State Duma deputy Boris Aleksandrovich Chernyshov. Chernyshov: I don’t care about those deputies who laughed at me! Who is Boris Chernyshov - the deputy who twice “banned” vaping

State Duma deputy from the LDPR Boris Chernyshov is one of the youngest parliamentarians. He is 25 years old. He worked in the lower house for just over three months - and has already introduced two anti-vaping bills. ViVA la Cloud studied the politician’s biography using open sources. ">

Who is Boris Chernyshov - the deputy who twice “banned” vaping

State Duma deputy from the LDPR Boris Chernyshov is one of the youngest parliamentarians. He is 25 years old. He worked in the lower house for just over three months - and has already introduced two anti-vaping bills. ViVA la Cloud studied the politician’s biography using open sources.

Boris Aleksandrovich Chernyshov was born on June 24, 1991 in Voronezh. Father is a military man. In the 1990s, he “did not receive a salary,” and then was completely fired “from the aircraft plant due to layoffs.” My mother is a certified physicist and “sold some shoes” in the 90s.

After graduating from school at the age of 17, the future deputy entered the Faculty of Political Science at the Higher School of Economics and moved to Moscow. “I didn’t have money to go hang out somewhere,” the politician recalled on OTR. Chernyshov preferred the library to nightclubs - he was good at his academic work. The young man wanted “some kind of professional growth” and “began to choose between parties.”

At the end of his first year, Chernyshov began to sympathize with the LDPR. He interned in the youth cell, participated in party activities: book exhibitions, fairs, and wrote “for the party newspaper.” At that time, judging by his Twitter and Facebook accounts, Chernyshov was a progressive young man: liked oppositionist Alexei Navalny, visited trainings personal growth And career effectiveness.

It is unknown whether self-development lessons played a role, but Chernyshov advanced in the party, first becoming an assistant to State Duma deputy Yaroslav Nilov - one of the co-authors of the law on the “black list” of sites - and then going to work for Vladimir Zhirinovsky - apparently, an assistant to the party leader . As a result, the young man ended up as head of the party’s youth branch.

By that time Chernyshov graduated university, without delay setting off to further self-education at Moscow State University. He became a master, however, without specifying what specialty. The politician avoided the army - which did not stop him from sympathizing with the military. “There are a bunch of intriguers and revolutionaries working in Russia, carrying out the orders of the West. They, like mad dogs, foaming at the mouth, bring to the capitalist hill their master, Uncle Sam, the trophies they earned in Russia,” Chernyshov delivered a militaristic speech at a LDPR rally in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day in February 2013. He concluded his speech with the classic “the enemy will not pass,” but nevertheless did not receive an ovation.

In the same year, Chernyshov began to appear in “big” politics. In the summer of 2013, he was deputy head of headquarters of the LDPR candidate Mikhail Degtyarev in the Moscow mayoral elections. At the plebiscite, Degtyarev fell slightly short of three percent of the votes, taking penultimate place with 66 thousand signatories.

The next year, Chernyshov's ambitions grew. He ran for the Moscow City Duma in the 32nd electoral district. It includes parts of the Danilovsky, Donskoy districts, Nagatino-Sadovniki and part of the Nagatinsky backwater. The candidate's programs could not be found. Chernyshov’s level of familiarity with local problems was illustrated by television debates on Moscow-24. The politician was asked:

What to do with a convenience store in the area of ​​houses 42–46 on Andropov Avenue?

Quite a specific question. - the presenter emphasized. - The answer should probably also be specific.

Chernyshov was not at a loss:

I propose the following: that there be more small markets, that weekend fairs work better, that there are more shops within walking distance. Unfortunately, not all areas, not even all microdistricts, do not have normal roads (quote slightly shortened - author's note).

The politician lost the election. In his district, he took third place from the bottom, gaining just over five percent - 1828 votes. This was the worst result in terms of the “price” of the voter: according to the calculations of Vladislav Naganov, a member of the central council of the opposition Progress Party, Chernyshov spent almost six thousand rubles on each signature. In total, the parliamentarian spent about 11 million rubles on the campaign - personal funds amounted to 236 thousand, the party gave 10 million. With all this money, Chernyshov printed leaflets - it is not a fact, however, that it was for himself.

