone from your past needs help.

Interpretation of Miller's dream book

According to Miller's dream book, he dreams of preparing for his own wedding to good news or success in a difficult matter. The dreamer will probably be able to make a very good impression during an important meeting. But preparing for a secret wedding is a sign that you need to curb your emotions and passions.

What does Vanga’s dream book say?

The seer Vanga believed that preparations for a wedding are dreams of those who have to make a responsible decision. To achieve the goal, many obstacles must be overcome.

Dream Interpretations of Tsvetkov and Freud about a wedding in a dream

Tsvetkov says that a wedding and its preparations in a dream foreshadow troubles and illnesses. The Dream Book of the House of Dreams interprets wedding preparations in a dream as impending serious changes in life in reality.

Psychoanalyst Freud believed that preparation for a wedding means complete harmony in the sexual life of partners.

Getting married in real life is an important event. Ideally, every person is once the center of this celebration. A wedding changes the social status of the newlyweds. For invited friends and relatives, it is an excellent way to spend leisure time joyfully. In reality this is joy and excitement, but in order to decipher what a wedding is about in a dream, you need to listen to your intuition, because such a dream can have many unexpected meanings.

Dream Interpretation: seeing a wedding in a dream

The interpretation according to different dream books reflects the turning point of the marriage. However, almost all interpreters have their own opinion about why a wedding is dreamed of.

Modern dream book predicts that in reality quarrels with someone close to you may occur. Perhaps after dreaming about a wedding, troubles will occur that cannot be prevented. All that remains is to meet them with your head held high and steadfastly fight the consequences of adversity.

Russian dream book I am sure that truly fateful changes are taking place in reality. Whether they will be good or bring problems, they will tell you the details. A similar interpretation belongs to the dream book of the fabulist Aesop. It is necessary to prepare for life changes, they are literally on the threshold, and will affect all areas.

Ukrainian dream book more severe in prediction. For a sick dreamer, seeing a wedding predicts that he will not recover from his illness. At the same time, simply taking part in a fun celebration is interpreted as the birth of children for those already married, or an important meeting for single people.

Velesov's dream book interprets the wedding as a symbol warning of impending troubles. This could be quarrel and sadness for those free from marriage, or even adultery for married people.

Evgeniy Tsvetkov believes that dreams of a wedding are a sad sign. A funeral is possible in reality. Dancing among guests, according to the esotericist, means getting confused in relationships.

According to Miller's dream book dreaming of a wedding means that in reality you will be able to brilliantly solve all existing problems. Only a dream in which an unmarried girl agrees to a secret marriage has an unfavorable meaning. This reflects a less than virtuous lifestyle and should be reconsidered.

Vanga's Dream Book suggests that in reality a joyful feast awaits with long-known friends. Seeing a wedding in a dream, according to the Bulgarian prophetess, means receiving a request for help in reality. Vanga believes that after such a dream the applicant should not be refused. She interprets her dream of her own marriage as the need to make a decision on an issue that has been bothering her for a long time.

Reflection of harmony in all aspects of marriage, including intimate ones, is a positive definition given by a psychiatrist to a wedding dream Sigmund Freud. For those who have not yet experienced intimacy, the dream shows the fear of losing innocence.

Dream Interpretation of a Medium Hasse interprets the wedding also based on the social status of the dreamer. For single people, this is a hint that a suitable candidate for marriage will soon appear on the horizon; the main thing is not to miss the chance. For those who have already tied themselves with the knot of Hymen, the dream speaks of the appearance of children, grandchildren and, in general, general well-being.

Erotic dream book gives a slightly different interpretation - not the most pleasant frank conversations lie ahead. Most likely, the relationship is at a dead end, the way out of which can be quite painful.

Dream Interpretation of a Magician Longo interprets the wedding seen by lonely dreamers only as a reflection of their experiences due to unsettled conditions in their personal sphere of life. For others, triumph in a dream is a symbol of changes in relationships. For them to be for the better, you need to be more sensitive to your other half.

In reality, changes will soon be coming, and events will develop at lightning speed, this is what a wedding in a dream means according to ontopsychological interpretation Meneghetti. Rigidity will prevent change.