But this did not break Chernyshov. He moved to the federal level, running as a candidate for the State Duma of the Russian Federation in 2016. He strengthened his party positions: by that time Chernyshov held the position of “senior specialist of the second category of the apparatus of the State Duma Committee on the Affairs of Public Associations and Religious Organizations.” The politician's result was again not the most impressive, finishing third with 15 thousand votes. He was also placed first on the Moscow LDPR party list.

Chernyshov became a State Duma deputy. On September 28, 2016, he handed over the mandate. During three months of work, he took part in 18 meetings,

Chernyshov Boris Alexandrovich(born June 25, 1991, Voronezh) - deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the 7th convocation from the LDPR party; Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science; member of the Supreme Council of the LDPR; is a member of the parliamentary group for relations with the parliaments of the USA, China, India, France; Deputy of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia; member of the working group on recording airtime of the Central Election Commission.


  • In 2012 he graduated from the National Research University Higher School of Economics (full-time study, political science);
  • In 2014 he completed his master's degree at Moscow State University. Lomonosov (direction of training “political science”).

Speaks languages: English, German, Greek and Chinese.

Political activity

  • 2011-2014 - assistant to V.V. Zhirinovsky, deputy head of the reception office of V.V. Zhirinovsky;
  • 2013-2014 - assistant to deputy A.K. Lugovoy;
  • In 2014, he ran for the Moscow City Duma from the LDPR party;
  • 2013-2016 - coordinator of the Moscow city branch of the LDPR;
  • On September 18, 2016, he was elected as a Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the 7th convocation from the LDPR party. He is one of the youngest deputies of the State Duma of the VII convocation. In the elections to the State Duma, Boris Chernyshov took first position in the regional list for the city of Moscow. In addition, he ran in the 203 Orekhovo-Borisov single-mandate constituency.

Legislative activity

In December 2016, Chernyshov, along with Vasily Vlasov, proposed allowing people to join political parties and participate in elections from the age of 16.

In January 2017, he proposed introducing legislation to regulate the sale of e-cigarettes. In the explanatory note, he indicates that the document aims to “prevent the promotion of smoking as a result of vaping.” Basic requirements: a ban on the sale of vapes to children, a ban on the use of vapes in public places and mandatory certification of the product indicating information about the composition of the liquid, the country of origin and expiration date.

In January 2017, he introduced a bill into the lower house of parliament proposing to admit young men with secondary specialized education to pedagogical universities without exams in order to increase the number of male teachers in schools.

It was received by Veronica Tomilina, a teacher at school No. 1861. She created scripts for English lessons for the sixth grade. Today, more than 360 schools in the capital are taught by teachers who are holders of a grant from the Mayor of Moscow for their contribution to the development of MES.

Participants will find three new areas of study and a significant expansion of one of the existing areas. Older Muscovites will study acting and stage speech. Citizens are also invited to attend ski training, ice skating and other sports.

This was announced by Vladimir Efimov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for economic policy and property and land relations. The turnover of Moscow public catering organizations for seven months of 2019 reached 110 billion rubles, an increase of 10.7% compared to the same period of the previous year. More than 50% of turnover comes from the Central Administrative District.

On October 4, parents will plant trees in honor of their newborn children. In total, more than 2,300 personalized seedlings will appear at 27 sites in the capital’s forest parks this fall. The first named trees in honor of newborns will appear in the Bitsevsky forest.

Now the maximum speed of mobile Internet can reach 200 megabits per second. Average speeds for normal passenger traffic will be about 35 megabits per second. As the mobile operator notes, this will allow you to check social networks while driving, as well as play online games and continuously watch streaming video.

As part of the project “Come in, it’s open!” The Moscow City Health Department will allow visitors to medical institutions to check their health status, receive the necessary medical care, and attend lectures and master classes.

Previously, only individual experiments could be carried out in MES laboratories, allowing work only according to the proposed scenario. Now schoolchildren will be able to perform any experiments in electrodynamics, create objects of planimetry and stereometry, and also build online graphs of functions.

It will be held from October 3 to 5 in the 75th pavilion of VDNKh. The Grand Prix winner's project is recommended for implementation in one of the Moscow districts. Residents of 16 Russian and foreign cities sent their proposals for participation in the competition: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar, Voronezh, Belgorod, Vladikavkaz, as well as Minsk and Alma-Ata.

During the conservation of fountains, specialists will have to drain the water, rinse the bowls, dismantle nozzles and install plugs, remove ball valves and lamps, clean intake grilles and blow out pipelines. In total, more than 600 fountains have been installed in Moscow. During the season they are open daily from 08:00 to 23:00 and until 00:00 on weekends and holidays.

The harvest festival will cover more than 1.5 thousand sites throughout the city, as well as 22 metropolitan agricultural markets, 96 weekend fairs and 1,386 chain stores. This year the main theme of the festival will be innovation in agriculture. The central platform will be Red Square. There, the organizers will create a rural landscape with a Russian field, an orchard, a pasture, an apiary and a mill. There you will also be able to see models of tractors, trucks and combines.

He is a member of the parliamentary group for relations with the parliaments of the USA, China, India, France, a deputy of the parliamentary assembly of the union of Belarus and Russia, a member of the working group on recording airtime of the Central Election Commission.

Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the VII convocation
from October 5, 2016
The president Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
Birth June 25(1991-06-25 ) (28 years)
Voronezh, Russian Federation
The consignment LDPR
  • Moscow State University
Activity politician
Media files on Wikimedia Commons


Political activity

Legislative activity

In December 2016, Chernyshov, along with Vasily Vlasov, proposed allowing people to join political parties and participate in elections from the age of 16.

In January 2017, he proposed introducing legislation to regulate the sale of e-cigarettes. In the explanatory note, he indicates that the document aims to “prevent the promotion of smoking as a result of vaping.” Basic requirements: a ban on the sale of vapes to children, a ban on the use of vapes in public places and mandatory certification of the product indicating information about the composition of the liquid, the country of origin and expiration date.

In January 2017, he introduced a bill into the lower house of parliament proposing to admit young men with specialized secondary education to pedagogical universities without exams in order to increase the number of male teachers in schools.

In March 2018, he introduced a bill to abolish the unified state exam. He commented this as follows:

“The essence of the bill comes down to canceling the Unified State Exam, which is boring for students and parents, which is not aimed at gaining knowledge, but at “training” on a certain set of tasks. A return to the traditional exam is proposed. This will improve the learning process and make sure that in the final grades children do not prepare for the Unified State Exam, but study calmly and then enter universities.”

In November 2018, he proposed replacing the Unified State Exam with a talent selection system. From his point of view, it will be possible to assess students’ abilities based on career guidance data, grades and social activity. The collected information will be analyzed by blockchain technology, which, according to the deputy, will reveal with “mathematical accuracy” the individual abilities of the student and, without exams, determine which university he should enroll in. How such a system (besides the blockchain itself) will be radically different from the electronic databases of talented youth and gifted children being implemented since 2015 is not specified. However, if successful, the proposed platform could eventually serve as the basis for the world’s second national social rating system.


  1. Chernyshov Boris Aleksandrovich - Official website of the LDPR, LDPR news agency, LDPR news (Russian). Retrieved January 31, 2017.
  2. Chernyshov Boris Alexandrovich (Russian). Retrieved January 31, 2017.
  3. Boris Chernyshov, LDPR (Russian). Retrieved January 31, 2017.
  4. Information about ongoing elections and referendums (undefined) . Retrieved January 31, 2017.
  5. Automated system for supporting legislative activities (undefined) . Retrieved January 31, 2017.

Konstantin Tochilin: Good afternoon! Good evening! Good night or good morning! Who's so lucky with the time zone? This is the “De Facto” program and, as we agreed, this week, and probably the next one, we will continue to introduce you to the new faces of the State Duma. Let me remind you, if anyone suddenly overslept, that elections were held on September 18 and the composition of the lower house of Parliament was replaced by almost half. Here are the new faces of the Russian parliament all this week, and I think the next one too, on the air of the “De Facto” program. And today, finally, otherwise we all have “United Russia” and “United Russia”, today we have “LDPR”, Boris Chernyshov, please love and favor.

Boris Chernyshov: Hello! Hello!

Konstantin Tochilin: Meet us and we will get to know each other together. Boris, you are probably one of the youngest deputies of the State Duma. I looked - you are from 1991, right?

Boris Chernyshov: Yes, I’m 25 years old. I'm one of the youngest.

Konstantin Tochilin: I feel like an absolutely fossilized dinosaur.

Boris Chernyshov: In vain, in vain, in vain.

Konstantin Tochilin: Therefore, excuse me if some questions seem like an old bastard, but be patient. After all, there are quite a few of us bastards among the voters.