Of course, for the most accurate interpretation, it is necessary to take into account the details, even the smallest ones, as well as your own emotions experienced when “viewing” the dream.

The most important points: the personality of the dreamer himself, and who are the main characters of the celebration. Seen someone's weddings are interpreted slightly differently depending on these circumstances.

Wedding girlfriends promises that in reality there may be a chance to work together. It is better not to abandon the project - its results will be positive.

Wedding friend in a dream is interpreted as providing support. Suddenly you have to learn some news, and it will have a positive effect on your life.

To an unmarried girl Seeing someone else's wedding promises a fun time. A dream can mean traveling in reality, both short and long distance. The resulting emotions will become vivid and unforgettable.

Married woman the dream indicates that you can go to the store for new things. Shopping will be successful and very profitable.

If you dream about a wedding man, in reality he may be whirled by a sensual whirlwind. Perhaps passion will awaken completely unexpectedly.

When you dream of someone else's wedding married man, which means he is not entirely happy with his own marriage. It's time to change something in order to maintain the spark of love in the relationship.

If you dream about a wedding pregnant woman, her fears of a new stage in life are subconsciously reflected. At the same time, a cheerful celebration is a positive sign - the birth will go well for both the mother and the baby. Recovery after the process will take place as quickly as possible, and the newborn will delight in its health.

Dream wedding relatives generally interpreted as a favorable symbol. There is a period of change ahead, but by and large, in the end it will turn out that the outcome will be joyful. The details of the decryption will be indicated by the identity of the relative.

Wedding brother for a female dreamer, it warns of the appearance of a not very attractive admirer. As a result, his courtship will play the role of a catalyst for the feelings of the one who is really dear to his heart.

A wedding seen in a dream sisters predicts that colossal changes will soon occur in her life. Their character will be positive if the guests are smart and in high spirits.

Wedding daughters means increased hassle in real life. However, the efforts will not be in vain - this is a foundation for the future rest period. A very favorable sign is a marriage seen in a dream son.

A dream indicates patronage from above. At the same time the wedding moms is a warning. It needs to be taken care of - perhaps physical or mental stress.

Dream with a wedding plot own parents is interpreted for the dreamer as a good symbol of excellent relationships with loved ones. In family relationships everything is cloudless.

When do you dream about weddings? strangers, in reality, an unexpected, but very pleasant, meeting with an acquaintance or friend with whom the dreamer has not communicated for a long time is possible. Another option for decoding is that things are moving exactly as planned, and external circumstances are powerless to influence them.

Marriage girl I know portends that in reality the dreamer will experience very rapid changes in his personal sphere. This can be either an acquaintance or a “second wind” in an already long-established relationship.

Not a very favorable symbol - wedding beloved girl in a dream. In reality, a quarrel with her can arise over the slightest reason. Disagreements that are not significant at first glance can even lead to a complete break.

A wedding seen ex-girlfriend is a harbinger of receiving information about her from mutual friends. However, no significant consequences should be expected from the news.

For a divorced but lonely man, a wedding ex-wife in a dream means a meeting with a woman who can become a new life partner. Another interpretation is that pleasant events will happen in life, everything will turn out even more favorably than planned.

A happy bride in a dream means reconciliation after a quarrel with loved ones, a profitable business. If the newlywed is sad, in reality circumstances will be against the dreamer. Bitterness of disappointment awaits those starting any business project.

A wedding seen in a dream has a favorable meaning Colleagues. The dreamer's ideas will receive recognition, and a successful period will begin in life.

Why do you dream about your own wedding?

Surprisingly, most interpreters do not view the sleepers’ own triumph very positively. The transcripts are of a cautionary nature, unless the dreamer in real life intends to get married in the near future. Otherwise, the appearance of such a plot is influenced by real experiences, and the dream contains absolutely no prophetic meaning.

When unmarried girl I dream about my own wedding, but in reality this holiday is very far from it. In the near future, her health is in danger of deteriorating. All sorts of sorrows and troubles in reality will follow in succession. The support of loved ones will help correct the situation. This is the very case when asking for help is not at all ashamed.

Married woman getting married in a dream is a dual symbol that is interpreted depending on feelings. A positive perception of the dream plot is a good sign. Dissatisfaction with what is happening indicates that in real life there may be a deterioration in marital relationships, discord and quarrels with loved ones.