Boris Chernyshov: Great. It doesn’t seem so to me, it seems to me that the LDPR and V.F. Zhirinovsky is the most effective and one of the most technologically advanced parties in Russia. I don’t have a feeling of such constancy of something, but on the other hand, as long as I can remember, I remember the LDPR, I remember the position of V.F. Zhirinovsky since early childhood. I remember the presidential debates. I remember the year 96. I was already 5 years old then.

Konstantin Tochilin: Wow.

Boris Chernyshov: I just remember the silhouettes, the style of presenting information. I don’t remember what he looked like then, but I remember that it was really Zhirinovsky.

Konstantin Tochilin: Then I’ll ask you, are your parents from a party family or from a family of LDPR supporters who voted for this party? Or not?

Boris Chernyshov: I remember that my parents voted for the Liberal Democratic Party once in childhood. I remember that my father, as a military man, liked the ideas of the Liberal Democratic Party and V.F. Zhirinovsky. I remember that my mother supported me somehow, in some such performances. This is something from my childhood. And so now, in the last elections, both in the 6th convocation and recently on September 18 in the 7th convocation, my family voted only for the Liberal Democratic Party.

Konstantin Tochilin: But this is already your influence. Those. rather, did you influence your parents in your political preferences or did they influence you?

Boris Chernyshov: There is a mutual influence here, because I remember my father, I remember the 90s, I remember how he was a military man who did not receive a salary, I remember how hard it was to live, I remember how there was no money in the family. I remember all this very well. I remember the horrors of the 90s. And I remember that then my father always spoke positively about the LDPR and Zhirinovsky. There has never been anything so negative.

Konstantin Tochilin: Were you born and raised in Moscow or did you, as the son of a military man, travel around?

Boris Chernyshov: I was born in Voronezh. And then he came to Moscow when he entered the Higher School of Economics at the age of 17.

Konstantin Tochilin: That is. parents live in Moscow.

Boris Chernyshov: Parents are not in Moscow. My father works at a factory in Voronezh, my mother also works at a factory. Previously worked at the MFC. Now my father has retired due to old age, and, accordingly, now works at a factory as a turner. Mom is a dispatcher, also at the plant.

Konstantin Tochilin: Actually, the stages of your path. You came to Moscow, entered the Higher School of Economics...

Boris Chernyshov: To the Faculty of Political Science. Then he came to the party.

Konstantin Tochilin: In parallel?

Boris Chernyshov: Yes, in parallel.

Konstantin Tochilin: What course?

Boris Chernyshov: In my second year I already joined the party.

Konstantin Tochilin: Because of what?

Boris Chernyshov: I got bored. Well, what will I do in my free time in Moscow?

Konstantin Tochilin: The city of the yellow devil, after all. There's plenty to do.

Boris Chernyshov: I didn’t have money to do anything, clubs, go somewhere to hang out, as they call it. I went to the library at Myasnitskaya HSE, sat down and wrote abstracts – things started to work out. Then I started studying political science. Still, I wanted some kind of professional growth. I began to choose between parties.

Konstantin Tochilin: Yes.

Boris Chernyshov: I did not immediately come to the LDPR. I first went to the district government, or rather, to the prefecture of the Northern District. I talked there about youth policy. I looked at what parties there are. I thought about the United Russia, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, about the Liberal Democratic Party, about the Socialist Republic. But it always seemed to me that the party of real affairs is by no means the party of power.

Konstantin Tochilin: That is. I understand correctly that you decided to consciously choose a party career for yourself. Right?

Boris Chernyshov: Not a career. You know, when I came to the LDPR, I couldn’t imagine at all that...

Konstantin Tochilin: No, well, before... So you started choosing games, watching programs, right? Probably specialized education, right? Probably some kind of further life, some kind of personal career growth... This is not necessarily a bad thing. This is a given.

Boris Chernyshov: No, no, I always wanted to study politics, maybe teach. Here I saw Leonid Polyakov speaking on the program - this is my teacher too, a famous political scientist. I never thought about a party career. Until he got into the LDPR youth organization, until he started working with State Duma deputies. There were no such thoughts. I will repeat once again: I never thought that I would see and communicate with Zhirinovsky.

Konstantin Tochilin: With myself.

Boris Chernyshov: With Zhirinovsky himself. Somehow it seemed that there was such a caste of political celestials: Putin, Zhirinovsky and others.

Konstantin Tochilin: And for you these are celestial beings.

Boris Chernyshov: You see, when you live on the outskirts of the city of Voronezh, when you see how your guys cannot find work, when you see potholes and holes in the center of Voronezh in the middle of winter. When you come to Moscow, you willy-nilly never think about what you can see, communicate, meet such people who are on television every day. That's life.

Konstantin Tochilin: You see, this is a very dangerous thing, in fact. Because if you initially consider a certain character as a celestial being, then you come across - well, a very common point of view - and then you come face to face, then disappointment may occur. It didn't happen, as far as I understand.

Boris Chernyshov: It hasn’t happened. On the contrary, I was amazed at the awareness of the LDPR leader. I was amazed at what kind of party it was, what kind of youth movement it was. I was amazed that it was possible to approach the State Duma deputies - I then thought that “Oooh, State Duma deputy...”. Now I understand that, in principle, there are no differences between them and voters. And vice versa, if a deputy begins to somehow become arrogant, in the end he has to fall very hard. And these elections are an example of this. Look, there are eleven new deputies in the LDPR faction, twenty-eight deputies from the 6th convocation were not included in the faction. Those. we see that there is a large rotation and those who worked poorly, those who did not listen to the advice and instructions of the leader of the LDPR, are now a little on the sidelines.

Konstantin Tochilin: Well, we’ll talk about evaluating the work of deputies a little later, with your permission, but for now, since we’ve gone chronologically. So you chose the LDPR as a party you like, yes, whose ideas you share. And then?

Boris Chernyshov: Then he joined the youth movement. I also looked closely, but did not immediately begin to participate in events. At first I went and read on the Internet. Then I had to take part in book exhibitions, book fairs, and began to write some notes for the party newspaper. I liked that they began to publish me, a young guy from a university. Publish for free in newspapers with a million circulation. I liked this openness. And so it went, that they later offered me a job in the State Duma, in the apparatus. At first he worked as an assistant to Ya.E. Nilov, then he worked with V.F. Zhirinovsky. And then, in 2013, I was offered to head the Moscow branch of the LDPR. And then, as they say, off we go.

Konstantin Tochilin: Here we go.

Boris Chernyshov: Here we go, yes.

Konstantin Tochilin: Tell me, you’re a young man, right? How did your friends, perhaps or fellow students, react to the fact that you followed the party line? How did the girls react?

Boris Chernyshov: Ambiguous.

Konstantin Tochilin: Is this generally cool or not cool?

Boris Chernyshov: Ambiguous. You know, people reacted differently. Someone: “Ahh, why do you need this? Look, you’re still young, let’s go hang out.”, someone said: “Well, listen, let’s try it there. Hello to Zhirinovsky!” Often, when they found out that I was in the LDPR, “Oh, well, say hello to all these deputies, hello to Zhirinovsky.”

Konstantin Tochilin: And what about the girls?

Boris Chernyshov: And what about girls? Well, who cares. You know, some girls really like that in the opposition we are in the Liberal Democratic Party.

Konstantin Tochilin: You are not married yet, so is everything okay with the girls?

Boris Chernyshov: Not married, yes, everything is fine.

Konstantin Tochilin: Great. But look, in youth, as we know, there is still a certain maximalism and confidence that I know everything, I can do everything, I can do everything. Do you have this confidence? Well, probably, otherwise you wouldn’t have gone to the State Duma.

Boris Chernyshov: You know, confidence... There is a sense of responsibility. I lost my first election, such a big one, in 2014 to the Moscow City Duma. About youthful maximalism. Of course there were thoughts...

Konstantin Tochilin: I was just looking at, excuse me, printouts of your debates. For example, this campaign. And you were reproached for your age, right?

Boris Chernyshov: Yes, you know, they reproach you with your age, they don’t reproach you, but they reproach you. But age and youth have such a terrible trait that this defect is very quickly corrected and goes away. This is very, very unfortunate. Age is not the most important thing here. And maximalism is not the most important thing. The main thing here is to find a person who can teach you something and not become arrogant, as I already said.

Konstantin Tochilin: Then tell me, do you understand that maybe you don’t know something, that you’re missing something?

Boris Chernyshov: Of course.

Konstantin Tochilin: Then what?

Boris Chernyshov: I don’t have enough experience. First of all. Even elementary. Yesterday I walked into the conference room for the first time. So they told me how, what button to press. It is not only necessary to click on “FOR”, but also on “AGAINST”, “Abstained”. How to sign up for performances. Some things... By the way, recently there was an interview for one TV channel. I am the first deputy who in the entire history of the State Duma brought a TV channel to the parliamentary library. It's the most important. Of course, we lack experience in legislative activity. I don't know some things. Let’s say I had certain questions for the Duma apparatus, how to introduce bills, what documents were needed. Those. This is all hardware work, but, you know, I think that this is enough for me.