Single man a dream about your own wedding predicts the conclusion of a contract. For a married man to marry his legal wife in a dream is a sign of changes at work. This could be career growth, or a very profitable business trip. Marrying another woman means that in reality you need to take care of maintaining your health.

Girl's wedding with my ex-boyfriend suggests that, firstly, she has not completely let go of the situation. However, her dream of the return of her once beloved man is not destined to come true. Secondly, the dream indicates the need to watch your words. One of your close friends or girlfriends may be offended by a bad joke.

Wedding with my ex-husband in a dream indicates that a quarrel may soon break out with relatives. The secret of peaceful relationships is the ability to listen to your interlocutor, even if his advice seems unnecessary.

Your own wedding with your loved one- a sad symbol for a girl who is in a relationship, but has not yet received an official marriage proposal. In reality this event is very far away. In addition, relationships can completely collapse due to misunderstandings.

A dream in which it happens be late for his wedding, suggests that in reality the dreamer is missing out on some opportunity. Most likely, the changes concern official matters. If you want change, you shouldn’t immediately turn away from job offers.

Committing a rash act in reality is what it means run away from my wedding. Impulsivity can be detrimental, and the consequences will take a long time to resolve.

A positive or negative near future awaits the dreamer, his emotions from the dream in which the wedding takes place will tell with a friend. In the case of a negative feeling, sadness lies ahead; joy means positive changes.

If the dreamer is threatened or forcibly dressed up in Wedding Dress, in reality her responsibilities at work and at home will increase. Before accepting a new position that may soon be offered, it is worth assessing the vacancy from all sides. When deciphering a dream, attention must also be paid to the appearance of the festive outfit. The dress is white or delicate pastel shades, but immaculately clean - in reality the chores will be more pleasant and will bring joy. A dirty, stained wedding dress is not such a positive sign. Perhaps the dreamer will find out that unpleasant rumors are spreading behind her back and will worry about it.

A celebration that has not yet happened, and the bustle preceding this event, also quite often becomes one of the plots of dreams. The interpretation is also carried out depending on what attitude the dreamer has towards the wedding.

A symbol warning of the need to take care of your health in the very near future is preparation for your own wedding in a dream. A disease is approaching, and it is much easier to treat it before it breaks out. If in a dream you happened to be preparing for another person’s wedding, as well as helping him in preparations for the holiday, then in reality you will have to face problems. It will not be very easy to overcome them, but the dream tells you that you should not despair. The result, although not very soon, will be positive.

Get invitation for a wedding in a dream - a good sign. The dreamer is in harmony with himself, and no outside influences can destroy his mental balance.

Enormous changes are coming - this is what it means to gather to someone else's wedding in a dream. In order to understand what they will bring with them, the dreamer should analyze the emotions experienced. The more joyfully the training camp was, the more favorable the changes are coming.

Cancel dreams of weddings as a warning. Someone will try to persuade you to participate in some not very legal business. Agreeing to a scam can cause significant damage to the dreamer’s reputation, while the initiator appears to have nothing to do with it.

Dreamed talking about the wedding portends joyful meetings and romantic dates for women. For men, such a dream plot is interpreted as the occurrence of troublesome events. They will be small, and the result from solving problems will be almost minimal.

If the dreamer happened to go to the wedding, but this event is pleasantly exciting, then most likely changes cannot be avoided, but they will be received with enthusiasm. Reluctance to celebrate marriage means internal unwillingness to accept changes in life.

When you dreamed fees for a wedding, in real life you should try to prepare for the unexpected. It is impossible to foresee everything, but some events can be predicted and the changes can be turned to your advantage.

Interpretation of dreams based on the type of wedding

The warning sign is failed wedding. In reality, the option to make a profit in an illegal way will appear, but consent can be costly. Even if at first a dubious enterprise has income, subsequently there will be nothing left of it.

Unsuccessful a wedding seen in a dream serves as a warning and a signal to exercise caution. The consequences of words, and even more so of actions, in reality must be calculated at least a few steps ahead.