Konstantin Tochilin: This is not the experience I had in mind.

Boris Chernyshov: Which one?

Konstantin Tochilin: Because we have already, to a large extent, gotten used to the fact that people who are already established, to a large extent, in some other, completely separate field of knowledge, become deputies. People with their work or non-work, if we speak, well, of course, we have different attitudes towards business there. Different biographies, right? Already smelled something in this life. And you, in fact, have a biography: the beginning of professional activity is already the beginning of work in the party.

Boris Chernyshov: No, I worked... According to my work book, my work activity is directly related to parliamentary work. This is an assistant to the deputy and a member of the committee staff. But, you know, I have already tried a lot in political activity. I also participated in the propaganda trains that travel, in the special LDPR trains that travel throughout the country. I…

Konstantin Tochilin: How much from the window of the propaganda train can you understand how people live?

Boris Chernyshov: You can’t come out of the window.

Konstantin Tochilin: I understand that you probably know how Voronezh lives - your parents are there, you probably go to see them. It's clear there. We talked to them and walked through the streets. But what else?

Boris Chernyshov: You know, nothing is clear from the window.

Konstantin Tochilin: Of course, although some things are visible.

Boris Chernyshov: You can see a lot. But, you know, when we work with voters, the train constantly makes stops, some for half an hour, somewhere for an hour. Work with voters. Any person who comes to the propaganda train will tell you about the problems much better than local officials. Without hiding, without all this. But, you know, the outskirts of Voronezh with their guys from different companies, with houses collapsing from old age, with potholes that have not been filled in for 5, 7 years, are no different from the outskirts of Chelyabinsk. The same inaction of local authorities and other delights of devastation and decline. All this is there. All this is available in all regions. Of course, let’s say that in the city of Karabash the ecology is much different from Voronezh, where there are green clouds due to emissions and people die mainly from cancer. Of course, there are certain specifics. But the most important thing in the LDPR is the constant interaction of regional coordinators, regional activists who share their experience. It's the most important. Here, in the LDPR, a young man like me can get the necessary knowledge, skills and experience. It is most important.

Konstantin Tochilin: Also inspired by reading your election speeches and another reproach addressed to you. The LDPR is quite a militant party, as we know, but you did not serve in the army.

Boris Chernyshov: I did not serve in the army for only one reason, because I have always studied and am still studying. I had continuing education. I first studied at the Higher School of Economics, Moscow State University, and now I am studying in graduate school at the IMC.

Konstantin Tochilin: Well, as I understand it, it won’t be necessary anymore.

Boris Chernyshov: According to the law, yes, there is a certain possibility. But the fact that I have nothing to do with the army is also a big, big mistake. Military father.

Konstantin Tochilin: My father is in the military, so you know better than someone who has served.

Boris Chernyshov: Not better, of course, but I know.

Konstantin Tochilin: Well, comparable.

Boris Chernyshov: I know. And for me this is not a separate topic or story.

Konstantin Tochilin: We can answer this question quite easily. Here's another interesting thing. Still, maybe you won’t agree with me, but in the minds of many people this is the case - this is the party of one person and we know him very well, right? The first question in this regard. Aren't you afraid of remaining in the shadows?

Boris Chernyshov: You know, I’m not afraid to remain in the shadows, because the last time I saw V.F. Zhirinovsky, he specifically set tasks for me to work constantly, to work with the media. There are no restrictions in the LDPR. Already next week, when it will be the second week of parliamentary activity, you will see that I will be introducing my first bill on job quotas for persons who have graduated from secondary specialized and higher educational institutions. This is the first. And secondly, it is absolutely wrong that the party is one person. For several years now, quite a long period of time, V.F. Zhirinovsky does not deal with many issues.

Konstantin Tochilin: Maybe he’s not involved, but you ask people on the street and it’s unlikely that they’ll name anyone other than Zhirinovsky.

Boris Chernyshov: They name a lot of people. Degtyarev, Didenko, Nilov, Lebedev, Svintsov. There are deputies.

Konstantin Tochilin: The question is how interested people are in the party.

Boris Chernyshov: The same thing if you ask who you know from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation? They will say – Zyuganov.

Konstantin Tochilin: We agreed.

Boris Chernyshov: Or even EP. They will say Putin, even though he is not a member or chairman.

Konstantin Tochilin: Look, you yourself say that there is no time to build up right now, let’s take the bull by the horns and introduce a bill. And we again come to the conclusion that in order to be noticeable, you need to offer something, but the experience of the last convocation of the State Duma somehow led us to the fact that people, in order to stand out, offered, of course, absolutely extravagant or cannibalistic.

Boris Chernyshov: They forbade it... Yes, yes.

Konstantin Tochilin: But evil tongues, let’s face it, say that the success of a deputy of your faction is assessed by the number of mentions in the media and, it seems, the more shocking the bill, the better, because they write. But first of all, is this true or is it being slandered?

Boris Chernyshov: This is the first time I’ve heard this. It’s good that it’s on such a wonderful TV channel like yours, but it’s not true. The main thing to stand out is the criterion for the effectiveness of a particular deputy for a faction - the number of appeals and work with appeals from voters. This is the most important thing for a deputy of the LDPR faction.

Konstantin Tochilin: That is. Don’t you think it’s possible for you to somehow start talking about me, to become some kind of significant character, to come out with strange bills?

Boris Chernyshov: I don’t think there is a need to come up with strange bills.

Konstantin Tochilin: The media will write about this, citations.

Boris Chernyshov: Why quote in some negative context? If you can quote on specific important issues. Now it’s very important... the Sochi Economic Forum, the Sberbank business breakfast, they said in plain text that it is necessary to invest in the most important projects that will pay off. And I believe that these are Russian youth. I will talk about this in the 7th convocation.

Konstantin Tochilin: Well, come on, what are you going to talk about?

Boris Chernyshov: The first is job quotas, as I have already said.

Konstantin Tochilin: What is this?

Boris Chernyshov: Now we are spending a lot of money, it’s not clear what, we are investing in it’s not clear what projects, but isn’t it better to give additional money to entrepreneurs, medium and small companies so that they create jobs for young people?

Konstantin Tochilin: Whose money? State?

Boris Chernyshov: Budget, budget. Because the budget money goes to no one knows where. And you, maybe, will agree, maybe not...

Konstantin Tochilin: I agree with both hands.

Boris Chernyshov: The efficiency of spending these funds is incomprehensible. If we spend our young people on children, because look, a young man, graduating from a university, cannot find a job if he has not taken care of this in advance, he looks for a job for a long, long time, finds it is not according to his profile, and accordingly, the state is already spending money ineffectively on his training, because he does not work in his specialty, cannot find a job, and once again loses money on his efficiency, on his productivity of labor. Therefore, here the state itself must look for those mechanisms to encourage a young person to work in his specialty as much as possible. I will talk about this in my bill.

Konstantin Tochilin: I will return again to the fact that you, it turns out, have chosen for yourself the path of a professional politician, so to speak.

Boris Chernyshov: Yes.

Konstantin Tochilin: If something doesn’t work out... It was not by chance that I asked that many people come from other professions to politics. If things didn’t work out there, he went back to business or art or sports. Anything. Your success and your parliamentary activity are connected. By what criteria will your party leadership evaluate you in order for you to be included, for example, in the list of the 8th convocation? You yourself say that a huge number of people flew out there.

Boris Chernyshov: This has already been discussed more than once.

Konstantin Tochilin: How, in what way, is success actually measured?

Boris Chernyshov: First, work with voters. This is the main thing, this is the most important. Today and tomorrow I will continue to work in my constituency; I was in single-mandate constituency 203, the Orekhovo-Borisov constituency. It's the most important. Working with voters, the effectiveness of my appeals to the authorities, solving specific problems of young people, because I will oversee, together with deputy Vasily Vlasov, the work of the youth organization. I am also the coordinator of the Moscow branch of the LDPR and the problems of Muscovites and the solution, the effective solution of these problems, will be the main criteria for evaluating my activities.

Konstantin Tochilin: How capable are you, as a federal deputy, of solving the problems of a specific Moscow region?

Boris Chernyshov: This is the main problem of the State Duma.

Konstantin Tochilin: Because I saw that you had debates on the problems of a specific street, a specific building.

Boris Chernyshov: Yes, yes.

Konstantin Tochilin: But this is the prerogative of the local authorities.