Deliberately torn off a wedding in a dream is interpreted as someone’s interference in financial and personal affairs. The nature of this influence is negative, although the adviser or assistant disguises itself as friends.

Daring gypsy a wedding in a dream is always an alarming symbol, regardless of whether the guests and newlyweds are having fun or are sad. There is a high chance of losing money or property in a crowded place. This may be a consequence of forgetfulness, but more likely is someone's malicious intent - theft or fraud.

The onset of a not very successful period in life is heralded by a wedding without a groom in a dream. Failed business projects, annoying quarrels with friends and family will become the dreamer’s companions. In fact, this is one of the symbols to think about whether everything is as you want. Most likely, it’s time to change your boring job and sort out your relationships.

Dreamed wedding and funeral at the same time they mean an extremely calm and measured way of life. For family people, this is a symbol that routine threatens to destroy feelings. It’s worth adding a little sensory variety, at least spending the evening actually relaxing together.

Receiving good news in the near future - this is what dreams mean wedding and pregnancy. The information will most likely be related to familiar people whom the dreamer has not met for a long time.

If you dreamed at the same time many weddings, which means that fate has prepared many sharp turns in the near future. Literally everything can change at once: place, and even country of residence, work, loved one.

One of the most innocent and insignificant dream options is upcoming wedding. Basically, such a plot is a sign of excessive worries about a future celebration, the projection of real fears onto the world of dreams.

Why do you dream of walking at a wedding?

Participating in a celebration as an invitee is a fairly favorable sign, especially if the event in the dream takes place without any problems.

The end of life's troubles, which lasted for quite a long time, is interpreted in this way by a plot in which the dreamer had a chance to walk to someone else's wedding Finally, everything starts to look up, and luck smiles again.

At all, be a wedding guest in a dream and experiencing pleasant emotions means that in reality you will soon have fun entertainment, pleasant meetings with friends and family evenings filled with happiness.

For an unmarried girl be a witness at a wedding in a dream is a dual symbol, and the interpretation depends on what the holiday was like. A joyful event is a signal that soon a person will appear in her life with whom the dreamer will have a romantic interest, and even a serious relationship. In the event of a wedding that has gone awry, sad events are possible in reality. For a man, performing the duties of a witness always foreshadows troubles imposed by someone from the environment. You will have to change plans to help relatives and friends.

It’s sad if you dreamed about a wedding at the cemetery. In this case, danger looms over the dreamer and those with whom he communicated in the dream. It is necessary to minimize risks, not to participate in extreme entertainment, and to be careful at home and on the street.

Additionally, when interpreting a dream, it is necessary to take into account the day on which it appeared. Sweet dreams with the most favorable meanings!

Wedding - funeral. To get married is to die.

If you dream of a wedding and a cemetery, there will be a dead person in the family.

To be at a wedding is a great sorrow, to marry your husband is death.

Take part in a wedding: for unmarried people - they will get married soon; for married people - children.

Dancing at a wedding - beware of people of the opposite status; seeing your own wedding is family happiness.

Being at a wedding among men or women is a confusion in life.

Seeing a wedding train means you will light up someone’s woman’s heart with love or seduce a man.

A meal at a wedding is a meeting with friends.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Wedding

If in a dream you are zealously preparing for the upcoming wedding, sewing a wedding dress and all that stuff, then in reality you will be so nervous that the wedding ceremony itself will pass by your consciousness like a cloud of fog.

Seeing yourself at a wedding table in a dream means that in reality you will have good luck in everything except love.

If you are arranging a wedding contrary to the wishes of your parents not to allow this marriage, it means that in reality you are in danger of an illness that will undermine your strength and lead to complete mental exhaustion.

A dream in which you are present at the wedding of your friend, who took your fiancé away from you, foreshadows the insincere attitude of friends who are clearly hiding something from you.

A dream in which you are getting married a second time speaks of a danger that you will have to confront with all your courage and self-control.

A sad wedding is a sign of a future dysfunctional family life, a cheerful one - in real life you will be the subject of constant adoration of your beloved.

If in a dream your wedding procession passes through a cemetery, it means that in reality this threatens you with widowhood in the prime of life due to a tragic incident with your husband.

A dream in which you go on a honeymoon means harmony in your intimate life.

Interpretation of dreams from

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