Boris Chernyshov: Local authorities, yes. But you probably watched the debates in the Moscow City Duma. More likely.

Konstantin Tochilin: Yes.

Boris Chernyshov: The biggest problem of a State Duma deputy is that he is a little out of touch, raised above the problems of the region.

Konstantin Tochilin: They are terribly far from the people...

Boris Chernyshov: Yes. This is the most inconvenient thing. But, you know, when you start pushing the local authorities with annoying calls, signing up with citizens for a meeting with the head of the government. Somehow there is a direct transformation. And local officials immediately help. There was a moment recently in Biryulev West with my family in Zhilishchnik - they didn’t do any renovations there according to one of the Moscow programs. So we forced them, we gave them all the documents, everything was allowed, everything was instantaneous, the very next day the team arrived. Those. This kind of kicking, kicking, kicking makes the local authorities work and, accordingly, shows my effectiveness as a deputy, as a representative of Moscow, as a region.

Konstantin Tochilin: Tell me, now, well, actually, all factions of the State Duma have managed to distinguish themselves by strict party discipline, i.e. It’s decided and everyone votes as decided. Or maybe there is a situation when you do not agree with some decision of the party and what will you do then?

Boris Chernyshov: Of course, every Monday of the week, when the State Duma meets, we hold a faction meeting. The deputies all gather, discuss the agenda items planned for the week, and state their position. And at this faction meeting, deputies prove whether it is worth voting for this bill or not, whether it is worth agreeing with the position or not. We argue, discuss, and sometimes even a serious dispute arises. The chairman also intervenes in it and gives his own recommendations. But it’s not for nothing that we have the LDPR, so all discussions are allowed.

Konstantin Tochilin: Well, were there cases when it was possible, for example, to convince Vladimir Volfovich?

Boris Chernyshov: Of course, always. Vladimir Volfovich is an incredible person who is committed to constructive dialogue. And he always listens.

Konstantin Tochilin: Can you give an example?

Boris Chernyshov: Egor Anisimov, when he was on the Education Committee, he reported on certain positions. According to the laws on education, which were considered by the communists. And during the dispute, some deputies changed their point of view. Well, I don’t remember how the voting took place, I was not a deputy then. I just remember that there was indeed a very lively and tough discussion on this issue.

Konstantin Tochilin: How is the life of a newly elected deputy, elected for the first time, during the period of summing up the election results and, in fact, the beginning of the first session? Is there any course for a young fighter? Are there any educational tours?

Boris Chernyshov: There are introductory events. There are no excursions. In one of the foyers of the State Duma there are devices installed for certain offices. You can approach certain specialists in certain areas of the apparatus. Conditionally, according to state secrets, they will tell you certain questions. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you because I have already signed the documents. They will tell you about special communications, they will tell you how to fill out forms and other things. That is, of course, the device helps a lot.

Konstantin Tochilin: Or you don’t really need it, because you, in general, are not a new person in the Duma, right? And in the party.

Boris Chernyshov: No, I definitely go to all such events, there are some moments that I really learn for the first time. Therefore, you always need to “learn, study and study again.”

Konstantin Tochilin: Who said?

Boris Chernyshov: Apologist of the social-democratic movement in Russia.

Konstantin Tochilin: Who is this?

Boris Chernyshov: Vladimir Ilyich.

Konstantin Tochilin: Oh, that’s how it’s positioned.

Boris Chernyshov: In general, initially he proposed not a communist party, but social democrats in Russia.

Konstantin Tochilin: Well, we know how it ended.

Boris Chernyshov: Yes, by the destruction of the Soviet Union.

Konstantin Tochilin: Well, thank you for finding time during this rather stressful period of your life, I think, after all.

Boris Chernyshov: Yes, not very tense.

Konstantin Tochilin: No, well, how can I enter a new life for myself?

Boris Chernyshov: It’s easier to enter than to stay.

Konstantin Tochilin: It’s easier to enter than to stay, but we can only wish you good luck.

Boris Chernyshov: Thank you very much!

Konstantin Tochilin: Thank you, and I hope that you will come here to our studio with sensible bills.

Boris Chernyshov: Invite.

Konstantin Tochilin: We will discuss!

Boris Chernyshov: Thank you!

Boris Chernyshov: Thank you, Boris Chernyshev, LDPR. Let me remind you that this week and next, we introduce you and get to know ourselves with the new faces of the Russian parliament. It was a "de facto" program. Happily! See you!

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